21 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 93 Crit Boneshatter Juggernaut3.19

Life: 5,514146%
Mana: 49
Resistances: 80%/78%/78%/1%
Armour: 77,149
DPS: 4,240,366
Speed: 4.37
Hit Chance: 99%
Crit Chance: 63.51%
Crit Multi: 431%
Pinnacle, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Tukohama


FleshripperEternal BurgonetGlorious PlateTitan GauntletsTitan GreavesTurquoise AmuletVermillion RingVermillion RingStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskBasalt FlaskDiamond FlaskGranite FlaskSilver Flask
Murderous Eye JewelViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Close Combat
War Banner
Ancestral Protector
Ancestral Warchief
Multiple Totems
Mark On Hit
Assassin's Mark
Ancestral Cry
Cast when Damage Taken
Vaal Molten Shell
Leap Slam

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • Determination has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Armour and Evasion MasteryArmour and Evasion Mastery
  • 8% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge
  • 8% increased Armour per Endurance Charge
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • 30% increased Damage while in Blood Stance
  • 15% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance
  • Attacks with Axes or Swords grant 1 Rage on Hit, no more than once every second
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • 10% increased maximum Life
  • 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 40% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies
  • 3% chance to deal Triple Damage


PLEASE READ ALL NOTES AND WATCH THE FULL VIDEO BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. I will be more than happy to help either on twitch or discord. 

YOU DON'T NEED STANCE SKILLS LIKE BLOOD AND SAND!!!! The axe mastery that gives damage while in Blood Stance still works as you are in Blood Stance by default!

################################### Weapon ########################################

Fleshripper to get 50% Increased Crit Chance.

Normal % Phys, Flat Phys and attack speed. If you can get crit Multi or Crit chance this is also good.

Shaper weapon. Getting a Shaper Influenced Fleshripper might be hard but could be a lot more damage. Shaper 2 Handed Weapons have a stat that give 20% MORE damage to Socketed Skills.

This would be the endgame weapon to get as it is harder to craft. There is an example in the item list. You have to socket Boneshatter in the axe for this to work. As an example, in the Jugg version of the build you go from 3,9 M to 4.5M with an axe that has the same pDPS.

################################ Skills ################################################

If possible , getting Divergent Boneshatter helps a lot damage wise. You take 20 additionnal damage when you gain a trauma charge BUT you get 1 increased attack speed per trauma stacks, which in turns allow you to get even more trauma stacks. Read more about trauma Stacks below.

Do not level up Molten Shell to more than level 10 and CWDT at all! All Molten Shell does is give additional flat armour per level. This way it will always be up.

Ancestral Cry on Mouse Button 1 with Call to Arms is now used to get more range since the change to Tribal Fury. It also gives more armour which is nice for our build. I usually use Lifetap on my mark since it requires a lot of mana..

############################### Trauma Stacks & Helm Enchant #########################################

Trauma Stacks are what gives the skill a lot of damage. The more you have at the same time, the more damage you take and deal. You cannot use Multistrike support to get more trauma stacks as only the first repeat of the attack adds trauma stacks.
This is also why Melee Physical damage is not used as a gem in the build. MPD support has a 10% less multiplier to attack speed. This limits the amount of trauma stacks you can get. For that reason, even if PoB says MPD support is more damage than other gems, it is not, in most cases.

For the same reason, even though Boneshatter increased damage helm enchant is good, the best in slot is the one that allows you to gain more than 1 trauma stack per hit. (The one on the helmet in the build guide.) 
If you cannot come accross this enchant or feel like you have enough damage then an enchantment for mana reservation for Pride or other Aura is welcome as well.

############################## Boot Enchant #######################################################

I like the 2% life regen if you've been hit recently since we are always getting hit. This adds up with all the regen we get from physical damage prevented.

############################ Mana Reservation ##################################

Because of the nerfs to Mana reservation, we use one aura on our life with arrogance instead of all on our mana. On the flip side, this allows us to not spec into the mana resrvation wheel at all, IN THE ENDGAME.
While leveling, you have to spec into it in order to use determination. Once the helmet is crafted, with Essence of Laothing and with the Eater of World Implicit for Mana reservation, then we can respec these skill points to
something else. Determination is a big part of the build. The more armour the more sustainable Boneshatter is. For that reason, until you get mana leech, not using war banner can give you enough mana to actually use determination earlier, 
alongside of the reservation nodes.

################################# Spell Suppression ###########################

The new Jugg ascendancy node uses armour to protect against elemental damage from hits. Spells count as hits so this is a nice defensive layer if you manage to get a lot of armour. 50K would be the minimum I think.
Since getting spell suppression is too hard with gear alone now, this node will be our spell suppression.

################################ Leech ######################################

Mana leech we have to get on gear or on a jewel. Life leech we get elsewhere on the tree.

############################# Leveling ########################################

---------Act 1 ----------

Get Ground Slam as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch. Link it with Ruthless.
Get Leap Slam from Tarkleigh after getting into the Prison.
Get Maim from Nessa as a third link as soon as you can, I usually pick it up after killing Brutus. 
Other Gems you can buy at that time: Precision, War Banner, Vitality. Vitality is not Compulsory but helpful. Vitality reserves a lot of mana so don't use it if this does not feel good.
After Entering The cavern of Wrath you can get new skills from Nessa. Wait after Killing Fairgraves to limit trips to town.
Stick with GS or switch to either Sunder or Earthshatter. Pick the skill you prefer. With the buff in 3.19, Sunder will probably be the strongest.
Link at the end of Act 1: Sunder->Ruthless->Maim

---------Act 2 ----------

After Killing Weaver get Melee Phys support as a reward and buy Rage support from Yeena. Even though Melee Phys is not used in the endgame build it is still quite useful while leveling.
Link at the end of Act 2: Sunder->Ruthless->Melee Phys Support. 
Rage is good but you might run out of mana since rage increases attack speed. Rage is a good 4th link if doing as a second char or if you have an orb of binding.
Get Close Combat if you have enough Currency. Level it up.
Get Ancestral Cry and level it up. We will use it when we switch to Boneshatter and have the Call to Arms Keystone.

---------Act 3 ----------

After "Rescuing" Tolman's Bracelet, talk to maramoa and get Pride as a reward. 
If you have enough currency, buy vengeance and determination. Start leveling the gems.
Next do the Fixture of Fate Quest (Library) to get Fortify Support and Arrogance Support, as well as impale support.
Once you kill Gravicius you can buy Boneshatter from Clarissa. I would not use it until I can use Determination or get the first ascendancy. Level it up in the meantime anyway.

Link at the end of Act 3: Sunder->Ruthless->Melee Phys->Fortify

---------Act 4 ----------

Get Berserk after entering the mines and use only on bosses when you have enough rage.
Get Brutality from the quest reward (The eternal nightmare)
Links at the end of act 4: Bonehsatter->Ruthless->Brutality->Fortify

Close combat and impale will be the next support gems so level them up in your off hand.

---------Act 5 ----------

Level up to level 49 in chamber of Innocence. By then you should have allocated the small leech node. With this you barely use the mana flask at all. You can then either spec into the mana reservation wheel mentioned above, disable war banner 
and use determination or wait until you get a helm with mana reservation on it. Up to you.
What I do is spec into the mana reservation nodes until I get the helm. I feel this is the best way so this is what the leveling tree will take.
So in order, for the tree 51-60: I rush the leech small node, then reservation then Golem's Blood

---------Act 6 ----------

Complete Lily's Quest (Clear the Twilight Strand)
Buy the missing gems and start using the ones you can.

############################## Eldritch Implicits ########################################

A list of good implicits to get on every piece of gear

Body Amrour:
	EoW: Increased Pride aura effect - Increased Determination Aura Effect
	Exarch: Crit Multi for attacks - + to All Maximum Resistances 

	EoW: Overwhelm Physical Reduction - Increased Effect of Your Marks - Chance to maim on Hit 
	Exarch: Attack Speed - Increased Crit Chance for Attacks - Add Flat Physical damage to Attacks - Gain rage on Hit - + Max Cold resistance

	EoW:Life regen per endurance charge - Increased armour from gloves and helmet
	Exarch: Increased action speed - increased movement speed - increased damage per endurance charge - + to maximum fire resistance
	EoW: Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency - Increased Attack Damage
	Exarch: Physical damage taken recouped as life - damage per power charges (only if you have 3 up almost at all times ie: +1 minimum power charge on rings)

Hunter chest with + crit chance to attacks is more damage than pride aura effect. 
Tailwind boots are probably better than damage per endurance charge damage wise.
Eldritch gloves are better than spiked gloves

######################################### Other Stats #################################

Secondary stats that are good on gear: 
	Strenght: Gives Life and accuracy Because of the Jugg Ascendancy Node
	Life regen: more life regen!
	Non channeling skills have -7 to mana cost (Rings)