21 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 93 Crit Kinetic Blast Deadeye3.19

Life: 1,35883%
ES: 102
Mana: 71
Pool: 1,460
Resistances: 75%/76%/75%/-6%
Evade: 81%
Block: 30%
Spell Block: 10%
DPS: 59,664
Speed: 2.56
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 49.14%
Crit Multi: 233%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All


Demon's HornSentari's AnswerFairgraves' TricorneGreed's EmbraceSadima's TouchGoldwyrmSpinefuse TalismanVentor's GambleVentor's GambleBisco's Leash
Divination DistillateGold FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver FlaskTaste of Hate
Large Cluster JewelInspired LearningInspired LearningMantra of FlamesReplica Conqueror's Efficiency


Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Blood Rage
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Flame Dash
Petrified Blood
Cast when Damage Taken
Purity of Elements
Kinetic Blast
Increased Critical Strikes
Item Rarity
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Herald of Purity
Cast on Death

Tree Preview

Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Resistance and Ailment Protection MasteryResistance and Ailment Protection Mastery
  • Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
Wand MasteryWand Mastery
  • Wand Attacks fire an additional Projectile
  • Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks while wielding a Wand