18 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 91 Hybrid Doryani's Touch Berserker3.19

Life: 2,72540%
ES: 1,46326%
Mana: 1,799
Resistances: 75%/75%/-200%/-12%
Block: 30%
Spell Block: 33%
Armour: 7,630
DPS: 14,610,303
Speed: 2.10
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, 75% Shock, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


Redblade BannerIndigonDoryani's PrototypeDoryani's FistSorcerer BootsAgate AmuletAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Basalt FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Forbidden FleshHealthy MindTranscendent MindForbidden FlameWatcher's Eye


Awakened Enlighten
Doryani's Touch
Added Lightning Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Battlemage's Cry
Anomalous Shock Nova
Arcane Surge
Increased Area of Effect
Tempest Shield
Increased Critical Strikes
Power Charge On Critical
Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Divine Ire
Increased Critical Strikes

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Iron WillIron Will
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strikes is Lucky
  • +15% to Maximum Effect of Shock
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • Clarity has 100% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
  • Regenerate 5 Mana per second while you have Arcane Surge


This Indigon Doryani's Fist experiment looks quite promising, surprisingly. Using Battlemage's Cry with Lightning Conduit, I hope to have a pattern of:
Battlemage's Cry, Doryani's Touch (to initially shock), Doryani's Touch -> trigger Lightning Conduit (due to shock), repeat over 4 seconds, recast Battlemage's Cry, repeat, etc.

1. Massive high-end damage if we can scale our Indigon Mana spent Recently well enough
2. Finally a useable, strong Doryani's Touch build!
3. Defenses are not in utter shambles (as badly) as other experiments


1. High-end mana cost is very high - 3333 mana spent per cast, and there's 6 casts over 4 seconds, so we'd need 4,999.5 Mana regen per second to keep up. A little too high (though it does max out the Indigon spell buff)!
Ideal solution: lower per-second mana cost or miraculously find a way to regen 5k mana per second - not sure that's possible as of now. If we go with the former option, we can remove some support gems and increase the cast rate
to try and achieve something smaller. This may have the added benefit of, if we can attain a per-cast cost under 340, of allowing us to use Archmage support for free with Lightning Conduit (since the base cost * 20 < unreserved mana)
which is a very sizable buff to damage, especially so with high mana costs. But under 340 would require very fast attack speed, so this is unlikely to happen with Doryani's Touch.

(As a potential solution, if we get our attack rate near 2.0 and our combined mana cost under 45, ideally near 42, then we get an average cost of near 624, which is nearly perfect for us - 4992 Mana spent Recently, giving us a nice Indigon bonus.
Only thing is to increase our mana regen a little - while high, it's not quite at the 1248 we need to be at.)

Another option is to use a cheaper Battlemage's Cry spell and scale attack speed, though I think we'll be missing out on a lot of free Lightning Conduit damage with that. But Lightning Conduit also removes the shock,
which means the next Doryani's Touch does a ton less damage, so it may actually be better to either add a third spell (with Overcharge so as to get big shocks for both Doryani's Touch and Lightning Conduit to hit) or replace Lightning Conduit.

Another idea: use Forbidden Flesh/Flame to get the Blitz node, and then use some skill to get critical hits to farm Blitz charges. Maybe try and find some skill easy to crit with (high hit rate, maybe, plus Increased Critical Strikes Support).
High Blitz charges gets us more attack speed, which helps us reach those other thresholds mentioned earlier. Plus more hits = more big juicy Doryani's Touch damage.


Current implementation: using Tempest Shield and an alternating Shock Nova/Orb of Storms, we can stack Power Charges on Crit (to help generate more crit chance) which in turn helps us get Blitz stacks, while also generating 70% Shocks.
(We can also go for 80% if we want to.) This helps scale our Doryani's Touch to 2x a second, which gives us 8 attacks in our 4 second Indigon window. We scale up to 4992 Mana spent Recently this way, which gives us 7mil damage
(up to 9mil with Vaal Ancestral Warchief). A far cry from our 64 million Lightning Conduit/Doryani's Fist damage, but that had unsustainable mana costs/regen requirements.
Though if it becomes possible at some later date, that's a potential late-game build for Indigon (and, indeed, would vastly open up the potential of sustained Indigon builds).
In such a case, see 'Lightning Conduit' gem setup and 19998 Mana spent Recently.
For now, the much weaker Shock Nova tree and gem setup and 4992 Mana spent Recently is probably one of our best bets, troubled as the build is.

2. Defense concerns. Doryani's Prototype is naturally quite difficult to build around, and we've invested most of our work into Mana Regen. Basically no defenses.

3. Gearing requires the League of Kalandra's wider range of Ring values, so without those, we're looking at a big loss in negative Lightning resistance and positive Fire/Cold Resistance and Mana Regeneration Rate.
Overall, making this build viable (defense-wise for this league, build-wise for future leagues) will require a number of sacrifices and changes.



Due to the massive scaling that Doryani's Touch gets from the Battlemage's Cry -> Indigon's increased Spell Damage (going from 3.7mil to 11.6 mil for 4992 Mana spent Recently!), this is an excellent skill to test our sustained Indigon build on.
It is tricky because of the number of things one must juggle - defenses are ever difficult to perfect without spending an absurd amount of passive tree and gear investment for it, and given the high amount of Mana Regen we require,
which also requires a ton of passive skill point investment, it's really hard to scale defenses (requiring more passives, more Life/ES on gear, more auras, etc.) while keeping our sustained Indigon engine running.
But if we can make it work, as this tentative super squishy build demonstrates, we can get big damage.

Main concerns:
1. Is the ramp up time too long (Mana-cost wise) to reach convergence at 4992 Mana spent Recently? Especially problematic if we're engaging in some fights and then not fighting - though we can just keep slamming to keep uptime, if necessary.
Can also consider Arcane Cloak to quickly ramp up, as well, if our available mana pool is not too high (to cause divergence if cast).
2. Defenses are super squishy.
3. AN and map modifiers may have something that counters our scaling somehow, though I think that would only be in slowing us down, not in ruining the sustained Indigon engine.

So going forward, keep an eye out for big Mana regen tanky builds that we can use with Doryani's Fist with an available helmet slot - these have big potential for a valuable build utilizing sustained Indigon mechanics.