8 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 95 Crit Rage Vortex Berserker3.22

Life: 4,27574%
ES: 122
Mana: 93
Str: 1,866
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/36%
Block: 70%
Armour: 6,009
DPS: 34,656,420
Speed: 27.86
Hit Chance: 94%
Crit Chance: 71.01%
Crit Multi: 533%
Config: Uber, Frenzy, Power, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All


PecoraroRedblade BannerReplica AbyssusThe Iron FortressDebilitation GauntletsReplica Alberon's WarpathEyes of the GreatwolfAmethyst RingOriginal SinCloth Belt
ProgenesisVessel of VinktarBottled FaithSilver FlaskQuartz Flask
Large Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelForbidden FleshForbidden FlameInertiaSplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityWarrior's TaleTecrod's GazeLethal PrideMurderous Eye Jewel


Anomalous Rage Vortex
Increased Critical Strikes
Divergent Pulverise
Increased Critical Damage
Awakened Void Manipulation
Faster Attacks
Leap Slam
Ancestral Protector
Withering Touch
Multiple Totems
Ancestral Warchief
Intimidating Cry
Enduring Cry
Divergent Battlemage's Cry
Assassin's Mark
Purity of Elements
Petrified Blood
Anomalous Immortal Call
Cast when Damage Taken
Rallying Cry

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Dove
+4% to Chaos Resistance
Honoured Tattoo of the Oak(x9)
2% increased maximum Life
Honoured Tattoo of the Pa
Melee Hits Fortify Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Honoured Tattoo of the Sky(x6)
+3% to all Elemental Resistances
Honoured Tattoo of the Tuatara(x3)
+4 to all Attributes
Tattoo of the Arohongui Shaman
5% increased Effect of Herald Buffs on you
Tattoo of the Kitava Blood Drinker
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Tattoo of the Kitava Makanga
80% increased Maximum total Life Recovery per second from Leech
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warmonger
Enemies you Kill have a 2% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damage
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warrior
Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage
Tattoo of the Ramako Sniper(x3)
8% increased Projectile Speed
Tattoo of the Tawhoa Makanga(x4)
Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
Tattoo of the Tawhoa Shaman(x2)
2% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller(x3)
10% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
Tattoo of the Tukohama Warmonger
+0.1 metres to Melee Strike Range
Tattoo of the Tukohama Warrior
Melee Hits which Stun have 5% chance to Fortify
Zealot's Oath
Life Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield instead Limited to 1 Keystone Tattoo
Iron WillIron Will
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Vaal PactVaal Pact
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • 5% increased Attack Speed per Enemy in Close Range
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Warcry MasteryWarcry Mastery
  • Recover 15% of Life when you use a Warcry