9 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 95 Crit Prismatic Burst Saboteur3.22

Life: 3,857112%
ES: 914
Mana: 92
Resistances: 75%/75%/76%/26%
Evade: 70%
Supp: 66.36%
Evasion: 10,161
DPS: 10,123,559
Speed: 6.50
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 580%
Pinnacle, 40% Shock, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris


DivinariusDivinariusForbidden ShakoShroud of the LightlessCarnal MittsRalakesh's ImpatienceBadge of the BrotherhoodAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Eternal Life FlaskEternal Life FlaskDiamond FlaskQuicksilver FlaskJade Flask
Searching Eye JewelMurderous Eye JewelHypnotic Eye JewelSearching Eye JewelThe Balance of TerrorMilitant FaithHypnotic Eye JewelSearching Eye Jewel


Cast on Death
Increased Area of Effect
Void Sphere
Increased Area of Effect
Increased Duration
Vaal Blade Flurry
Increased Critical Strikes
Awakened Increased Area of Effect
Power Charge On Critical
Faster Casting
Assassin's Mark
Mark On Hit
Prismatic Burst
Increased Critical Strikes
Awakened Increased Area of Effect
Power Charge On Critical
Shade Form
Increased Area of Effect
Increased Duration

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Dove
+4% to Chaos Resistance
Honoured Tattoo of the Storm
+1% to maximum Lightning Resistance +1 to Maximum Power Charges Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Honoured Tattoo of the Tuatara(x3)
+4 to all Attributes
Tattoo of the Ramako Archer(x4)
5% increased Global Accuracy Rating
Tattoo of the Rongokurai Turtle(x2)
You take 10% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
Tattoo of the Valako Stormrider
+8% to Lightning Resistance
Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Wind DancerWind Dancer
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • Dexterity's Accuracy Bonus instead grants +3 to Accuracy Rating per Dexterity
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • Enemies permanently take 5% increased Damage for each second they've ever been Frozen by you, up to a maximum of 50%
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • 30% of Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't taken Damage Recently
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • 60% increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies with Lightning Exposure
  • +15% to Maximum Effect of Shock
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky