2 years ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 87 Crit Charged Dash Raider3.19

Life: 4,939175%
ES: 409
Mana: 0
Pool: 4,939
Resistances: 76%/75%/73%/2%
Evade: 95%
Supp: 93%
Evasion: 7,286
DPS: 26,153
Speed: 4.77
Hit Rate: 2.38
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 48.30%
Crit Multi: 357%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All


Imperial ClawCorrugated BucklerThe Devouring DiademDestiny LeatherCarnal MittsShagreen BootsCitrine AmuletMoonstone RingTwoStoneFCHeavy Belt
Eternal Life FlaskAmethyst FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskEternal Life Flask


Galvanic Field
Power Charge On Critical
Withering Step
Mark On Hit
Assassin's Mark
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Charged Dash
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Added Cold Damage
Arctic Armour
Herald of Ice
Flesh and Stone
Cast when Damage Taken
Summon Ice Golem

Tree Preview

Lethe ShadeLethe Shade
Wind DancerWind Dancer
Blind MasteryBlind Mastery
  • 60% increased Critical Strike Chance against Blinded Enemies
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • 1% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
  • 1% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
  • Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive
Dagger MasteryDagger Mastery
  • Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • 10% increased maximum Life
  • 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Critical Strike Chance is increased by chance to Suppress Spell Damage