6 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Ground Slam of Earthshaking Berserker3.25

Life: 5,333134%
Mana: 99
Resistances: 86%/84%/86%/32%
Evade: 20%
Armour: 46,334
DPS: 11,165,023
Speed: 2.75
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Boss
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


Ezomyte AxeEchoes of CreationTitan PlatePrecursor GauntletsPrecursor GreavesTurquoise AmuletAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Quicksilver FlaskJade FlaskGranite FlaskQuartz FlaskDivine Life Flask
Hypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelThe Light of MeaningCrimson JewelCrimson JewelCrimson Jewel


Ground Slam of Earthshaking
Close Combat
Awakened Melee Physical Damage
Infernal Cry
Intimidating Cry
Battlemage's Cry
Rallying Cry
Enduring Cry
Urgent Orders
Seismic Cry
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Herald of Purity
Blood and Sand
Vaal Molten Shell
Blood Rage

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller(x4)
8% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Resolute TechniqueResolute Technique
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour
  • You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • 30% increased Damage while in Blood Stance
  • 15% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance
  • Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 25% of Damage taken Recouped as Life if Leech was removed by Filling Unreserved Life Recently
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Protection MasteryProtection Mastery
  • Your Elemental Resistances cannot be lowered by Curses
Rage MasteryRage Mastery
  • +7 to Maximum Rage
  • Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster
  • Warcries grant 1 Rage per 5 Enemy Power, up to 5
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 10% increased Armour per Red Socket on Main Hand Weapon
  • 10% increased Evasion Rating per Green Socket on Main Hand Weapon
Warcry MasteryWarcry Mastery
  • Warcries have a minimum of 10 Power


Mother fucker making me do this you broke bitch just upgrade your gear
	1. Phys shift implicit and max res (or endurdance charge every 13 seconds which is upgraded and requires 1 extra duration point)
		- Endurance charge means no pressing enduring except when you want life when you have no flasks or at the start of the map/boss
	2. 7/8 pdr on a nice armour base with big life (just buy a fracture or shrieking greed spam if poor). 3k+ armour base and 150+ life
		- upgrade literally all gear with this trade link. Buy essences and spam ur suffix until craft (pdr fracture means spam greed for armour and reforge a res, or just cope with craft)
		- https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/gR9BgbaFQ
			- Your boots are your shock and chill immunity, this is what we call in the path of exile community ailment immunity
				boots need cannot be chilled / movement speed
			- Amulet or belt need warcry cannot exert travel skill craft (now you get min warcry power)
	3. please god take the ignore literally 100% of all physical damage reduction mastery wtf 
	4. life mastery cost, 2 elreon, mana leech is all you need for mana
	5. you swap out battle mage for general cry, not rallying cry, and self cast vuln if you're doing ubers/t17
	6. only buttons you press are right click and siesmic cry that's it (until you run outa life flask and need enduring cry)
	7. new masteries, and passive tree follow pls
	8. timless jewel for pdr + armour and over leech
		- https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/5KjzDlDSa  should be a div
	9. level down your blood rage to remove a suffix on your gear
	10. 2 jewels
	11. fracture + dex essence on jewellery, fracutres + res/life essence on gear
	12. https://maxroll.gg/poe/crafting/boneshatter-juggernaut-axe
		- TLDR Grab a fracture spam contempt/zeal until another mod and veiled orb + craft, or just craft and cope
	13. For a good jewel with armour/pdr just click the button at the bottom of the POB passive tree that says "find timeless jewel" and search, click copy link, and paste and look until you find a 1 div one. 
	14. can just un link berserk automation if you don't like it. I like -1 button but to each their own.