14 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 91 LL MoM Crit Lightning Conduit Hierophant3.21

Life: 56769%
ES: 4,584
Mana: 5,096277%
Int: 596
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/8%
Evade: 31%
Block: 73%
Spell Block: 75%
DPS: 3,993,357
Speed: 4.62
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 61.52%
Crit Multi: 451%
Pinnacle, 50% Shock, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ralakesh


SingularityLight of LunarisHubris CircletCarnal ArmourFingerless Silk GlovesFugitive BootsThe AnvilValako's SignBerek's RespiteStygian Vise
Rumi's ConcoctionCoruscating ElixirJade FlaskDivine Mana Flask
Searching Eye JewelHealthy MindCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Lightning Conduit
Elemental Focus
Increased Critical Damage
Increased Critical Strikes
Arcane Surge
Orb of Storms
Unbound Ailments
Culling Strike
Eternal Blessing
Increased Duration
Arcane Cloak
Sigil of Power
Faster Casting
Divergent Tempest Shield
Lightning Warp
Less Duration
Swift Affliction

Tree Preview

Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
Block MasteryBlock Mastery
  • 20 Life gained when you Block
  • 20 Mana gained when you Block
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Exposure you inflict applies at least -18% to the affected Resistance
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • 30% of Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • +15% to Maximum Effect of Shock
  • Increases and reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Shock Effect at 30% of their value
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • Regenerate 5 Mana per second
  • 10% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield


Act 1:
Stormblast Mine - Arcane Surge - Added Lightning
Orb of Storms - Unbound Ailments - Elemental Prolif
Frostblink - Frost Bomb
( Lightning Warp )
( Arc )

4x Transmute

B - B - B
B - B - B
B - B - B
B - B - G

Act 2:
Arc - Arcane Surge - [ Elemental Focus ]
Orb of Storms - Unbound Ailments - [ Overcharge / (Culling Strike) ]
Frostblink - Wave of Conviction - [ Faster Casting ]
Clarity - [ Herald of Thunder ] 
( Tempest Shield )

4x Alterations

B - B - B
B - B - B
B - B - B
B - B - G

Act 3:
Lighning Conduit - Arcane Surge - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning 
Orb of Storms - Unbound Ailments - Overcharge / (Culling Strike) - [ Lightning Penetration / (Inveterate) ]
Frostblink - Wave of Conviction - ( Faster Casting ) - Conductivity
Clarity - Herald of Thunder - [ Grace / Determination ]
( Lightning Warp - [ Less Duration ] - [ Swift Affliction ] )

4x Chance - Run Library

B - B - B - B
B - B - B - (G)
B - B - B - (B)
B - B - G / R
B - G - R

Act 4:
Lighning Conduit - Arcane Surge - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning 
Orb of Storms - Unbound Ailments - Overcharge - [ Chain ]
Frostblink - Wave of Conviction - Faster Casting - Conductivity
Clarity - Herald of Thunder - Grace / Determination - [ Chaos Golem ]
( Lightning Warp - Less Duration - Swift Affliction )
[ Sigil of Power ]

2x Chance

Act 6-10:
Lighning Conduit - Arcane Surge - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning 
Orb of Storms - Unbound Ailments - Overcharge - Chain
[ Arcane Cloak - Increased Duration - Wrath - Divine Blessing ]
Frostblink - Wave of Conviction - Faster Casting - Conductivity
Lightning Warp - Less Duration - Swift Affliction
Clarity - Tempest Shield - [ Discipline / Arrogance ]

B - B - B - B
B - B - B - G
B - R - B - R
B - B - B - B
B - G - R
B - B - (B / R)