8 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 MoM Crit Ethereal Knives Inquisitor3.22

Life: 2,407135%
ES: 805
Mana: 528%
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/74%
Evade: 73%
Supp: 96.76%
Evasion: 22,243
DPS: 32,305,760
Speed: 6.38
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 452%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris


Royal AxeSovereign Spiked ShieldHeatshiverThe Restless WardAmbush MittsCarnal BootsReplica Dragonfang's FlightAmethyst RingNimisStygian Vise
Bottled FaithQuicksilver FlaskJade FlaskTaste of HateQuartz Flask
Searching Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelBloodnotchImmutable ForceWatcher's EyeElegant HubrisImpossible EscapeStormshroudCobalt Jewel


Petrified Blood
Herald of Purity
Anomalous Ethereal Knives
Increased Critical Strikes
Awakened Spell Echo
Divergent Spellblade
Increased Critical Damage
Shield Charge
Assassin's Mark
Faster Attacks
Anomalous Flame Dash
Vaal Haste
Divine Blessing
Divergent Inspiration

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Berserker
You gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Hit Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Honoured Tattoo of the Dove(x3)
+4% to Chaos Resistance
Honoured Tattoo of the Oak(x25)
2% increased maximum Life
Honoured Tattoo of the Sky
+3% to all Elemental Resistances
Honoured Tattoo of the Turtle
3% increased Global Defences
Loyalty Tattoo of Rakiata
Trigger Summon Spirit of Rakiata Skill on Critical Strike against Marked Unique Enemy Limited to 1 Loyalty Tattoo
Tattoo of the Kitava Shaman
4% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Firewalker(x2)
+8% to Fire Resistance
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Makanga
+1% to maximum Fire Resistance
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warmonger
Enemies you Kill have a 2% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Fire Damage
Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • Enemies permanently take 5% increased Damage for each second they've ever been Frozen by you, up to a maximum of 50%
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • Stun Threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • You count as on Low Life while at 55% of maximum Life or below
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky


Herald of Ash is there to swap from Herald of Purity during mapping for better clear. 

Swap Hypothermia out for Chain while mapping.