4 days ago
Level 100 Ancestral Commander3.25.alternate
Life: 2,265144%
Pool: 2,265
Resistances: 87%/87%/86%/75%
Armour: 17,491
DPS: 18,901,490
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: 9x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali, Soul of Shakari

--------- AFK Setup ---------
Cast when Stunned
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Greater Volley
Cast when Stunned
------- Mobile Setup -------
Cast while Channelling
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Frostblink of Wintry Blast
Faster Casting
--------- Other Stuff ---------
Petrified Blood
Tempest Shield
Cast when Stunned
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Spell Cascade
Blade Blast
General's Cry
Eternal Blessing
Cast when Stunned
Withering Step
Tree Preview
Tattoo of the Arohongui Moonwarden(x3)
+6% to Cold Resistance
Tattoo of the Hinekora Storyteller(x2)
+3% to Chaos Resistance
Tattoo of the Kitava Warrior(x25)
5% increased Physical Damage

- You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes

- +1% Chance to Block Spell Damage per 5% Chance to Block Attack Damage

- 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge

- You count as on Low Life while at 55% of maximum Life or below
- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour

- Your Elemental Resistances cannot be lowered by Curses

- 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- Warcries Debilitate Enemies for 1 second
How to craft a basic +2 weapon:
Find a +1 all spell dagger:
Look for a suitable base on trade, annul down to 1 prefixes, use split beast if available
Alternative: alteration spam for +1 all spells
Vendor recipe for a +1 physical spell dagger:
Scour a suitable base, sell white base with enough quality skill gems that have the physical tag.
Recombinate both daggers:
~30% chance to get +2 prefixes
Scour suffixes if needed, multimod
How to craft a +2 skill amulet
Recombine a +1 all / +1 phys skill amulet with no other prefixes
~30% chance assuming there's no other prefixes in either item
Craft or recombine a T2+ maximum life / damage over time multiplier amulet
Item must have exactly 1 prefix (life) and at least 1 open suffix
Craft any Aspect (Cat/Spider/Avian/Crab) if any item has more than 1 empty suffix
Multimod and fill empty both suffixes/prefixes with exclusive mods
Make sure you are using "Chosen / of the Chosen" affixes
Recombine and pray
How to craft a +3 unearth gloves
Find a base with fractured life to begin work
Essence spam for chaos res and 2x high tier resistances
Eldritch annul any additional prefixes besides fractured life
With 2 empty prefixes:
Suffixes can't be changed -> Veiled orb
You can use a Wild Bristle Matron beastcraft to force the metamod if there's no empty suffixes
Block 1 conversion mod, unveil either +2 proj or +2 aoe
Craft the missing mod (+1 proj / +1 aoe)
What kind of build is this?
This build is a cast-when-stunned (CWS) autobomber. It's meant to clear maps with minimum input from the player.
Can this build do Uber bosses?
Can this build clear T17 maps?
Basic T17 mapping should be easy, but keep in mind that as you stack higher amounts of "increased effect of explicit modifiers" the build will start struggling with certain modifiers.
What content is it good for?
Alch-and-go strategies, strongboxes, shrines, expedition, abyss, breach, harbinger, ritual, mirror of delirium, harvest, blight, incursion, and 8-mod / 13-mod corrupted maps.
Starting from the Perma Unholy Might version, you can start attempting wave 15 simulacrum or 100% delirious maps, but performance depends on the round/map mods.
What content is it bad with?
(Uber) Bossing and Legion. To be precise, any kind of content that doesn't fight back.
What map mods should this build avoid?
"Physical reflect" will be difficult to handle without permanent unholy might or mageblood + flasks. On top of that, all versions of the build will have single target problems if the map
rolls a combination of "+% Monster chaos resistance", "Less effect of curses on monsters", and "increased/more monsters life".
This becomes more obvious when stacking effect of explicit map modifiers.
How does this build generate Endurance Charges?
The node Eternal Resilience that is obtained from Elegant Hubris grants 1 endurance charge every second if you have been hit recently. Once you have Ralakesh Impatience this
node is not needed.
Why are there 2 different skill setups? What's a mobile setup?
If you are not too fond of the cast-when-stun gameplay you can take control by moving Unearth into a cast-while-channeling setup. This lets you pre-fire corpses under targets and
will help you clear enemies before they start attacking you.