9 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 99 Crit Frenzy Trickster3.24

Life: 2,86094%
ES: 636
Mana: 53
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 88%
Evasion: 46,388
DPS: 38,216,404
Speed: 36.85
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 90.54%
Crit Multi: 401%
Config: Pinnacle, 10% Shock, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All


Imperial ClawPerepiteiaBlizzard CrownDialla's MalefactionThe Celestial BraceRalakesh's ImpatienceReplica Badge of the BrotherhoodKalandra's TouchCircle of RegretMageblood
Divine Life FlaskDiamond FlaskAmethyst FlaskJade FlaskSilver Flask
Large Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelForbidden FleshForbidden FlameSublime VisionThe Perandus PactLethal Pride


Ice Bite
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Call to Arms
Ancestral Protector
Culling Strike
Multiple Totems
Ancestral Warchief
Blood Rage
Elemental Weakness
Whirling Blades
Assassin's Mark
Mark On Hit
Arctic Armour
Herald of Thunder
Lightning Aegis

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman(x17)
+2% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Tattoo of the Tasalio Warrior
5% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant per Equipped Claw
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Fortify MasteryFortify Mastery
  • 2% reduced Duration of Ailments inflicted on you per Fortification
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • Marked Enemy cannot deal Critical Strikes
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Prevent +3% of Suppressed Spell Damage


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POB Configuration--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration for all set-ups:
Do you use frenzy charges (constantly full from the frenzy skill, even though it's useless)
Do you have lifetap (from assassin's mark)
Set heartstopper to average
Do you have Onslaught (Either from mageblood silver flask or from frenzy of onslaught)
Are you fortified (from the celestial brace gloves)
Is the enemy maimed (from smite the weak)
Is the enemy chilled (we deal cold damage & are crit based)
Is the enemy frozen (we deal cold damage & are crit based)
Is the enemy shocked (we deal lightning damage & are crit based)
Effect of shock - 10% (this is a guesstimation. On T17 bosses I would have between 7 and 18% shock with my version)
Is the enemy intimidated (from lethal pride)

Additionnal configuration for the multiple hundred divines and below set-ups:
Trinity support lowest resonance count - 50 (we deal around 50% of either lightning or cold. The mirror version deals too much cold damage for trinity to work)

Additionnal configuration for my set-up and above:
Is the enemy blinded (from the blind tattoo)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Build key elements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The build is a frenzy stacker using ralakesh and replica badge of the brotherhood. We're also using the new celestial brace gloves and a lethal pride with +1 max fortification to hit 50 fortify stacks. 
We chose frenzy as my main skill because it scales very well with frenzy charge stacking. Frenzy also scales extremely well with quality so diala's with enhance is the best setup we found. 
With it, the skill gives 14% more attack damage and speed per frenzy charge. My set-up and above have 13 total frenzy charges.

For defense, the build has:
Defensive skills and progenesis are not ticked in this pob to show worst case scenario.
- a shit ton of HP/s leech/on hit, even on the budget version, + polymath regen while mapping
- 46 to 50 fortify stacks making us almost immune (below 50) or immune (at 50) to ailments through the mastery (not just ele ailments, poison & bleed too)
- 9 to 13 permanent endurance charges giving us 36% to 52% flat phys damage reduction
- Between 30k to 50k evasion
- blind enemies on hit (with the tattoo)
- maim enemies on hit
- chill/freeze (because we deal cold damage)
- high spell suppress for the cheap version, 100% spell suppress for every other
- 75/75/75 resistances with 75 chaos res for my set-up and above
- automated enduring cry and immortal call
- trickster heartstoper
- trickster one step ahead

For offense, the build has:

- very fast bonk!!!!!!
On a more serious note...
- 9 to 13 frenzy charges inherently give us 4% increased attack speed and 4% more damage per frenzy, 11% more damage and attack speed through the skill on the cheap version, 14% for my set-up and the hundreds of divines version 15% for the mirror version, 
- 9 to 13 frenzy charges also make ice bite give us a but load of flat damage
- 46 to 50 max fortification stacks give us 46% to 50% increased attack speed from the celestial brace
- 9 to 13 endurance charges makes endurance charge on melee stun a very efficient damage link with 4% more damage per endurance charge, although there's probably a better link for the cheap version
- high lightning damage with no investment into ailments giving us access to shock
- culling strike on totems, not taken into account on pob. That alone gives us basically 10% more damage.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Price Breakdown--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All prices were fetched on the trade site on Saturday, 11th of May 2024 (3.24). Divines are currently 135c/1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Budget (would only recommend this if you're on the fence and want to try to get a "feel" for the build)
Gems: 30c
(All normal quality 18/0 gems aside from 1, you could level them yourself so I'm not taking them into account)
Body Armour --> 30c
Enhance support - 30c

Gear: 2 divs & 430c  
Claw --> 2 div estimation
Perepetia --> 5c
Rare helmet --> 5c
6L Dialla's --> 2 divs
Celestial Brace with +10 fortifiction stacks --> 1 div
Ralakesh's impatience --> 25c
Replica badge --> 70c
Annoint --> (100c+100c+100c=) 300c
Circle of Regret --> 5c
Rare ring --> 5c
Arn's Anguish --> 5c
All flasks (estimation) --> 10c

Jewels: 4 divs & 60c
Lethal Pride (intimidate, +1 fortify) --> 1 div
Rare jewel 1 --> 5c
Rare jewel 2 --> 5c
Sublime vision Grace --> 3 divs
Perandus Pact Crit --> 50c

Total: 6 divs and 520c to get started, or 9 divs & 115c

Once again, I would not recommend this set-up. I made this build once I bought my mageblood. 
I made this pob only if you want to test the feel of the build before going all out.
Most expensive items here, asside from golden oils, are easily resellable

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------High budget no mageblood/progenesis
Gems: 8 divs & 540c or 12 div
Body Armour --> 7 divs & 150c
Frenzy (21/20) - 50c
Ice Bite (20/20) - 20c
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (20/20) - 40c
Enhance (4/0) - 7 divs
Trinity (20/23) - 20c
Multistrike (20/20) - 20c
Gloves --> 70c
Ancestral Protector (20/0) - 10c
Culling Strike (20/0) - 10c
Multiple Totems (20/20) - 45c
Ancestral Warchief (20/0) - 5c
Helmet --> 110c
Blood Rage (20/20) - 45c
Frostblink (20/20) - 30c
Elemental Weakness (20/20) - 30c
Whirling Blades (20/0) - 5c
Boots --> 1 div & 130c
Automation (20/20) - 40c
Immortal Call (21/20) - 1 div
Enduring Cry (20/20) - 45c
Call to Arms (20/20) - 45c
Weapon --> 65c
Assassin's mark (20/20) - 40c
Mark on hit (20/20) - 15c
Lifetap - (20/0) - 10c
Shield --> 15c
Grace (20/0) - 5c
Arctic Armour (20/0) - 5c
Herald of Thunder (20/0) - 5c

Gear: 87 divs
Claw (self crafted with necropolis) --> 3 divs per try, took me 2 tries. --> 6 divs
Well rolled +1 frenzy perepetia --> 13 divs
Blizzard crown (estimation) --> 1 div
Corrupted 6 linked Dialla's --> 9 divs
+1 frenzy 8 max fortification Celestial Brace --> 25 divs
Corrupted ralakesh --> 1 div
Rare res ring --> 3 divs
+1 frenzy Circle of regret with good mods --> 20 divs
Arn's Anguish with good rolls and life corruption --> 5 divs
Flasks (estimation) --> 4 divs

Jewels: 15.5 divs & 100c or 16 divs & 32c
Large Cluster --> 50c
Crit cluster --> 50c
Forbidden Flame (explosives expert) --> 3 divs
Forbidden Flesh (explosives expert) --> 2 divs
Sublime vision Grace --> 3 divs
Lethal Pride (13129 - only 3 on trade, price might rise if people actually play this build) --> 5 divs
Perandus Pact (chaos res) --> 2.5 divs

Total: 115div & 32c 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My set-up
Gems: 8 divs & 540c or 12 div
Body Armour --> 7 divs & 150c
Frenzy (21/20) - 50c
Ice Bite (20/20) - 20c
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (20/20) - 40c
Enhance (4/0) - 7 divs
Trinity (20/23) - 20c
Multistrike (20/20) - 20c
Gloves --> 70c
Ancestral Protector (20/0) - 10c
Culling Strike (20/0) - 10c
Multiple Totems (20/20) - 45c
Ancestral Warchief (20/0) - 5c
Helmet --> 110c
Blood Rage (20/20) - 45c
Frostblink (20/20) - 30c
Elemental Weakness (20/20) - 30c
Whirling Blades (20/0) - 5c
Boots --> 1 div & 130c
Automation (20/20) - 40c
Immortal Call (21/20) - 1 div
Enduring Cry (20/20) - 45c
Call to Arms (20/20) - 45c
Weapon --> 65c
Assassin's mark (20/20) - 40c
Mark on hit (20/20) - 15c
Lifetap - (20/0) - 10c
Shield --> 15c
Grace (20/0) - 5c
Arctic Armour (20/0) - 5c
Herald of Thunder (20/0) - 5c

Gear: 167 divs
Claw (self crafted with necropolis) --> 3 divs per try, took me 2 tries. --> 6 divs
Well rolled +1 frenzy perepetia --> 13 divs
Blizzard crown (estimation) --> 1 div
Corrupted 6 linked Dialla's --> 9 divs
+1 frenzy 8 max fortification Celestial Brace --> 25 divs
Corrupted ralakesh --> 1 div
Kalandra's Touch --> 3 divs
+1 frenzy Circle of regret with good mods --> 20 divs
Mageblood (4 flasks) --> 85 divs
Flasks (estimation) --> 4 divs

Jewels: 15.5 divs & 100c or 16 divs & 32c
Large Cluster --> 50c
Crit cluster --> 50c
Forbidden Flame (explosives expert) --> 3 divs
Forbidden Flesh (explosives expert) --> 2 divs
Sublime vision Grace --> 3 divs
Lethal Pride (13129 - only 3 on trade, price might rise if people actually play this build) --> 5 divs
Perandus Pact (chaos res) --> 2.5 divs

Total: 195div & 32c 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hundreds of divines
Gems: 162 divs & 62c
Body Armour --> 125 divs & 50c
Frenzy (21/20) - 50c
Ice Bite (21/20) - 4 divs
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (21/20) - 1 div
Enhance (4/0) - 7 divs
Trinity (21/20) - 3 divs
Awakened Multistrike (6/20) - 110 divs
Gloves --> 8 divs
Ancestral Protector (21/20) - 1 div
Culling Strike (21/20) - 4 divs
Multiple Totems (21/20) - 2 divs
Vaal Ancestral Warchief (21/20) - 1 div
Helmet --> 2.5 divs & 80c or 3 divs & 12 c
Blood Rage (21/20) - 1 div
Frostblink (20/23) - 40c
Elemental Weakness (21/20) - 1.5 divs
Whirling Blades (21/20) - 40c
Boots --> 7.5 div 
Automation (21/20) - 2.5 divs
Immortal Call (21/20) - 1 div
Enduring Cry (21/20) - 1.5 div
Call to Arms (21/20) - 2.5 divs
Weapon --> 12.5 divs
Assassin's mark (21/20) - 3 divs
Mark on hit (21/20) - 4.5 divs
Lifetap - (21/20) - 4 divs
Shield --> 6 divs
Grace (21/20) - 3 divs
Arctic Armour (21/20) - 2 divs
Herald of Thunder (21/20) - 1 div

Gear: 242 divs
Claw (self crafted with necropolis) --> 3 divs per try, took me 2 tries. --> 6 divs
Well rolled +1 frenzy perepetia --> 13 divs
Blizzard crown (estimation) --> 6 div
Corrupted 6 linked Dialla's --> 9 divs
+1 frenzy 8 max fortification Celestial Brace --> 25 divs
Corrupted ralakesh --> 1 div
Kalandra's Touch --> 3 divs
+1 frenzy Circle of regret with good mods --> 20 divs
Mageblood (4 flasks) --> 85 divs
Flasks (estimation) --> 4 divs
Progenesis (with good rolls) --> 70 divs

Jewels: 25.5 divs & 50c or 25 divs & 117c
Large Cluster (with corrupted blood immunity, estimation) --> 10 divs
Crit cluster --> 50c
Forbidden Flame (explosives expert) --> 3 divs
Forbidden Flesh (explosives expert) --> 2 divs
Sublime vision Grace --> 3 divs
Lethal Pride (13129 - only 3 on trade, price might rise if people actually play this build) --> 5 divs
Perandus Pact (chaos res) --> 2.5 divs

Total: 429 divs & 179c or 430 divs & 44c


Idk... 15 mirrors? Don't spend this much currency on this build.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item crafting------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not much crafting to do on this build, which has downsides and upsides.
This league, with necro crafting, you can make an almost perfect claw for around 3 divs worth of corpses. It too me 2 tries to get mine.

This is the graveyard I used to craft my claw, I'm too lazy to make an effecient graveyard with extra crafts but you could probably do that