8 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 90 Summon Reaper Necromancer3.24

Life: 4,153143%
ES: 413
Mana: 199
Resistances: -15%/-15%/-15%/-52%
Block: 48%
Spell Block: 48%
Armour: 20,306
DPS: 0
Speed: 0.04
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All


Calling WandEzomyte Tower ShieldBone HelmetHoly ChainmailCrusader GlovesCrusader BootsCoral AmuletCoral RingCoral RingStygian Vise
Life FlaskAmethyst FlaskQuicksilver FlaskQuartz FlaskQuicksilver Flask


Arctic Armour
Tempest Shield
Cast when Stunned
Bone Offering
Summon Reaper
Summon Phantasm
Minion Damage
Energy Leech
Cast when Stunned
Vaal Summon Skeletons
Feeding Frenzy
Call to Arms
Enduring Cry
Molten Shell

Tree Preview

Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour
  • 20% increased Armour per second you've been stationary, up to a maximum of 100%
  • You take 30% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
Armour and Energy Shield MasteryArmour and Energy Shield Mastery
  • 10% of Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Minion Offence MasteryMinion Offence Mastery
  • 20% increased effect of Offerings
  • Minions Attacks Overwhelm 20% Physical Damage Reduction
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if you have Reserved Life and Mana


Build created by Wrecker of Days on PoE forum: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Copied from https://poeplanner.com/builds/595425 for use with PoB. Copy/Paste accuracy not guaranteed

- This is my personal build that I use with my day-to-day gameplay. This build will always display the base version of the build, so it won't be updated if I get an epic drop and need to rearrange/replace skills and such. But if I feel like the base version of the build needs something tweaked, it'll be tweaked without warning. (Such as swapping an aura or something.) (I will do my best not to make any changes mid-league.) 
- (If you see any "hidden" gems, that's just a PoE Planner thing. There are no hidden gems in PoE. Some skills/supports provide extra abilities. For example, Predator Support provides the user with the Signal Prey skill. It's one gem/support. PoE Planner just has those "skills within a skill" as separate skills, for whatever their reasons are.)

  - SSF HC savvy.
    - So that means, defence before offence, life before glory, /deaths = 0 before damage.
  - As Stress-Free (to me) as possible, which means:
    - Having only ONE MAIN BUTTON/skill to press, with (maybe) an occasional secondary button/skill. 
    - Having a defensive setup that ALLOWS SLOW REACTION TIME or slow character movement. We should be able to zone out, take damage, and react slowly with our flasks, to easily survive.
    - ITEM FREEDOM. I like Path of Exile to be a game of discovery and excitement. I want every item that I ID to have the potential to be better than what I have equipped. I also don't like "needing" a specific fancy mod or item for my build to actually function. So, I design my builds to not require specific gear or mods. I think of gear as a bonus to the build. (Obviously, we want good gear, but we won't be crippled until we get it. SSF, am I right?)

- Pay attention to the skills and notables when you're allocating them to the build. It's on YOU to remember the requirements of all of your selections as you'll be the one equipping, modifying, and playing the build. TAKE YOUR TIME within the game to get used to the differences of each addition as they come. The build's details are easier to remember that way.

Everything else, besides what's mentioned below, is pretty straightforward. I don't think anything else needs a comment. Hopefully, I haven't forgotten anything. I hope the build suits you and that you have a great time!

- For 3.24:
  - The whole build changed. Here's why:
    - The idea of being Elementalist was so the Reaper could get its damage buff from consuming minions that we didn't have to manage. The damage buff itself only lasts 6 seconds but I didn't know that it has a 25-second cooldown. That's not worth ANY investment in my opinion. I also wanted the Reaper to have more survivability. So, that meant removing the path to golem investments to the Reaper's survivability. Both reasons remove any purpose of being the Elementalist.

- This is a Reaper build. 
- Walk/stand around and cast the Reaper. Hit Signal Prey for tough enemies.
  - Offense:
    - The Reaper is pure physical damage that has a chance to apply bleed.
  - Defence (all before equipping items):
    - 81% Elemental Resist cap.
    - Lots of physical damage mitigation.
    - Big Armour investment.
    - Freeze and Shock Immune.
    - 46% Attack, 48% Spell Block.
    - Lots of automatic defensive skills.
    - Extra mitigation when Stationary.

- The Reaper is your main/only button.
- You can manually cast Signal Prey anytime you want, but it'll also (possibly) triggers when you're stunned too.
- Flasks are up to you.
- That's it! Everything else is automatic. Easy peasy.

- SRS (Breaking Some Eggs) or Skeletons (The Caged Brute) will easily carry you until you unlock the Reaper (Sever the Right Hand) in Act 3.

Skill Gems
- Summon Reaper:
  - Deals ONLY physical damage with a 50% chance to bleed.
  - The skills the Reaper has range from Attacks, to Melee, to AoE, but almost none of the skills share a tag. So I've opted to adhere to generic damage supports to accommodate. 
- Signal Prey (from Predator Support):
  - Is tagged as a minion skill. So any perks from "using minion skills recently" will be proc'd by using Signal Prey. But, obviously, using the Reaper is using a minion skill too.
  - It is also considered an Instant skill (do what you want with that).
  - It's also tagged as a spell. So it's capable of being triggered. I like it linked to Cast when Stunned Support so that it only applies itself to enemies that hit hard enough to stun us. So, only the harder-hitting enemies get tagged with Signal Prey.
- Skeletons:
  - Also triggers when stunned. They are there to apply Feeding Frenzy and Maim to enemies. We only care about this in longer fights (which is where we'll get stunned anyway).
  - Vaal Skeletons can't be triggered but the supports, obviously, still apply to it.
- The rest of the triggered spells are organized to their respective trigger gems to accommodate the mana multipliers/costs.

- Shields are required because of Tempest Shield.
  - You may as well find a shield that has 40% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes, which would make us "immune" to crits. (30+30+40=100)
- For all other items, use anything you want. Just have fun with what you find or think of. Play YOUR way.

The Passive Tree:
- The Passive Tree takes you to character level 90. Do what you want after that.
- We need 98 Dex. for our green gems but we only get 54 Dex. from the tree. 
  - So, don't be shy to use the +30 Dex. nodes until you find some gear you love that totals 44+ Dex.
- Levelling is easy with this build. There's no wrong way to go about it. (If you like to be told how to level, select all of the passive tree nodes as they come, without skipping anything. Deal with the "dead-end roads" and then keep moving. The tree is quite linear and makes life quite easy.)

- Act 1: Summon Phantasm Support: Reward for Mercy Mission.
- Act 1: Minion Damage Support: Reward for The Caged Brute.
- Act 1: Clarity: Purchase after The Caged Brute.
- Act 1: Summon Skeletons: Purchase after The Caged Brute.
- Act 1: Vitality: Purchase after The Caged Brute.
- Act 1: Bone Offering: Purchase after The Siren's Cadence.
- Act 2: Arctic Armour: Reward from Intruders in Black.
- Act 2: Desecrate: Purchased after Intruders in Black.
- Act 2: Tempest Shield: Purchased after Intruders in Black.
- Act 2: Predator Support: Reward for Sharp and Cruel.
- Act 3: Automation: Purchase after Lost in Love.
- Act 3: Summon Reaper: Reward for Sever the Right Hand.
- Act 4: Cast when Damage Taken Support: Purchase after The Eternal Nightmare.
- Act 4: Cast when Stunned Support: Purchase after The Eternal Nightmare.
- Act 6: Arrogance Support: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Brutality Support: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Call to Arms: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Determination: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Enduring Cry: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Energy Leech Support: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Feeding Frenzy Support: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Maim Support: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Molten Shell: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.
- Act 6: Punishment: Purchase after Fallen from Grace.