14 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 99 Crit Poacher's Mark Pathfinder3.21

Life: 4,251105%
ES: 604
Mana: 94
Resistances: 83%/79%/75%/67%
Evade: 62%
Supp: 99.51%
Evasion: 10,796
DPS: 40,335,072
Speed: 0.25
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 31.95%
Crit Multi: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy, Power, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Tukohama


Pneumatic DaggerSupreme Spiked ShieldPig-Faced BascinetThe CovenantHydrascale GauntletsTwoTonedArEvUngil's HarmonyIcefang OrbitWinterweaveStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskSilver FlaskRuby FlaskTopaz FlaskTaste of Hate
Hypnotic Eye JewelMegalomaniacLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelGrand SpectrumGrand SpectrumGrand SpectrumWatcher's EyeLethal PrideThe Golden Rule


Poacher's Mark
Mark On Hit
Vaal Arctic Armour
Phantasmal Molten Strike
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Awakened Multistrike
Awakened Vicious Projectiles
Divergent Herald of Agony
Phase Run
Flame Dash
Plague Bearer
Shield Charge
Multiple Totems
Ancestral Protector
Faster Attacks
Immortal Call
Cast when Damage Taken

Tree Preview

Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Perfect AgonyPerfect Agony
Supreme EgoSupreme Ego
Dagger MasteryDagger Mastery
  • 8% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies affected by at least 5 Poisons
  • Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade
  • Critical Strikes have Culling Strike
Damage Over Time MasteryDamage Over Time Mastery
  • 10% less Damage Taken from Damage over Time
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Enemies Poisoned by you cannot deal Critical Strikes
Projectile MasteryProjectile Mastery
  • 15% less Projectile Speed
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • You have Phasing if you have Suppressed Spell Damage Recently
  • +8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while Phasing
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky


I don't explain ANY mechanics on this POB. If you want to learn about the build, please checkout Goratha's Poison Molten Strike 3.18 build on YouTube. Pretty much same archetype.
This build has 35-45 Div budget with most of the cost from the Grand Spectrum Jewel, 6-L Covenant, Awakened Multistrike gems, and metamod crafting for rares.
To start this build as a Self-Chill comfortably, you need to have a character with atleast level 97+ and budget around 25 Divines.

Why Pathfinder?
	- Better clear with poison prolif
	- Insane flask scaling allowing you to move faster, solid defensive layer, and permaflask
	- New Wither ascendancy point makes it easy to cap wither stacks
	- Mageblood at home

	- Hard to cap crit and poison chance
	- Squishy at the start UNTIL you put a large investment
	- Starved from Attribute requirements and Elemental Resistance
	- Hard to pull off correctly unless you understand all the mechanics on this build completely (NOT BEGINNER FRIENDLY)
	- There are Crucible passives that carries the build, so probably will be obsolete next league.

Why self-chill?
	- There are Crucible passives to increased chill effect on you which grants ~6% Chill = ~6% Action Speed with minimum investment
	- Poison Immune by default
	- Feels great to just zoom around the map
	- Relatively good Price/Performance ratio
	- Uber-boss viable with some flask setup

Why Night Blade and Perfect Agony? Isn't it getting nerf?
	It's nerfed only by Elusive Effect, which slightly gain less Crit Multi. But, with Vengeant Cascade being broken this patch, DPS isn't a problem, Night Blade still offers Elusive which is still huge for speed
HUGE upgrade for the build:
		- Vengeant Cascade anointment
		- Critical Chance and Increased Chill Effect on you on a Pneumatic Dagger which you can craft on Crucible, here's my dagger tree looks like: https://i.imgur.com/AOcl2Rm.png
		- 6-L Covenant
		- Disease Vector Cluster node, enemies cannot regen is a huge DPS boost that didn't calculate in POB. if you farm Maven's Invitation regularly, this node is pretty much mandatory.
		- Awakened Multistrike, expensive but not mandatory
		- Lethal Pride with maximum life/Physical damage taken as fire
		- Maximum life and Endurance charge Grand Spectrum, without this you basically has only ~3k hp
		- Maximum Resistances on shield especially fire resistance You can also get +4% Maximum fire resistance on Crucible node.
		- Taste of Hate flask for physical mitigation
		- Rolling flask, although you are Immune to Freeze and Chill, you need a reduce/Avoidance to Shock, and preferably Ignite. Flask duration Cluster isn't mandatory, you can spec into Natural Remedies instead.
		- Flask mods on the belt to sustain Taste of Hate
		- Tempered by War is mandatory for uber bossing

How do you cap Chill effect to 30%?
		- as I mentioned above, Crucible passive node ~6%
		- Abyss Jewel ~3%
		- Deep Chill Cluster node ~3%
		- Corrupted Implicit increased Non-Damaging Ailment
		- Any Increased Non-Damaging Ailment and Cold Ailment

Things to note:
		- ONLY spec Tempered By War if you have more than 75% maximum fire resistance and can handle the downside.
		- My Megalomaniac might be one and only in the league, if you can't find it, use Dagger Cluster Jewel for Disease Vector
		- Make sure you are aware on how Arctic Armour works, make sure to stationary if you have the chance and only move to dodge.
		- I believe EHP on this POB isn't accurate, I purposefully disable the "while stationary" on the config. My character is very tanky against penetration which you can find on most ubers.
		- Swapping flask are mandatory, I usually use quicksilver flask for mapping, and all 3 elemental flasks for ubers