10 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 93 Crit Burning Arrow Deadeye3.22

Life: 3,114153%
Mana: 84
Resistances: -37%/-37%/-37%/-60%
Evade: 50%
Supp: 90.39%
Evasion: 8,454
DPS: 473,704
Speed: 5.90
Hit Chance: 97%
Crit Chance: 83.84%
Crit Multi: 339%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Alira


Harbinger Bow
Blue Pearl Amulet


Burning Arrow
Blastchain Mine
Charged Mines
Elemental Penetration
Trap and Mine Damage
Summon Skitterbots
Sniper's Mark

Tree Preview

Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Mine MasteryMine Mastery
  • Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10%
  • Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10%
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky