7 days ago
Level 95 CI Wrath Paladin3.25.alternate
Life: 1
ES: 6,325
Mana: -42
Pool: 6,326
Resistances: 90%/90%/90%/-7%
Armour: 45,206
DPS: 0
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Frenzy, Power, 12x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Gruthkul

Awakened Generosity
Protective Link
More Duration
Flame Dash
Sniper's Mark
Frost Bomb
Purity of Lightning
Purity of Fire
Purity of Ice
Vaal Haste
Vaal Discipline
Rejuvenation Totem
Multiple Totems
Death Walk
Tree Preview

- +1% Chance to Block Spell Damage per 5% Chance to Block Attack Damage

- 100% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you

- 30% chance to Avoid being Stunned while holding a Shield
Guide by Allie https://www.twitch.tv/Allliee_ https://www.youtube.com/c/Alliee >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< This build is NOT a Leaguestarter and is a build that I assume you are playing as a 2nd Build. Due to this, we will be leveling with Uniques to speed everything up and we will require to buy gear to get this going. The Minimum Budget for this build is ~25-30 Divine. We have extensively tested this and while it might work on ~10-15 Divine, it won't feel very good. Please make sure you have enough money to start this. The goal of the 25-30 Divine budget is to get you into T16 and to make the build strong enough to farm Guardians and Maven Invitations. If you can do that, you can do almost any other content you wish with a build that strong outside of T17. >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< >>>>> PLEASE READ <<<<< Act 1 In Act 1, we will be leveling with Caustic Arrow until Level 12 where we can get all the way to a Cluster Jewel slot and slot in One With Nothing. From there, we will use Smite to get to Level 41 where we can equip Nycta's Lantern. With Nycta's you can swap to Blade Vortex and start playing the build. You can also optionally go all the way to Act 10 with Hollow Palm and then get an XP boost to 80-85 through 5-Ways or just get to Level 68. I recommend going through all of the Item Sets and getting all of the Uniques you need ahead of time before leveling to save yourself time. If you purchase everything in advance, you should be able to get to Act 10 within 2-4 hours depending on your knowledge of the Campaign. I assume you will buy all the gems from Lilly in your hideout. The only gem you will need to buy from someone else is Smite of Divine Judgement. >>>>Please make sure you have 2 Mana Flasks before Brutus and Merveil or you will have a bad time with mana<<<< Level 1 Socket in Caustic Arrow and link it with Momentum. Use Caustic Arrow for everything all the way up to Level 13 and One with Nothing. Equip Widowhail, Goldrim, Tabula Rasa, Lochtonial Caress, Seven-League Step & two Blackhearts. Buy a Rare Quiver with a bit of Added Damage of any type from the trade website or simply buy a Quiver in town and use an Alchemy Orb on it. If the Alchemy Orb gives you no Added Damage, I'd recommend trying again. Level 4 Take out Momentum from your Caustic Arrow and add in Mirage Archer, Volley & Pierce. Socket Sniper's Mark & Frostblink into your gear. You only need to use Sniper's Mark on Bosses. At Level 5 put on your Karui Ward. Level 8 Add Void Manipulation to your Caustic Arrow. Level 10 Socket Precision & Vitality into your gear. Don't level them past Level 4 or you will have some mana issues. Level 12 Swap to One With Nothing & Smite of Divine Judgement once you are Level 12 & have gotten the Fairgraves Passive Point. Remove Caustic Arrow and all of its supports as well as Sniper's Mark. Buy a few Blade Vortexes and Vaal Orb them until you get a Vaal Blade Vortex. Once you have one, socket it into your Off-Hand so it can gain levels for the swap at Level 41. Add in Smite of Divine Judgement and link it to Faster Attacks, Added Lightning Damage & Added Cold Damage. We are going to stick to a 4-Link to not have any mana issues until Level 22 when we can equip two Praxis. You will NEED to unequip your Widowhail & your Quiver alongside your Gloves to make One With Nothing work. If you don't then you will do no damage. From here leveling should be a breeze with Smite clearing the majority of your screen and 2-3 shotting Bosses. Act 2 BANDITS: Kill all bandits for +1 Passive Point. Level 16 Add in Blood Rage, Herald of Ice & Herald of Ash into your gear. If you feel like you are having a hard time with mana, turn off Vitality & Precision until Level 22. Make sure you do the Golden Hand quest in the Fellshire Ruines Level 2 as 1 Passive Point has been moved here in 3.25. Level 20 Replace your Karui Ward with Astramentis, with this you should have no Attribute issues for the rest of the Campaign while also gaining a massive DPS boost. Level 22 Replace your Blackhearts with two Praxis. This will solve all mana problems and allow you to turn on Vitality & Precision again if you turned them off. With the Mana Cost Reduction of Praxis, we can now 6-Link our Smite of Divine Judgement for a massive DPS boost. Remove Added Lightning Damage & Added Cold Damage from Smite of Divine Judgement. Add in Physical to Lightning, Elemental Focus, Elemental Damage with Attacks & Ruthless. Act 3 Level 24 Remove Herald of Ice & Precision and add in Purity of Elements. With this you should have no issues with ailments anymore while being close to resistance cap. Add in Automation & Steelskin for an extra defensive layer. Level 25 Put on Prismweave for a DPS increase. Act 4 Do Lab after Level 31 when your gems upgrade. Take Toad Pact as your first Lab point. Level 41 At Level 41 you can equip Nycta's Lantern and swap over to Blade Vortex now. Remove Smite of Divine Judgement and its supports. Add in Vaal Blade Vortex and link it to Physical to Lightning, Controlled Destruction, Trinity, Unleash & Increased Area of Effect. Add in Shield Charge and link it to Faster Attacks, Momentum & Lifetap. You can use both Shield Charge & Frostblink together to move around very fast. Equip Nycta's Lantern, Kaltenhalt, Asenath's Gentle Touch, Replica Tasalio's Sign, Berek's Grip, Replica Prismweave & Sin's Rebirth. From here all you have to do is press Blade Vortex every few seconds and just keep running forward. You ideally want to wait for Unleash to get to 4 stacks which will give you 5 total Blade Vortexes when you use it. Blade Vortex does More Damage per Blade it has active meaning you will always want to stay at 10 in possible. For clearing just 5 stacks is more than enough given how high your damage will be doing. Please don't overthink this. Over time you will build up muscle memory and time it without even thinking. Most of the time I map with anywhere between 5-7 Blades as I just press Blade Vortex when it feels right and just focus on pathing. Save your Vaal Blade Vortex charges for Bosses and use both together for a large DPS boost. As we progress the build, we will be adding in Sacrifice which does not work with the Vaal version of the skill. This means over time, Vaal Blade Vortex will become a small portion of your DPS but you will still want to use it. We are using Unholy Might through Sin's Rebirth and later on Overwhelming Malice to get Wither on Hit. Wither is an extremely powerful Chaos Damage debuff and the Vaal Blade Vortexes will be needed to get to 12 Stacks on a Boss for burst DPS. From here keep leveling your gems and push through the Campaign as nothing will change until Level 68 when we make the swap over to Life Stacking. Just follow the Passive Trees and have fun zooming! Act 7 Do your second Lab once you unlock it. Pick Vile Imprecations as your second point. This is simply just 10% More Damage and 10% Less Damage taken. Act 10 Do your third Lab but DO NOT use the Passive Point until Level 68. Once you reach Level 68 and are ready to swap to Life Stacking, pick up Sanguine Power. Picking up this point early will just make you lose Life with no benefit. There isn't a better place to put this so ill just leave it here: For your fourth Lab in Maps, you will lastly take Fell Fen. You can do this whenever you feel ready, I personally did it as soon as you can at Level 75 with no issues. Swapping to Life Stacking at Level 68 Once you are Level 68, you can equip Rathpith and begin Life Stacking. Without this Shield, you will not really do any damage at all. Rathpith alongside the Sacrifice support will allow us to start scaling off of our Life Pool. As we push to higher and higher Life values, we will eventually just get to 100% Critical Strike Chance for free while gaining a very large amount of Spell Damage and Added Chaos Damage for free. You can make the swap over as soon as you are Level 68 as long as you have the minimum gear requirements mentioned below. This means that the only stat we will care about is Life. The more Life you have the Tankier you are and the more Damage you do. Outside of Life, the rest of our build's budget will be spent on getting to the Resistance Cap and then just focusing on getting as much Life Regeneration as possible. Why we aren't using Dissolution of Flesh You might be asking yourself, why no Dissolution of Flesh? To put it simply: It is the worst feeling item in this game. Dissolution is a Jewel made for Life Stackers giving you up to 30% More Life. This is an extremely large DPS boost but it comes with the downside of it completely changing how your defensives work. When you take a hit with Dissolution, you Reserve your Life equal to the hit. If you have 10,000 Life and take a 5,000 hit, you will now reserve 5,000 of your Life for 2 seconds until it clears itself. The issue with Dissolution is that if you take even 1 damage while you are waiting that 2 second window, the timer will restart. This is the same as if you were to play an Energy Shield build that ONLY relied on Energy Shield Recharge as its way to get its Energy Shield back. If you were to have a DoT on you at the same time as you taking a big hit, or you accidentally stepped on one of the 30 Ground Degens always present in Endgame content, you now have to wait potentially seconds for you to gain your Life back. The other issue with Dissolution is that while your Life is Reserved, you cannot benefit from it for the sake of Sacrifice. If you have 50% of your Life reserved that means that 50% isin't contributing meaning you do somewhere ~40% Less Damage until it clears up. Dissolution is amazing for content where you don't want to get hit in the first place such as Sanctum or Bossing which is why you see Hexblast using it and why its so popular for that content as it allows for easy abuse of Rathpith. I want this build to do all content while feeling amazing for it and if you walked into a Harbinger or a Breach as a Melee build (which we practically are) you will die very quickly due to Dissolution even with 20-25k Life. Life Stacking Swap Requirements The bare minimum to swap is: A Rathpith Globe An Obliteration Marylene's Fallacy with an Anoint A Bottled Faith - This can be skipped but your Single Target DPS will be much lower especially at low Life values. A Crit Medium Cluster Jewel with Overwhelming Malice for Wither A Watcher's Eye with the "x% increased Life Recovery while affected by Vitality" Mod An Elegant Hubris that has Caspiro on it for Supreme Ostentation ~10 Tattoos of the Tukohama Shaman ~6-8k Life from your gear NOTE - While the Skills Tab has an Enlighten linked to the Auras, this can be skipped if needed. Simply drop Flesh and Stone and just run Purity of Elements & Zealotry. This can then be added in later. This is discussed more further down in it's own section. Rathpith Globe is required for its innate scaling that stacks with the Sacrifice support while clearing will feel bad without an Obliteration. Maylene's Fallacy will be a very large portion of your DPS early on while Force of Darkness is a cheap and extremely powerful Anoint. The same can be said about the Medium Cluster Jewel and Bottled Faith. You can skip these two to begin with but, the Wither from Overwhelming Malice and the Crit from Bottled Faith at low Life values before Rathpith carries your Crit at higher Life values will be important. Try to buy a Bottled Faith with a higher "x% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect" over any of it's other stats if possible. Keep in mind your Boss DPS will be a lot lower without these two. Given we are running Rathpith Globe and the Sacrifice support, we need to deal with a 30% Life loss every single time we press Blade Vortex. Luckily we will only be using it every 4 seconds or so making this fairly easy to deal with. Our goal is to stack as much Life Regeneration as possible to not only counteract the 30% but to later on also allow us to fit in things such as Righteous Fire and to out-regenerate most things. The more regen the better and we will never have enough in this build. If we could reach 200% Life Regeneration we would. The Watcher's Eye mod is "Life Recovery" which is basically another way to say "More Life Regeneration," It's simply a multiplier to what you currently have. This makes it crucial to the success of our build and makes it mandatory to have in the early game. As we push into higher budget levels, we will have so much Life Regeneration that we could drop some but, this early on every bit counts. This is why we also want AT LEAST 10 Tattoos of the Tukohama Shaman to begin with. Due to us running an Elegant Hubris with Caspiro, we get access to the Supreme Ostentation Keystone allowing us to ignore all Attribute Requirements. This is important for the Endgame where we will want to use a Rational Doctrine that has a balanced Intelligence and Strength & it allows us to Tattoo away every single one of our Attribute nodes. Later on we will also add in Tattoos of the Tawhoa Warrior on our Intelligence nodes which are important to our clear but to start off, this allows us to not have any Strength requirements. With this we can ideally Tattoo away every single Strength node with a Tukohama Shaman Tattoo for a massive increase to our Life Regeneration. I recommend at least 10 of these for a total of 3% Life Regeneration to begin with. These might be expensive on the Auction House as for some reason people are allergic to trading them there and their true price can be found on the Trade Website. Getting to 8k Life might be hard to do so with Level 68 gear and I wouldn't spend too much money on it to begin with. You will most likely upgrade out of it very quickly as you level and can equip better bases. You are more likely to be closer to 6-7k Life which is fine especially if you have a Bottled Faith. In terms of the stats we want on our gear, they are extremely simplistic: Due to Sanguine Power, all Energy Shield on our gear is converted to Life instead. This means if you have a Body Armour with 1000 Energy Shield it is now 1000 Life. Given we are 100% scaling off of Life and nothing else, our gear will simply just be Energy Shield Bases with as much Energy Shield as possible. On top of this, we want to fit in Resistances wherever we can but, due to the sheer amount of Jewel Sockets in this build, it should be very very easy for you to Resistance Cap. Given we need no Attributes & no Chaos Resistance due to Fell Fen, the only other useful Suffixes for us is Life Regeneration. Try to find as much Life Regeneration anywhere you can as it can roll on every single item. You can also try to find a pair of Gloves and Boots with an Open Suffix for you to craft "x% increased Life Recovery Rate" on them. This mod cannot roll on Energy Shield gear and can only be Crafted on. The only special item to mention here is going to be the Belt. To start off, we want to use an Elder Belt with the "x% increased Life Recovery Rate" Mod. This is similar to our Watcher's Eye as it is also just a multiplier to all other Regeneration. Later on we will craft a Belt but at a starting budget like this, any Elder Belt with the Mod is more than good enough. If you can find Life, Life Regeneration or any Resistances you might need, that would help. Earlygame Rare Gear Trade Links All of the Trade Links here will give you the templates needed to find good Earlygame gear. All of the gear will have all Resistances turned on for searches, it is up to you to figure out exactly which ones you need based on the gear you buy. You can always turn off the Resistance filter and look for Open Suffixes to craft a Resistance yourself. NOTE - All of the gear as a Maximum Level of 68 drastically reducing the amount of items in each search. If you are ok waiting a few more levels and want to find stronger or cheaper items, increase the Maximum Level filter. You can always buy a weaker item to get you going and then at a higher level spend more money on a good item. If the gear in the searches is too expensive, lower the Energy Shield minimum filter. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND - This will drastically reduce the power of the item. NOTE - Remember you can use the Harvest Bench to swap Resistances around. Helmet Your Helmet will simply be focused on getting as much Energy Shield as possible along with any Resistances or Life Regeneration you can. One option is to look for a large Life roll as on your Helmet, Gloves & Boots a Tier 1 Life Roll is competitive with the "Energy Shield and Stun & Block Recovery" Hybrid Mod. Once you buy a Helmet, use Eater of Worlds Ichors to get the "x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage" Implicit. While the Fire version would be ideal, at this budget level it does not matter which one you get. Use Searing Exarch Embers to get the "x% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance" Implicit. Helmet Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/G8dG46Dcb Body Armour Once you buy a Body Armour, use Eater of Worlds Ichors to get the "x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage" Implicit. While the Fire version would be ideal, at this budget level it does not matter which one you get. Use GRAND Searing Exarch Embers to get the "Gain an Endurance Charge every 13 seconds" Implicit. We specifically need the Grand version of this Implicit to have 100% uptime on Endurance Charges. By default Endurance Charges last 10 Seconds which we will increase to 14 Seconds through the 2 "20% increased Endurance Charge Duration" Small Passive Points we will pick up by both +1 to Maximum Endurance Charges nodes. You will need to gain a charge every 13 Seconds for this to never fade. With the Greater "every 14 seconds" version, it will randomly fall off due to the order in which the Servers process things happening in the same Server Tick. Body Armour Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/J5dngbRSl Gloves Your Gloves will simply be focused on getting as much Energy Shield as possible along with any Resistances or Life Regeneration you can. One option is to look for a large Life roll as on your Helmet, Gloves & Boots a Tier 1 Life Roll is competitive with the "Energy Shield and Stun & Block Recovery" Hybrid Mod. You can also look for an Open Suffix to craft the "x% increased Life Recovery Rate" Mod if possible as it would be a very large Life Regeneration increase. Once you buy a pair of Gloves use Eater of Worlds Ichors to get the "x% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life" Implicit. You should only use Lesser Ichors to get this as a higher value does nothing for us. Due to Blade Vortex's high Hit Damage and high Hit Rate, we instantly hit the Leech Cap anyways. Use Searing Exarch Embers to get the "x% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit" Implicit. You should only use Lesser Embers to get this as it will only be useful on Bosses where the baseline 15% chance is enough to have permanent uptime. Gloves Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/WPW5GQ0tm Boots Your Boots will simply be focused on getting as much Energy Shield as possible along with any Resistances or Life Regeneration you can. One option is to look for a large Life roll as on your Helmet, Gloves & Boots a Tier 1 Life Roll is competitive with the "Energy Shield and Stun & Block Recovery" Hybrid Mod. You will also try to get a high Movement Speed roll or ideally, an Open Prefix to craft the "Movement Speed & Chance to gain Onslaught on Kill" Hybrid Mod. Once you buy a pair of Boots, use Eater of Worlds Ichors to get the "x% increased Life Recovery Rate" Implicit. This is a massive increase to your Life Regeneration and you should to try to use Grand Ichors if you can afford it. Use Searing Exarch Embers to get the "x% increased Action Speed" Implicit. On a higher budget use Grand for a higher Roll but otherwise, Lesser and Greater will give the same roll. Boots Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/ZO5PP3RiQ Rings Your Rings will simply just be a major source of Life and Life Regeneration. Ideally try to find as many Resistances as you can here to allow you to find higher Energy Shield rolls everywhere else. If you happen to have an Open Prefix, the "Regenerate x Life per Second, +x to Maximum Mana" Hybrid Mod is an amazing addition. Eventually, you will want to look for Vermillion Ring Bases for your Rings. These cannot be equipped until Level 80 but would be a great upgrade. If you do end up getting Vermillion Rings, use Fertile Catalysts on them to get 20% Quality. Ring Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/myjBvqrt6 Belt The only thing we need on our Belt to begin with is the "x% increased Life Recovery Rate" Mod. Later on we will make our own Belt as there aren't any Belts with all of the Mods we want on it. This Mod alone is so important that it is worth it for you to Quality the Belt to 20% with Fertile Catalysts when you can afford it. Belt Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/705Qrk2f5 Jewels All we need on Jewels is just "x% increased Maximum Life" and ideally "x% increased Chaos Damage" or "x% increased Area Damage." We need to increase our Obliteration's explosion damage so it can clear better which will be achieved through either the Chaos Damage or Area Damage rolls while also increasing Blade Vortex's damage. Eventually we will also want to get "+x to Maximum Fire Resistance" on every single Jewel for when we eventually add in Righteous Fire. Thus, we will look for the stat now as it will also make you tankier making it useful even early on. These Jewels might be in very high demand. Later into the build we will be crafting our own Fractured Jewels. If there aren't many for sale at reasonable prices, simply drop the Maximum Fire Resistance or the Damage rolls. Jewels Trade Link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Phrecia/R7BGW8Bc7 Swapping to Life Stacking Make sure you swap the Profile in the Skills Tab to the "Level 68 Life Stacking Swap" & swap the Passive Tree to the "Level 68 Life Stacking Swap" tree. There are a few minor changes to the tree requiring ~21 Respec Points in total. You will get 14 of these for free from leveling. You can go back to Act 1 & 10 and do the quests there for an additional 4. GOLD RESPECING - You will most likely need to use some Gold to finish fully respecing everything over. You can go to Kingsmarch and talk to Faustus to be able to use your Gold to do so. As long as you meet the requirements above and have ~6-8k Life along with the mentioned items, everything will work as intented. Your Life Regeneration might be a bit low to begin with which will get better with more Tattoos of the Tukohama Shaman, better Flasks & more Levels. Getting a Level 21 Vitality early on feels great and, as you gain more Levels you gain more Life through your Passive Tree making your Regeneration stronger in comparison to incoming monster damage. Your main playstyle is: While clearing you will simply just use your Blade Vortex while running around with Frostblink and Shield Charge. You can Frostblink in the middle of your Shield Charge animation canceling the end of it and overall making you faster. Blade Vortex will be linked to Unleash which will cause it to build up charges. These charges get used when you press the skill causing it to trigger multiple times. Blade Vortex gains 40% increased Hit Rate and 35% More Damage per Blade currently active. Due to this, you will want to stay at 10 Blades at all times if possible. This can simply be achieved by just waiting until your Blade Vortex reaches 4 charges before being used. If you use it at 4 charges every 4 seconds or so it will always stay at 10. While mapping, you DO NOT need to worry about this too much. While it is optimal to keep 10 Blades, having anywhere between 5-8 will be more than enough to kill all monsters instantly. Outside of Rares which you might need to hit for ~1 second to kill, everything else should die as you Shield Charge through it. You will also have access to Vaal Blade Vortex. This skill can be ignored while mapping but if needed, you can use it against a Rare or mechanic if needed. Vaal Blade Vortex is amazing against things such as Legion, Expedition, Breach, Essences and so on. You can always precast it before you start the mechanic for it to instantly start dealing damage. This makes Expedition and Essences easier while allowing it to completely solo one side of a Breach. Every time you press Blade Vortex, Sacrifice will make you lose 20% of your Current Life and Rathpith will add another 10% making you lose 30% of your Life every time you press it. Due to this you DO NOT want to spam the skill and just use it as needed either to keep up 5-10 Blades while mapping, or to keep 10 Blades on Bosses. We have a lot of Life Regeneration in this build making the Life loss pretty irrelevant. Don't freak out when you see your Life go down, you are completely fine in almost all situations. While mapping you can ignore the Power Siphon as it is only for Bosses. As you Shield Charge, Mark on Hit will apply Assassin's Mark to Rares occasionally. This isn't too important if it does or doesn't happen as we don't need it for clarity. Bosses On Bosses everything stays exactly the same as before. You now need to make sure you are always at 10 Blades otherwise you will severely nerf your DPS. As you play the build more, this will become muscle memory and you won't think about it much. When you get to a Boss, you will now want to press Power Siphon once to trigger your Mark on Hit to apply Assassin's Mark. You can get rid of the Mark on Hit and the Power Siphon if you don't mind pressing Assassin's Mark manually and it would be a small DPS increase to do so. Our Bottled Faith will have an Enkindling Orb on it to make it 70% stronger while making it not gain charges while active. This turns the flask into a massive burst DPS button that we want to use smartly. On Bosses all you need to do is: Walk up to a Boss and apply Assassin's Mark Use both charges of Vaal Blade Vortex Use Bottled Faith Keep up 10 Blades and just stand next to the Boss Fitting in Flesh and Stone In this build we want to use Purity of Elements, Zealotry & Flesh and Stone. Purity of Elements & Zealotry are core to your build and will take priority as Flesh and Stone will require an Enlighten linked to all 3 Auras for you to have enough reservation. Once you get an Enlighten, you can simply just turn on Flesh and Stone for a massive EHP increase given we will always be on top of enemies. Another option you can choose is to drop Zealotry when you get your Enlighten and fit in Herald of Ash along with another 25% Reservation Aura. Our best option would be to add in a Level 30 Aspect of the Spider as a Suffix on one of your items. This will give you a bit more clear through Herald of Ash while Aspect of the Spider will make up the majority of the DPS loss of Zealotry while only getting better as you get more Life. I don't recommend doing this swap until you get a Rational Donctrine in the Midgame but, I do want to make you aware of the possibility. Flasks For this build, our Flask setup will be very simple. To begin with, we want to use Bottled Faith along 4 Utility Flasks. On all of your flasks you are looking for the "Gain x Charges when you are Hit by an Enemy" Prefix as we will always be in Melee distance and are looking to facetank almost everything. This should give you nearly 100% uptime on your flasks. As for Suffixes, you are looking to get the following 3 on any of your Utility flasks: x% increased Critical Strike Chance during Effect x% increased Movement Speed during Effect x% reduced Effect of Curses on you during Effect Regenerate 3% of Life per Second during Effect The "Regenerate 3% of Life per Second during Effect" Mod can only be crafted onto your flask at the Crafting Bench. You can ask your friends if someone has the craft or you will need to go buy Veiled Cinderswallow Urns and Unveil them with Jun until you unlock the recipe yourself. Further Upgrades Shortly after this guide is released, there will be more follow-up guides going over higher budget levels and upgrades. Until then, I will list some easy and plug-and-play upgrades you can make on your own. Finding better gear with higher Energy Shield rolls is the easiest upgrade you can make for yourself. If you can find higher Life Regeneration rolls that would be good too. You can eventually upgrade your Ring bases to Vermillion Rings which have "x% increased Maximum Life" as an Implicit. You can also look for an Obliteration that is corrupted with a "x% increased Area of Effect" Implicit for better clear. Upgrading your Unleash to Awakened Unleash and leveling it to Level 5 will allow you to drop Mental Rapidity saving you 4 Passive Points. Awakened Unleash MUST be Level 5 to give you +1 Maximum Seal like the mastery does. The single biggest upgrade you can make would be saving for a Rational Doctrine as soon as you can. This Jewel will give us permanent Consecrated Ground which is a massive Regeneration boost. Due to us being able to balance our Intelligence and Strength, we can also benefit from the Profane Ground at the same time gaining a big DPS boost at the same time. This Consecrated Ground alongside some Maximum Fire Resistance Jewels and enough Regeneration will allow you to comfortably run Righteous Fire for a massive DPS boost. .