7 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Crit Venom Gyre Gladiator3.25

Life: 3,759102%
Mana: 60
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Armour: 32,614
DPS: 4,818,887
Speed: 5.84
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 93.41%
Crit Multi: 724%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All


Imperial ClawImperial ClawPig-Faced BascinetDesert BrigandineWyrmscale GauntletsHydrascale BootsAgate AmuletTwoStoneFCTwoStoneFCStygian Vise
Jade FlaskDiamond FlaskGranite FlaskAmethyst Flask
Murderous Eye JewelLethal Pride


Vaal Venom Gyre
Added Cold Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Increased Critical Damage
Flame Dash
Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Flesh and Stone
Herald of Thunder
Whirling Blades
Cast On Critical Strike
Flame Wall
More Duration

Tree Preview

Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Point BlankPoint Blank
Versatile CombatantVersatile Combatant
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Bleeding MasteryBleeding Mastery
  • 80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Dagger MasteryDagger Mastery
  • Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade
Dual Wielding MasteryDual Wielding Mastery
  • +1% to Off Hand Critical Strike Chance while Dual Wielding
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • +30 to maximum Life
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you


3.25 Changes
- We gained a huge damage buff from the Base Crit changes to Claws, this will make it easier to cap crit.
- Dread Banner has been removed in favour of fitting in Flesh and Stone and Herald of Thunder. We lose some damage here but gain a tremendous amount of survivability from the new Flesh and Stone gem. Leave it in sand stance.

- The loss of Ancestral Protector and the Gathering Winds nerf hurts, as we relied on it for more attack speed. In a mapping scenario this won't be noticeable, but in bossing there will some DPS loss. 

- With New gem Slots from the loss Dread banner, we can fit in a 4L Automation Set up which will give us more speed from Phase Run and survivability from a fully levelled Steelskin

- The new bleed wheel gives us more damage, and we trade it for the blind wheel near Point Blank. We will lose some survivability but that is made up by the above changes. 
		- This is reflected in later skill trees where survivability is much less of an issue with better gear.

- In the endgame, ideally we get an Enlighten to fit in another 50% damage Aura. This is reflected in the gem links of the Midgame Setup. If you dont have an Enlighten, stick to the Herald of Thunder, or drop it along with FnS, for Wrath

- Taste of Hate has been removed as it no longer provides the useful defensive stats, this is replaced by a Silver Flask for Onslaught. If you have onslaught on kill from Veil modifiers on boots, you can alternatively replace with a Sulphur flask.

Levelling Tips
- Use 2handers until you find a decent claw and spec into claw nodes.
- Early on we are too far away from claw nodes to specifically just use claws.

- Make sure your accuracy is higher than you maximum life when using precise technique. This can be checked through the charcter sheet by pressing 'c' and comparing the numerical value of 'Main Hand Accuracy' to your Maximum Life pool.
- If Purely mapping, replace Added Cold with Fork

Endgame Scaling
- Omni scaling w/ Venom Gyre (Could be good with Kalandra Rings)
- Dex Stacking (Could be good with Kalandra Rings)
- Ascendant Dex Stacking (Could be good with Kalandra Rings)
- Reroll into another Ranger build

Crafting Guide

*Hold Alt over your item to check modifier tiers and item level*
*Use better bases for higher base defensive values if possible*
*You can swap resistances through the harvest bench*
*After Crafts, use eldritch currency to match the POB items*

League Start: Sub 5c craft
Budget: Sub 5 Divine Craft
Expensive: Over 5 Divine Craft

Claw (League Start)																																
	1. Base: Imperial Claw / Noble Claw / Hellion's Paw (item level 77+)
	2. Use Essence of Wrath (Shrieking or Screaming) until higher Edps
	3. Bench Craft Attack speed if lacking and abl

Claw (Budget)
	1. Base: Imperial Claw (item level 82+), with Fractured tier 3+ Lightning/Fire/Cold. Fire and Cold preferred. 20% Quality Your claw using Whetstones.
	2. Use Essence of Wrath/Hatred (Shrieking or Deafening) until tier 3+ of the final elemental type. 
			- Your claw should have 1 fractured element damage, 1 essence element damage, and the final elemental damage
	3. Prefixes cannot be change (2 Divines)
			- Use Orb of Annulment if no open suffix, if you remove 1 of the elemental damages go back to step 2

	4. Use Veiled Orb 
			- Unveil Crit or Attack Speed
	5. Bench craft whatever you didnt unveil, critical chance or attack speed
	6. Use Exalt Orb if lacking a final modifier

Claw (Expensive)
	1. Base: Imperial Claw (item level 82+), with Fractured Tier 1 Attack speed. 20% Quality Your claw using Whetstones.
	2. Use Essence of Hatred ( Deafening) until tier 2+ of the final elemental type. Tier 1 Lightning preferred
			- Your claw should have 1 fractured attack speed, 1 essence element damage, and the TWO final elemental damage
	3. Prefixes cannot be change (2 Divines)
			- Use Orb of Annulment if no open suffix, if you remove 1 of the elemental damages go back to step 2
	4. Use Veiled Orb 
			- Unveil Crit or Attack Speed
	5. Bench craft whatever you didnt unveil, critical chance or attack speed

Shield (League Start)	
	1. Base: Any Dex or Dex/Int base (item level 73+)
	2. Use Essence of Greed or Hatred/Wrath/Anger until Decent Life or Res
	3. Bench Craft Spell Suppression If lacking and able

Shield (Budget)	
	1. Base: Fractured Dex base (item level 81+) with Tier 2 Spell Suppression
	2.  Use Essence of Envy until T3+ Life and 1 T3+ Resistance Roll
	3. Bench craft Avoid Ailment
Shield (Expensive)
	1. I really recommend you buy one with the stats that you need. Crafting shields are very hard. Try to find one with a open suffix to craft avoid ailments.
	2. If you are SSF, use Rog craft. Sirgog has a great video on how. Look for Dex bases.

Boots (League Start)	
	1. Base: Any Dex or Str/Dex base (item level 72+)
	2. Use Essence of Greed or Hatred/Wrath/Anger until Decent Life and Res
	3. Bench Craft Spell Suppression If lacking and able

Boots (Budget)	
	1. There is none, I really recommend you spend proper time for a good pair of boots, which will you will keep till endgame 

Boots (Expensive)	
	1. Base: Fractured Str/Dex (item level 84+) with Tier 2+ Spell Suppress
	2. Use Essence of Loathing (Deafening) until Tier 2+ Chaos Resistance
	3. Suffixes cannot be change (2 DIvines)
		- Use Orb of Annulment if no open prefix, if you remove 1 of the elemental damages go back to step 2
		- Alternatively, a eldtrich annulment orb, while the boots ONLY HAVE exarch influence to remove a prefix and go to Step 4
	4. Veil Orb <- DO NOT UNVEIL
	5. Bench Craft Maximum mana
	6. Unveil Movement Speed + Onslaught on Kill
		- If fail, GO back to step 
	7. Bench Craft Life

Gloves (League Start)
	1. Base: Any Dex or Str/Dex base (item level 75+)
	2. Use Essence of Greed or Hatred/Wrath/Anger until Decent Life or Res
	3. Bench Craft Spell Suppression If lacking and able

Gloves (Budget)
	1. Base: Any Str/Dex (Item level 81+) with T2+ Chaos Fracture. You can get a tier 1 fracture, if you want to save money for the expensive craft, as its requires the same base fracture.
	2. Use Essence of Greed (Screaming or Shrieking) until t3+ Accuracy Mod and any other useable mods like resistances
	3. Bench Craft Attackspeed, Elemental Damage, Suppress on available affix slots
Gloves (Expensive)
	1. Base: Any Str/Dex (item level 81+) with T1+ Chaos Fracture
	2. Use Essence of Spite or Rage (Deafening or Shrieking) until tier 3+ Accuracy 
	3. Suffixes cannot be changed (Divine)
		- Use Orb of Annulment if no open prefix, if you remove 1 of the elemental damages go back to step 2
		- Alternatively, a eldtrich annulment orb, while the gloves ONLY HAVE exarch influence to remove a prefix and go to Step 4
	4. Harvest Reforge Life for T2+ Life
		- Go back to Step 3 if you want to reforge, its 2 Divines everytime
	5. Bench Craft Increased Damage while leeching if open and able
	6. Exalt Slam to finish any affixes.

Body Armour (League Start)
	1. 1. Base: Any Dex or Str/Dex base (item level 72+)
	2. Use Essence of Greed or Hatred/Wrath/Anger until Decent Life and Res
	3. Bench Craft Spell Suppression If lacking and able

Body Armour (Budget)
	1. Same as Expensive, but settle for lower tier mods and use a lower tier essence to save cost

Body Armour (Expensive)
	1. Base: Fractured Str/Dex base (item level 81+) with Tier 2 Spell Suppression
	2. Use Essence of Envy (Deafeaning or Shrieking) until 1 useful suffix, can be an attribute or resistance, or any defensive suffix
	3. Suffixes cannot be change
		- Use Orb of Annulment if no open prefix, if you remove 1 of the elemental damages go back to step 2
		- Alternatively, a eldtrich annulment orb, while the gloves ONLY HAVE exarch influence to remove a prefix and go to Step 4
	4. Harvest Reforge Defence for T2+ Increased Armour/Evasion
		- Go back to Step 3 if you want to reforge, its 2 Divines everytime
	5. Bench craft Flat Armour/Defence
		- If you hit life on the reforge, unspec the life mastery of 15% defence. 	

Rings and Amulets
	1. ID rings off the ground, you will easily find a rare ring with good elemental resistance. You can bench craft life or minus mana mod if there is a open prefix
	2. Good Bases: Two-stone Rings/Amethyst Ring/Ruby Ring/ Sapphire Ring/ Topaz Rin/ Vermillion Ring
	3. In trade, you can easily buy mid game amulets for 10-20c
	4. Best you can do in SSF is to Rog Craft Rings

*This guide does not take into account current league mechanics, as its made before the league*
*Prices are always subject to change and merely used as an indicator*
*Sometimes buying on trade is cheaper*
*These may not be the absolute best way to craft, but its how I'd do it*