a day ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Spark Stormweaver0.1

Life: 111%
Mana: 7,605
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-22%
DPS: 65,881,652
Speed: 5.41
Hit Chance: 100%
15% Shock, Custom Mods


Attuned WandAdvanced Plumed FocusExpert Feathered TiaraExpert Keth RaimentExpert Intricate GlovesExpert Feathered SandalsGold AmuletBreach RingDream FragmentsIngenuity
Stone Charm
Melting Maelstrom
Controlled MetamorphosisFrom NothingMegalomaniacPrism of BeliefAgainst the DarknessSapphireSapphireSapphireSapphireSapphire


Arcane Tempo
Considered Casting
Controlled Destruction
Cast on Shock
Lightning Conduit
Elemental Focus
Rising Tempest
Energy Retention
Orb of Storms
Lightning Exposure
Strip Away
Flame Wall
Fire Mastery
Spell Cascade
Lightning Mastery
Heightened Curse
Focused Curse
Cursed Ground
Soul Offering
Danse Macabre
Minion Mastery
Sigil of Power
Magnified Effect
Skeletal Cleric
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How the build works:

I invested in shock magnitude, reaching 100% shock x2 (strike twice from ascendency). Lightning Conduit scales directly with shock effect, gaining 
100% more damage for every 5% shock we inflict. With 100% it's about 4000% more damage. The actual shock value can fluctuate, but even smaller 
shocks significantly boost your damage output. 

I've stacked lightning exposure (-40% to lightning resistance) and curse effect (around -77% to lightning resistance from Conductivity). This effectively 
makes enemies highly vulnerable to your lightning damage. The game calculates your chance to shock after applying damage mitigation. This means anything 
that increases the damage enemies take significantly boosts your chance to inflict a shock. Conductivity, lightning exposure all contribute to this.

Consider using lightning rod annoint. It makes your non-crit lightning dmg lucky, which is huge consistent boost.

for bossing I use Soul offering + sigil. Soul Offering with supports provides approximately 65% more spell damage and Sigil of power which i have at lvl 26, breakpoint 
for sigil is lvl 21 then lvl 25 gives me another 64% more spell dmg.


Pob doesnt calculate these so we need to manually calculate and put it costum modifier in configuration section

64% more spell damage <---- comes from lvl25 sigil

Nearby Enemies have -40% to Lightning Resistance <---- comes from light exposure from tree ( 50% from Overexposure and 2 small nodes),
30% from strip away support on orb of storms and 20% from Scouring Winds

100% total lightning exposure. 

-20% * (1 + 100%) = -20% * 2 = -40%

75% increased magnitude of shock you inflict <---- comes from overcharge support on orb of storms


Pob doesnt calculate curse effect nodes, we have to allocate either normal points or weapon 1 swap points. Hence why I have more points then I should

Full Dps = Bossing dps with 100% shock x2 inflicted