12 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 60 Rage Vortex Berserker3.21

Life: 2,07985%
ES: 41
Mana: 63
Resistances: 69%/60%/63%/-30%
DPS: 3,442
Speed: 1.43
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All


Timber AxeGladiator HelmetInfantry BrigandinePlated GauntletsChain BootsCitrine AmuletSapphire RingTopaz RingLeather Belt
Hallowed Life FlaskHallowed Life FlaskGreater Mana FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver Flask


Ancestral Protector
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Blood Rage
Rage Vortex
Melee Physical Damage
Blood and Sand
Herald of Ash
Intimidating Cry

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Resolute TechniqueResolute Technique
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • Attacks with Axes or Swords grant 1 Rage on Hit, no more than once every second
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 40% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies


---Required Links---

	Travel Setup As Soon As Possible:
		Frostblink (B) or Dash (G) before Leap Slam depending on what color you have available, preference towards Frostblink
        Leap Slam (R) - Faster Attacks (G) - Lifetap (R) [Can use Momentum (G) if you have an 3rd G open, will want Lifetap linked to Leap-Faster once you are past 28 and have an open link for it]
		* Can supplement Leap Slam with Frostblink (B) if you want some additional speed
	Lvl 1 to Lvl 3:
        Ground Slam (R) - Chance to Bleed (R) - Ruthless (R) with Chance to Bleed preferred over Ruthless

    Lvl 4 to 27:
         Perforate (R) - Chance to Bleed (R) replaced with Melee Phys (R) - Any reasonable dmg link - any reasonable damage link

	Lvl 28 and Beyond (Drop Perforate):
         Blade Storm (R) - Lifetap (R) - Rage Support (R) - Fortify (R) [You can use something else besides Fortify if you prefer for example such as close combat if you have a green link or you can use Maim (R) and use a better dmg gem on Rage Vortex]
         Rage Vortex (R) - Melee Phys (R) - Pulverise (R) - Maim (R) [If you can get maim somewhere else, you can put a better damage support on]      

	Auras and Utility:
        Blood and Sand (R)
		War Banner (R) until you equip Determination (R) in A7
        Precision (G) starting after returning from Way Forward until you have Resolute Technique
		Herald Of Ash (R) (Can use Herald of Purity instead if thats what you prefer)
        Bloodrage (G)
        Determination (R) in A7
        Intimidating Cry (R) once you have Call to Arms, before then optional
---Flexible Links---
		Vulnerability (R). If a red slot isn't available, Poacher's Mark (G) can work. If you only have blue slot free, wouldn't worry about curse as blue curses require too much intelligence to use compared to what we get.

		Ancestral Protector (R). If you prefer to use Ancestral Warchief (R) you can. You can try to fit both but will be highly unlikely given socket pressure. Will link to whatever floating around supports I have. Often ends up in 4L with
        Leap Slam-Faster Attacks-Lifetap

	Whenever you have free sockets:
		Add left-click steelskin (R) until you have Call to Arms Intimidating Cry (R) which you will left click instead. Would then only have steelskin if I could manage to fit a CWDT setup for it.
---Notable Pathing---

(1) Marauder Phys Melee Damage Start w/ Attack Speed (5pts - Lvl 6)
(2) Born to Fight (1pt - Lvl 7)
(3) Versatility (2pts - Lvl 8 w/ Dweller Pt)
(4) Butchery (3pts - Lvl 11)
(5) Heart of Warrior (2pts - Lvl 12 w/ Fairgraves Pt)
(6) Warrior's Blood (2pts - Lvl 14)
(7) Kinetic Impacts (5pts - Lvl 18 w/ Way Forward Pt)
(8) 40% Inc Dmg w/ Hits Against Rare and Uniques 2h Mastery (1pt - Lvl 19)
(9) Lust for Carnage (4pts - Lvl 23)
(10) Marauder Life Pathing Start w/ % Life/Armor Hybrid Node over Life Regen node (5pts - Lvl 27 w/ Busts Pt)
(11) Harvest of Foes (3pts - Lvl 28 w/ Piety Kill Point and Refund 1pt from Marauder Start Melee Phys Path)
(12) +1 Rage on Hit Axe Mastery on Harvest of Foes (1pt - Lvl 28 w/ Refund 1pt from Marauder Start Melee Phys Path)
(13) Juggernaut (3pts - Lvl 31)
(14) Slaughter (8pts - Lvl  36 w/ Deshret Pt and Refund 2 more pts from Marauder Start Melee Phys Path)
(15) Resolute Technique (3pts - Lvl 39)
(16) Barbarism (2pts - Lvl 41)
(17) 50 Life Mastery (1pt - w/ 1 respec on last remaining Melee Phys Marauder Path Point) * Note in Actual Run, I forgot about +50 Mastery until like Lvl 58 lol
(18) Diamond Skin (2pts - Lvl 41 w/ Miasmeter and Torments Pts)
(19) Cannabalistic Rite (3pts - Lvl 44)
(20) Hearty (3 pts - Lvl 45 w/ Tukohama and Abberath Pts)
(21) 1 Small Life Node past Barbarism (1pt - Ryslatha Pt)
(22) Call to Arms (3pts - Lvl 47 w/ Ralakesh Pt)
(23) Bloodless (2pts - Lvl 48 w/ Gruthkul Pt)
(24) Robust (2pts - Lvl 49 w/ Kishara's Star Pt)
(25) Martial Experience via Shorter Path of Cluster (5pts - Lvl 54)
(26) Berserking (6pts - Lvl 57 w/ Tolman, Gemling Legion, and Yugul Pts)
(27) Intimidate Mastery While Rage on Attack Mastery (1pt - Lvl 58)
(28) Constitution (2pts - Lvl 58 w/ Garukhan and Shakari Pts)
** Final 3 points, 2 from lvls and 1 from Vilenta Pt in A10 can be assigned how you want,
here I wanted some extra defensiveness, so I just invested in max res. Instant Leech on leech mastery,
Iron Reflexes, a 2h mastery or really whatever you like will work. You can also start heading towards
aura nodes or right side of tree along bottom
(29) Prismatic Skin (3pts - 60 w/ Vilenta Pt)

---Notes on Gear---
Try to get a stone axe for early A1 on your first town trips on both mule and main character. Check again when returning for first town after Hailrake on Marauder if you don't have one yet, if one isn't available, buy corroded sword. We do this, because
ideally we would like to get a Stone Axe since its a strong weapon AND it allows you to use both ground slam and later perforate without issue as only axes can transition from Ground Slam into Perforate without any incompability.

You want to try to aim for a fair amount of dexterity which is why we take some passives that give us dex and will use jade amulet. Intelligence will be minimal on tree as we will essentially use the +20 from Versatility + an int craft if we need it for our
requirements. You will want a normal jade amulet before lvl 16, so you don't have any issues with accuracy and so you can equip/level bloodrage and green gems like faster attacks.
Take Rare Jade Amulet from Act 3 Quest - The Ribbon Spool - to help with dexterity requirements.
Take Turquoise Amulet in A7 if you end up doing the Gruest Necklace quest. Otherwise, can essence/alch a turquoise if your intelligence situation is bleak

No need to do Den for QS. You can do den for a rare belt for rustic recipe, I typically skip this though as I don't find it worth the time for sole purpose of rare rustic for recipe.

---Gem Acquisition---
Please note that due to currency contraints from run to run, you may not be able to always buy the gems as listed here exactly when they are listed. Likewise, due to color/link constraints, you might not be able to
fit the gem into your gear when you buy it or use it period if proper colors/links do not become available at some point.

    Duelist Mule Hillock Reward:
		Take Perforate (R)
        Mule over Chance to Bleed (R)
        Sell double strike for wisdom scrap or keep it for topaz recipe later along with iron ring

	Main Character Hillock Reward:
		Take Ground Slam (R) [Use Ground Slam until you get Blood and Sand for Sand stance for Perforate]

	Hailrake/Submerged Open Reward:
		Take Momentum (G) from Hailrake Quest Reward via Nessa. Can use as a filler link until Close Combat if you have a green socket on main skill or if you have 3rd gen linked to Leap Slam-Faster Attacks
		Buy Blood and Sand (R) and War Banner (R) from Nessa with preference towards Blood and Sand
		Take Ancestral Protector (R) from First Submerged Quest Reward via Tarkleigh
        Take Steelskin (R) from Second Submerged Quest Reward via Tarkleigh (level in weapon swap or keep in inventory)

	Lower Prison Enter Reward:
		Take Faster Attacks (G)
        Buy Maim (R)

	Brutus Kill Reward:
		Take Leap Slam (R)
        Optional: Buy precision (g), don't level it past Lvl 3 or 4 depending on your mana situation. If not bought here, buy when returning to A1 for Way Forward Skill Pt

	Merveil's Caverns Enter Reward:
		Take Whatever and use it for ruby ring recipe later or Take Sunder (R) if you want to Sunder instead of Perforate
        Optional: Buy Precision (G), if you have extra transmute otherwise buy when you return to A1 for Way Forward Skill Point

	Fidelitas/Baleful Gem Reward: 
		Take Herald of Ash (R)
		Buy Bloodrage (R)

	Weaver Kill Reward:
		Take Melee Phys Support (R) or Close Combat (G) depending on what you have availabile color wise in links
        If you take Melee Phys (R), you only need to buy a close combat (g) if you have a green socket on main links still
        If you take Close Combat (G), then buy a Melee Phys (R) as you will need it later regardless

	Way Forward Skill Point Act 1 Retrun:
       Buy Precision (G) if you haven't yet
       Optional: Buy Intimidiating cry (R) for when you have Rage Vortex. Can delay this if you don't have extra transmutes. Likely will be forced to delay due to socket pressure until later in first half of campaign.

	Clarissa/Tolman Quest:
		Take Vulnerability (R)          

	Gravicius Quest:
		Take Rage Vortex (R)
        Buy Blade Storm (R)
        Buy Rage Support (R) from A2 for Bladestorm
        Optional: Go back to A1 and buy a couple lifetaps to link to main skill and leap slam
        Buy any reasonable red gem from A1/A2 to fill out links as needed for 4L. Melee phys is a high priority for Rage Vortex

	Open Mines Quest:
		Preference to take Stone Golem (R), but whatever golem you want is fine. If you want to grab something else instead, go for it. Stone golem is helpful if you need extra life regen and have open red socket

	Open Belly Quest:
		Take Brutality (R). I typically won't end of equipping since I use Herald of Ash, but its good to have option of the high damage support in case you want to use Herald of Purity instead

        Buy Fortify (R) for Blade Storm. Skip and place maim on Bladestorm instead
        Buy Pulverise (R) for Rage Vortex
        Buy Intimidating Cry (R) if you haven't already

        Return to A3 and buy Determination and equip it near start/mid point of A7. Definitely do so before Temple of Decay. 

		I like using steelskin if I have an open red socket. Will not always happen. As result, I will usually either keep one in inventory OR have it leveling in weapon swap for when I do have free red socket.
        It can be quite easy to forget this step though. If you're really swimming in red sockets and have a spare alch, steelskin + CWDT is great.
        You can buy additional lifetaps at Lily to get linked to your totem/curse/intimidating cry. How many lifetaps you will have depend on how you can fit together your various skills. Rage Vortex does not need to be lifetapped

---Bandit Choice---
Alira or Kill All. Alira provides the most QoL through its resistance bonus and mana regen. Kill all is a good option as well just makes mana management and gearing more annoying. I would invest the 2 extra points into resist, Diamond Skin, when  I got
them and simply later in A5 use the 2 pts that were being allocated to Diamond Skin to be placed else where of your choosing, such as picking up another life mastery, another axe mastery, and so on. Alira can help significantly with some of the mana
and life sustain pressure marauder feels until late in first half. Afterwards the mana regen becomes moot as you start putting lifetap on blade storm, leap slam, and totem. The resistance, however, is always beneficial in terms of ensuring you don't
get stuck in resistance prison and have to focus less on gearing allowing for a smoother experience.

I would recommend Alira over Kill All for speed leveling purposes. Otherwise, kill all will have more applicability if you're planning on taking the build past campaign.

Major: Brine King is a good option to prevent stun lock scenarios and its an easy to just click and forget. Take some other major if you're taking Iron Reflexes.

Minor:  Ryslatha. Other lessers can be taken for improvements to quality of life, but Ryslatha will typically be best for additional comfort via flask sustain. Gruthkul or Tukohama are good alternatives if you want damage reduction instead of sustain.

Muling Duelist is recommended as it provides Perforate from Hillock reward. Also gives Chance to Bleed (R) and allows Marauder to take Momentum (G) from Hailrake. Finally, the extra currency allows for a better shot at getting a Stone Axe, 
good links/colors, and/or iron rings/rustic sash which can greatly improve damage of marauder early. 

---Movement Skills---
Marauder is megapain early since you can't use either Dash or Frostblink until you get some source of attributes. You will use frost blink once you get Versatility. If you don't have a blue slot, then use dash instead. 
At 10, you will want to swap to Leap Slam and can use frostblink to help supplement movement.

We will use ancestral protector throughout run as it alleviates from currency pressure on us as we get it early and don't have to spend a chance for Ancestral Warchief after Gravicius. There is too much socket pressure to justify trying to fit
both Ancestral Protector and Ancestral Warchief via Multitotems. You can if you want, but I find it better to just use one during campaign on this build in single target scenarios. With two things get a bit clunky ability wise as you are trying to
get everything out quickly to start fight.

---Library, Lily, Both or None---
I would skip Library as there isn't enough benefit from Library to justify the time investment. I would definitely do Lily, so you can get fortify to help defenses in second half of campaign. You can also pick up pulverise (r) which is great for Rage Vortex