18 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Crit Kinetic Blast Totem Hierophant3.20

Life: 4,459108%
ES: 138
Mana: 224
Dex: 1,014
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-62%
Supp: 83%
DPS: 613,729
Speed: 2.11
Hit Chance: 98%
Crit Chance: 73.84%
Crit Multi: 331%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


Iron CommanderThe Poised PrismFluted BascinetGrasping MailSadima's TouchGoldwyrmLapis AmuletVentor's GambleVentor's GambleHeadhunter
Divine Life FlaskDiamond FlaskGold FlaskDying SunQuicksilver Flask
Large Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelRain of SplintersSplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityThread of HopeWatcher's EyeFluid MotionCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Summon Skitterbots
Frost Bomb
Cast On Critical Strike
Cast on Death
Vaal Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Flame Dash
Anomalous Kinetic Blast
Anomalous Inspiration
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Ballista Totem
Awakened Cold Penetration
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Ensnaring Arrow
Blood Rage
Culling Strike
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Anomalous Inspiration
Increased Critical Damage
Anomalous Siege Ballista
Awakened Elemental Focus
Barrage Support

Tree Preview

Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 10% increased maximum Life
  • 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
Projectile MasteryProjectile Mastery
  • 1% increased Projectile Damage per 16 Dexterity
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • Skills that would Summon a Totem have 30% chance to Summon two Totems instead
  • 60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance if you've Summoned a Totem Recently