13 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 96 Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms Guardian3.23

Life: 4,310117%
ES: 246
Mana: 107
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/68%
Evade: 52%
Block: 75%
Spell Block: 75%
Armour: 20,449
Evasion: 9,097
DPS: 24,386,620
Speed: 5.71
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Ralakesh


Convening WandFossilised Spirit ShieldSilken HoodLioneye's VisionTriad GripEelskin BootsAshes of the StarsProfane ProxyAmethyst RingDarkness Enthroned
Eternal Mana FlaskEternal Life FlaskQuartz FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Ghastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelCorvine CharmGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelUrsine CharmUrsine Charm


Flesh Offering
Tempest Shield
Raise Spectre
Minion Life
Animate Guardian
Meat Shield
Shield Charge
Summon Skitterbots
Purity of Elements
Vaal Haste
Sniper's Mark
Flame Dash
Elemental Weakness
Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms
Awakened Elemental Focus
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Returning Projectiles
Awakened Minion Damage
Summon Carrion Golem
Summon Chaos Golem
Feeding Frenzy
Summon Sentinel of Radiance
Summon Elemental Relic

Tree Preview

Might of the BearMight of the Bear
Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Duration MasteryDuration Mastery
  • 10% more Skill Effect Duration
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Minion Defence MasteryMinion Defence Mastery
  • Minions Leech 1% of Damage as Life
  • Minions Recover 5% of Life on Minion Death
  • Convocation has 40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Minion Offence MasteryMinion Offence Mastery
  • Minions have 30% increased Area of Effect
  • Minions Penetrate 8% of Cursed Enemies' Elemental Resistances
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield