9 months ago
Level 95 Toxic Rain Champion3.24
Life: 6,302128%
Mana: 73
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 50%
Armour: 35,549
Evasion: 8,572
DPS: 7,681,608
Speed: 4.68
Hit Chance: 71%
Config: Pinnacle, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Garukhan

------------- Level 1-12 -------------
------------- Level 12-33 -------------
------------- Level 33-65 -------------
------------ Early/Mid Endgame Setup ------------
------------ Late Endgame Setup ------------
Toxic Rain
Awakened Void Manipulation
Awakened Vicious Projectiles
Mirage Archer
Toxic Rain
Ballista Totem
Multiple Totems
Withering Touch
Awakened Void Manipulation
Flame Dash
Second Wind
Withering Step
Defiance Banner
Increased Duration
Vaal Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Increased Duration
Tree Preview

- 20% increased Area of Effect while wielding a Bow

- Recover 1% of Life per Withered Debuff on each Enemy you Kill

- 10% more Skill Effect Duration

- Life Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds
- Mana Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds

- +50 to maximum Life
######## IMPORTANT INFORMATION ######## - These notes are a super condensed version of the following guide for new players, beginner & casuals: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622 - In case you are a beginner, it's highly recommended to use the detailed version of the guide! - You can download a tailor-made loot filter for this build here: https://bit.ly/trc-campaign (campaign) / https://bit.ly/endgame-ssf (endgame, once you've completed all campaign-related parts of the guide) - I'd love to hear your feedback regardign this PoB & the checklist, so make sure to leave a comment here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622 ####################################### [The number in brackets refers to the level when this tasks become available/relevant. Your actual progress might differ from this] ------------------ CAMPAIGN ------------------------ --------------------- ACT 1 --------------------------- - Details for all act 1 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-1/ [02] Choose (G) Splitting Steel as a quest reward [02] Use (G) Splitting Steel instead of (R) Double Strike [02] Link (G) Splitting Steel with (R) Chance to Bleed Support [02] Choose 'Move only' as your default left click [02] Activate 'Always Attack Without Moving' for your skills (and continue to do so if you switch/change skills) [02] Get one 3-linked G-G-R item as soon as possible (if it doesn't drop: the vendors in town offer you new items each time you level up) [04] Choose Quicksilver Flask as a quest reward [04] Choose (G) Momentum Support as a quest reward [04] The only relevant modifier for any item for now is '+# to Maximum Life' [04] Link (G) Momentum Support with (G) Splitting Steel & (R) Chance to Bleed Support [04] Choose (R) Ancestral Protector as a quest reward [04] Choose (G) Dash as a quest reward [04] Buy (R) War Banner from the vendor [08] Choose (R) Maim Support gem as a quest reward [08] Link (R) Maim Support with (R) Ancestral Protector [10] Choose (R) Vitality as a quest reward [12] Choose (G) Shattering Steel as a quest reward [12] Use (G) Shattering Steel instead of (G) Splitting Steel [24] Buy (R) Steelskin Support from the vendor [12] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Lower Prison (optional, you can do this later as well) --------------------- ACT 2 --------------------------- - Details for all act 2 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-2/ [16] Kill all bandits [16] Finish the quest 'Intruders in Black' as soon as possible [16] Get a mana flask with 'Flask effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled' modifier as soon as possible [16] Choose (R) Herald of Ash as a quest reward [16] Buy (R) Herald of Purity from the vendor [18] Sell 1x Poleaxe together with 1x Rustic Sash belt and 1x Blacksmith's Whetstone to any vendor as soon as possible (you can buy Rustic Sash at the vendor in town) [18] Choose (G) Vicious Projectiles Support gem as a quest reward [u can use this instead of (G) Momentum Support if you have problems killing bosses] [23] Sell 1x Double Axe together with 1x Rustic Sash belt and 1x Blacksmith's Whetstone to any vendor [24] Buy 2x (G) Toxic Rain, 2x (G) Faster Attacks Support, (G) Mirage Archer Support and (R) Ballista Totem Support from the vendors in town (Act 1 & 2) to level them in advance in your second weapon set [24] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Crypt (optional, you can do this later as well) [24] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Chamber of Sins Level 2 (optional, you can do this later as well) --------------------- ACT 3 --------------------------- - Details for all act 3 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-3/ [24] Don't complete The Lord's Labyrinth (you will do this later with level 55) [24] Complete the quest 'A Fixture of Fate' in The Library as soon as possible [24] Craft your leveling bow as soon as possible (for a crafting guideline, check this link: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-3/#leveling-bow/) [24] Get a 3-linked G-G-R or a 4-linked G-G-G-R item as soon as possible [33] As soon as you have the bow and the G-G-R item, switch to the (G) Toxic Rain setup (see 'Skills' section) [33] Buy (R) Determination from the vendor (only use this if you've picked up small node on your skill tree next to 'Charisma' which proves '8% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency' AND if you have an Enduring Mana Flask) [33] Buy (R) Molten Shell from the vendor [33] Once you use (R) Determination, use (R) Molten Shell instead of (R) Steelkin [33] Once you use (R) Determination, use a Granite Flask (if you don't have one yet, don't worry, you will get one as a quest reward in Act 5) [33] Reminder: Activate 'Always Attack Without Moving' for your skills [33] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Crematorium (optional, you can do this later as well) [33] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Catacombs (optional, you can do this later as well) [33] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Imperial Gardens (optional, you can do this later as well) --------------------- ACT 4 --------------------------- - Details for all act 4 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-4/ [34] Try to cap your elemental resistances from here (e.g. with the help of the Crafting Bench) [34] Get a Life Flask with an 'Instant Recovery' modifier as soon as possible [34] Get a Flask with 'Grants Immunity to Bleeding for X Seconds if used while Bleeding' modifier as soon as possible [38] Buy (G) Withering Touch Support from the vendor [38] Buy (R) Multiple Totems Support from the vendor [38] Use (G) Withering Touch Support instead of (G) Void Manipulation Support in your (R) Ballista Totem Support setup [38] Use (R) Multiple Totems Support instead of (G) Faster Attacks Support in your (R) Ballista Totem Support setup --------------------- ACT 5 --------------------------- - Details for all act 5 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-5/ [45] Choose a Granite Flask as a quest reward --------------------- ACT 6 --------------------------- - Details for all act 6 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-6/ [50] In case you didn't notice yet: You've just lost 30% elemental resistances (so it's even more important to get elemental resistances on your items) [50] Choose 'Soul of the Brine King' as your first Pantheon [55] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Prison (optional, you can do this later as well) --------------------- ACT 7 --------------------------- - Details for all act 7 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-7/ [53] Choose 'Soul of Ralakesh' as your second Pantheon [55] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Crypt ) [55] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Chamber of Sins Level 2 [55] Complete all Trials of Ascendancy in Act 1-7 (if not done yet) [55] Enter The Lord's Labyrinth via the Aspirants' Plaza [55] Complete the The Normal Labyrinth and choose your Ascendancy class (Champion) and invest your Ascendancy skill points (pick 'Unstoppable Hero') [55] Complete the The Cruel Labyrinth and invest your Ascendancy skill points (pick 'Fortitude') --------------------- ACT 8 --------------------------- - Details for all act 8 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-8/ [57] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Bath House --------------------- ACT 9 --------------------------- - Details for all act 9 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-9/ [60] Farm The Foothills in Act 9 until you have all of your early endgame setup (it's recommended to check out the details here: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-9/#foothills) [63] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Tunnel [64] Choose 'Soul of Garukhan' as your new minor Pantheon --------------------- ACT 10 --------------------------- - Details for all act 10 steps: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-10/ [64] Look out for Thicket Bow with an itemlevel (ilvl) of 64 or higher [64] Switch to a CWDT setup for your Molten Shell (check the following link for details: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-10/#cwdt) [64] Craft your early-endgame bow (for a crafting guideline, check out this link: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-10/#early-endgame-bow-crafting) [65] Look out for an Eternal Mana Flask [65] Complete at least all quests which grant you skill points (you can type /passives in chat to see if you have completed all quests which give skill points) [65] Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in The Ossuary [65] Complete all Trials of Ascendancy in Act 8-10 (if not done yet) [65] Complete the The Merciless Labyrinth and invest your Ascendancy skill points (pick 'Inspirational') [65] Buy (R) Defiance Banner gem from the vendor and put it in your aura setup (see 'Skills' section) [65] Finish the campaign by completing Act 10 [65] In case you didn't notice yet: You've just lost another 30% elemental resistances (so it's even more important to get elemental resistances on your items) [65] Talk to Lani in Oritah to receive your quest reward ------------------- ENDGAME ------------------------- ------------- ENDGAME BASICS ------------- - In order to understand the very basics of your build (e.g. how to scale damage, how to scale survivability with this build, essential crafts) check out this link: https://poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/ For specific basic information regarding the endgame, please check the repsective link: - Damage scaling: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#damage-scaling - Survivability scaling: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#survivability-scaling - Gem setups: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#gem-setups - Harvest Crafting, Fossil Crafting, Bench Crafting & Eldritch Crafting: https://poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#crafting - Atlas completion & Voidstones: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#atlas-completion-and-voidstones - Map modifiers to look out for: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#map-mods-to-look-out-for - League mechanics to look out for: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/basics/#league-mechanics-to-look-out-for ------------- ENDGAME MILESTONES ------------- [68] Increase the quality of your flasks [68] Complete the Eternal Labyrinth as soon as possible [68] Get a 6-link bow and a 6-link body armour [68] Get 1x Large Cluster Jewel & 2x Medium Cluster Jewel (see 'Items' section) [68] Get Viridian Jewels (see 'Items' section) [68] Unlock an important endgame craft (+#% Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier) by unveiling Betrayal items (+#% Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier) [68] Craft you mid-endgame bow (for a crafting guideline, check out this link: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/milestones/#bow-crafting) [68] Anoint your amulet (Corruption > Freedom of Movement, depending on which one you can afford at the moment) [68] Anoint your rings (Empowering Tower Effect or Empowering Tower Range) [68] Upgrade your major Pantheon (Soul of the Brine King) and minor Pantheon (Soul of Garukhan) as soon as possible [68] Get a Curse on Hit Ring with 'Curse Enemies with Despair on Hit, with #% increased Effect" (see 'Items' section) - If you equip one, you don't have to use the (B) Despair gem anymore [68] Try to get level 21/20 or level 21/23 gems [68] Get Immunity to Corrupted Blood (on one of your jewels) [68] Get a total of 39% increased Area of Effect from all sources [68] Get 100% chance to Suppress Spell Damage [68] Get Awakened Support Gems: (G) Awakened Vicious Projectiles Support which is used instead of (G) Vicious Projectiles Support & (G) Awakened Void Manipulation Support which is used instead of (G) Void Manipulation Support [68] Improve your jewellery with the help of Catalysts [68] Get an (R) Empower Support level 3 or 4 once you've crafted your very late endgame bow and (with the +2 to level of Socketed Support gems craft) and use it instead of (G) Mirage Archer Support [68] Add Grace to your aura setup (costly minmax improvement of your defenses). For details, check the following link: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/milestones/#grace If you need detailed information regardign one of the tasks, check out this link: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/milestones/ --------- ENDGAME ITEM ACQUISITION --------- - In order to get in-depth information on how you can acquire your endgame items, checkout the "Late-Endgame Items' section of the detailed version of the checklist here: https://www.poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/endgame/items-and-crafts/ ---------- RESOURCES & TOOLS ---------------- - https://www.poewiki.net/ | This website provides information regarding the game. - https://www.poelab.com/ | This website provides information specifically regarding the Labyrinth. - https://poe.ninja/ | This website provides information regarding the economy of the current trade league as well as an overview of all builds played - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJp5gRxusrQ&list=PLbpExg9_Xax0CA1_1vXps8j1eTWc-p8LQ | This is a YouTube series which provides in-depth information on a wide range of topics featuring several known Path of Exile streamers. - https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/ | This is the official Path of Exile subreddit. - https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/ | This is a subreddit specifically dedicated to Path of Exile builds. - https://grinding.zone/ | This websites compiles a lot of useful resources and tools in regards to Path of Exile. - https://poedb.tw/ | This website provides in-depth data regarding items, uniques, skills and passives. - https://poe.re/ | This website allows you to generate search terms which you then can use ingame to find specific things faster when using the search function (e.g. in your stash or at the vendor) ---------- FEEDBACK ---------------- There's always room for improvements! Therefore, I am happy about any feedback. Did this guide help you? Did you struggle? If so, at what point? Where should the guide provide more information? What changes or additions would you like to see? Let me know! You can contact/add me here: PoE Forum: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622 Ingame: fezz8386 Discord: fezz8386 Cheers Your friendly neighborhood Exile! fezz