4 months ago
Level 78 Explosive Arrow Totem Hierophant3.25
Life: 2,365116%
Mana: 169
Resistances: -22%/-22%/-22%/-52%
DPS: 0
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Shakari
Explosive Arrow
Ballista Totem
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Manaforged Arrows
Tree Preview

- Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows

- Critical Strikes do not inherently Ignite
- 100% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited Enemies

- Skills that would Summon a Totem have 30% chance to Summon two Totems instead
Hello ma boy, this is the latest "HOW TO LEAGUE START WITH SIEGE BALLISTA" Guide. You can find the "How to League Start with Siege Ballista" VIDEO GUIDE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2zQ_JOVWVA For the actual SIEGE BALLISTA build guide you will need to click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI01DMDahcM [READ!] Do not stress too much regarding your items. I've adapted this starter to be as lazy & simple as possible! check the following NOTES & make sure to watch the league start guide once! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTs 1 - 3 ( TREE: Use Act 1 - 3 LEVELING [HF TOTEM] ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Town. buy Purifying Flame ( complete quest Breaking some Eggs. go back to town. ) Buy Holy Flame Totem. This will be your main skills till you reach act 3 (Library). then transition/swap to Explosive arrow ballista. Main setup:- - Purifying Flame ( YOU DROP THIS SKILL GEM WHEN YOU GET THE "ANCESTRAL BOND" KEYSTONE, refer to "Tree" & "Skills" from the POB ) - Holy Flame Totem + Combustion support + Elemental Focus - Flame Wall ( when projectiles pass through these walls they gain added fire damage; you can summon 3 Walls at a time! ) Utility:- - Frost Blink - Flammability ( Curse the enemies with Flammability so you deal more damage ) Auras:- - Clarity - Herald of Ash TIPS:- 1- its okie to have trash items in the first Acts! // In early Acts -> items with multiple LINKS & SOCKETS are more valuable 2- When picking up items in Acts I-III -> you can look for stats that boost your damage: - % increased spell damage / fire damage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACT 3 - 10 + Early mapping (white and yellow maps) ( TREE: Use Act 3 - 10 LEVELING [EA BALLISTA] ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Once you reach the Library, you should be buying this setup for next Acts and early mapping till you hit level 78 aprox. You will need to level up your gems after you buy them -> Go to "The Docks" and kill some monsters there Main Setup: - Explosive Arrow - Ballista Totem Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Lesser Multiple Projectiles (when you find a 4-link item; HELPS A LOT WITH THE MONSTER CLEARS ) Utility:- - Frost Blink - Steelskin + Automation - Frenzy + Manaforged arrows (Optional) - Flammability ( Curse the enemies with Flammability so you deal more damage ) Auras:- - Clarity - Precision (after completing the campign swap Precision with Purity of Elements) TIPS:- 1) CHECK VENDORS for a 4 link with 2 green & 2 red // else go on the TRADE WEBSITE and buy an item with these links! ( should be cheap ) FOR LINKED ITEMS. 2) DO NOT WEAR A QUIVER THAT HAS *PIERCE EFFECTS* ( AVOID PENETRATING QUIVER !!! ) 3) BUY a Siege Ballista WEAR THIS SKILL GEM IN YOUR WEAPON SETUP 2, SO IT LEVELS UP FOR TRANSITION TO SIEGE BALLISTA BUILD ( minimum level 15 ). // apply quality on the Siege Ballista gem using the LAB FONT! 4) COMPLETE THE 3 LABS BEFORE MAPPING. Recommended:- a) first lab - start of ACT 5 / or end of ACT 4 ( allocate pursuit of faith ) b) second lab - start of ACT 8 (allocate ritual of awakening ) c) third lab - before you kill Kitava in ACT 10. (allocate convication of power ) 5) YOUR MAIN STATS ARE 1- Dexterity 2- Maximum life 3- Elemental Resistances // for the rare items ( Explosive Arrow Ballista phase ) look for: ATTACK SPEED, INCREASED ELEMENTAL DAMAGE WITH ATTACKS & INCREASED FIRE DAMAGE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Siege Ballista Transition. ( OPEN THE POB FROM THE SIEGE BALLISTA BUILD GUIDE AND CONTINUE FROM THERE!! ) Again, you have the Siege Ballista build guide is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI01DMDahcM _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1) 5 mandatory items to have:- Helmet: Fractal Thoughts Bow: Iron Commander Chest: Briskwrap 5 Linked (Siege Ballista=Faster Attacks=Added Cold Damage=Inspiration=Elemental Damage with Attacks) Quiver: The Poised Prism Gloves: Hrimsorrow Other: rare items with Dexterity & Life / Resistances 2) Level 78 MINIMUM ( or more ) 3) A Siege Ballista skill gem level 15 or more with 20% QUALLITY! Main Setup: (Chest) - Siege Ballista ( NEEDS 20% QUALITY ) you can get it to 20% quality naturally when you do your ascendancy labs! - Inspiration - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Added Cold Damage - Faster Attacks Utility:- - Dash + Second wind - Frenzy + Manaforged Arrows - Frostbite - Steelskin + Automation - Blood Rage Auras:- - Purity of Elements - Grace _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For help, join the Guild Discord server here: https://discord.gg/92ab6Zs3ZT My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@poeguy007/videos Good Luck!