12 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Crit Fire Trap of Blasting Saboteur3.23

Life: 4,296150%
ES: 641
Mana: 20
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/52%
Evade: 85%
Armour: 10,047
Evasion: 18,426
DPS: 39,166,488
Speed: 3.36
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 96.15%
Crit Multi: 612%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Shakari


Void BatteryMalachai's LoopLion PeltCloak of FlameCarnal MittsRalakesh's ImpatienceBadge of the BrotherhoodAmethyst RingAmethyst RingSunblast
Quicksilver FlaskJade FlaskGranite FlaskDiamond FlaskDivine Life Flask
Watcher's EyeMilitant FaithCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Fire Trap of Blasting
Charged Traps
Awakened Fire Penetration
Trap and Mine Damage
Power Charge On Critical
Divine Blessing
Siphoning Trap
Bear Trap
Advanced Traps
Assassin's Mark
Summon Skitterbots
Infernal Legion
Flame Dash
Defiance Banner
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Trap MasteryTrap Mastery
  • Can have up to 5 additional Traps placed at a time
  • Traps cannot be Damaged


This build is not finalized, it is a very basic outline of what my plans are. More detailed pobs will come after I do further testing of other traps and we get more info on the league.