3 months ago
Level 99 CI Arc Elementalist3.25
Life: 1
ES: 4,456
Mana: 229
Resistances: 90%/90%/90%/-60%
Armour: 57,958
DPS: 31,287,402
Speed: 2.06
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: 15% Shock
Bandit: Kill All

Vaal Arc
Awakened Swift Affliction
Awakened Burning Damage
Cold to Fire
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Purifying Flame
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Arcanist Brand
Elemental Weakness
Flame Surge
Purity of Ice
Tempest Shield
Vaal Smite
Sigil of Power
Tree Preview

- You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes

- 100% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet

- Fire Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Fire Resistance

- 10% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you

- +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield
-----------LEVELING------------------ Watching the videos can help explain the thought process. (YouTube: BuffaloBaron https://www.youtube.com/@buffalobaron) For alternate leveling setup with Rolling Magma into Armageddon Brand into Wave of Conviction (more stuff to think about but better DPS), see AsmodeusClips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHIeMS0uo7A When gem link setups have some support gems "unchecked" that means they are backup options if you don't have the top priority gems or would benefit from one of the others. You are not expected to have them all; usually there wouldn't even be enough links to support them all so early in the campaign. ------------------------------------ Act 1 ------------------------------------ Gems we are aiming for this act: Main leveling skill for Act 1 is Freezing Pulse-Volley-Added Cold Damage (backups: Arcane Surge, Added Lightning Damage, Elemental Proliferation) Secondary Damage, can work at same time as Freezing Pulse: Holy Flame Totem-Volley-Summon Phantasm (Backups: Added Cold Damage, Added Lightning Damage, Arcane Surge) Debuffs and Damage Boosts: Frost Bomb Blink/Teleport skill: Frostblink or Flame Dash, your choice. Frostblink has instant cast, Flame Dash has longer range and 3 charges. Optional quality of life: Clarity for mana regen and Vitality for life regen, don't level too high or they reserve too much of your mana Don't forget to upgrade life and mana flasks as they become available. Can 3:1 vendor to get the next level up. If you get a quicksilver flask use it constantly to run between packs Always look for boots with movement speed Early game you can dual-wield wands or sceptres for more damage, but eventually we need a shield in our off-hand In Act 1 a weapon with any kind of spell damage, elemental damage, flat added damage to spells is desirable. ----------------------------------- Twilight Strand (Beach) Fireball and Arcane Surge are automatic scripted drops to teach you about skill gems and supports. "Enemy at the Gates" quest Take Freezing Pulse as quest reward, replace Fireball with Freezing Pulse, link with Arcane Surge "Mercy Mission" quest Take Summon Phantasm Support as quest reward. Can level it in an empty slot but not needed yet. Purchase Volley. If you have a B-G link Freezing Pulse to Volley. If you are lucky enough to have a B-B-G link FP, Arcane Surge, Volley Can optionally purchase Elemental Proliferation Support if you prefer more consistent/widespread freezes over raw damage Purifying Flame is available for purchase immediately. Purchase whenever but do not yet equip or level. "Breaking Some Eggs" quest Take Frost Bomb as quest reward, socket (no links needed) and use as debuff against harder enemies as long as you are using Freezing Pulse. Take Frostblink as a quest reward. No links needed. Use as mobility speeding time between packs and manually dodging danger. Purchase Holy Flame Totem and use as a secondary damage source and distraction against tougher targets. If sockets allow (B-G-R) link to Volley and any blue damage support Ideally Summon Phantasm Support for more distractions. Optionally purchase Flame Wall as a damage boost and try to place it strategically so that Freezing Pulse and Holy Flame Totem fire their projectiles through it. No links needed. Eventually purchase and level Orb of Storms which you will swap in for Frost Bomb after you switch from Freezing Pulse for Arc. Eventually purchase and level Shield Charge, but don't use yet, it is a travel skill but feels very slow until higher levels and linking to a support gem we don't have yet. If you've got a friend or guildmate who league started anything except a Witch or Templar they can give you a Faster Attacks support to use Shield Charge earlier. Otherwise we wait. "Dweller of the Deep" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Caged Brute" quest In The Lower Prison do not miss the first "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. Take Added Lightning Damage Support as quest reward, consider buying Added Cold Damage as well. For the first couple acts these can be used fairly interchangeably in your main damage links depending on available socket colors. Note that Added Fire Damage works differently than those two and is not useful unless your skill has a physical component. Purchase Combustion Support and level it, but don't use it yet. Optionally for mana issues can use: Clarity. Do not over-level, this is one of the rare auras where leveling = more mana reserved. Optionally for life regen can use: Vitality. Same as Clarity, do not over-level,another aura where leveling = more mana reserved. Any levels shown in gem section for Vitality/Clarity are only suggestions, play this by ear for your needs "The Marooned Mariner" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this ------------------------------------ End of Act 1 in Cavern of Anger (quest "The Siren's Cadence") switch from Freezing Pulse to Arc-Added Lightning Damage- Arcane Surge (backups: Added Cold Damage, Elemental Proliferation) Also swap out Frost Bomb for Orb of Storms Buy the now-available "Flame Surge" and level it if you have a slot for it, but do not use yet. ------------------------------------ Act 2 ------------------------------------ You will likely start phasing out Holy Flame Totem since Orb of Storms and Arc should carry you, and you'll soon need those gem slots for other things But feel free to use HFT as long as it feels useful. Should be looking for weapon with % lightning damage, % spell damage, flat added spell damage of any element. +1 lightning spell skill gems or +1 all spell skill gems is a great bonus, but hard to find. "Intruders in Black" quest: Take Herald of Thunder as quest reward and activate it for now. Purchase and add Wave of Conviction as a debuff you can cast to inflict exposure. If your mana reservation pool can handle it, buy and activate Summon Skitterbots Buy and level Tempest Shield in an empty slot of a weapon swap, but do not activate yet. Don't forget to open the seal then travel back to ACT 1 to get your Skill Point, don't skip this. (only time you'll need to go to a previous act to get a reward) Following this quest you have unlocked a HIDEOUT with a crafting bench in it. The crafting bench is crucial and lets you add a single modifer to gear as long as they have an open slot for it. Magic items have up to 2 (one prefix, one suffix) rare items up to 6 (3 prefixes and 3 suffixes) You'll mostly want to add a Life prefix to gear with good resistances, or add a Resist or Attribute (Dex,Int,Str) suffix to gear with life and at least one other good suffix. "The Great White Beast" quest. Optional but encouraged, especially if you don't have a quicksilver flask yet. Take quicksilver flask as reward. Even if you already have one, you can use two and alternate back and forth to get more uptime "Through Sacred Ground" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this In The Crypt Level 1 do not miss the second "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. "Sharp and Cruel" Quest: new support gems become available Take Controlled Destruction Support and swap it in for Added Lightning Damage in your Arc setup Buy and level Cold to Fire Support and Deadly Ailments Support in spare sockets or weapon swap but do not link to anything yet "The Root of the Problem" quest In the Chamber of Sins Level 2 do not miss the third "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. "Deal With the Bandits" quest We will eventually take the Skill Point for killing all 3 bandits But you can respec to that later if you temporarily want the 8% movement speed for leaving Kraityn alive, the 40 base maximum life from Oak or the 15% ele resist from Alira. ------------------------------------ Act 3 ------------------------------------ Start being on the lookout in vendors and monster drops for 4-Link items, very important for your main skill's damage. If using Arc, sub in whichever of the backup supports listed above you can fit in If B-B-B-B Arc-Added Lightning-Arcane Surge-Controlled Destruction If B-B-B-G Arc-Added Lightning-Arcane Surge-Added Cold Also be looking for the setup we will want after the Labyrinth when we transition to ignites: B-B-G-R Optionally be on the lookout for a sceptre to use instead of a wand. Sceptres can also roll caster modifiers like wands, unlike other melee weapons. In a little while we will get access to a skill that acts as a temporary buff but only if we are using a melee weapon. Mods you will want on any weapon you find (wand or sceptre) from now on until deep into endgame maps should be combinations of: % lightning damage, % fire damage, % elemental damage, fire damage over time multiplier, damage over time multiplier, any flat added damage to spells, +1 lightning spell skill gems, +1 all spells "Lost in Love" quest In The Crematorium do not miss the fourth "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. Curses and Auras become available Take Elemental Weakness as quest reward Buy and level (but do not use) Flammability and Malevolence (Use Flammability after allocating Whispers of Doom on tree while having Shaper of Flames, use Malevolence when using Shaper of Flames and mana res efficiency allows) "Victario's Secret" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Ribbon Spool" Take whichever amulet has the attribute you are most lacking. Likely either Amber for Strength or Jade for Dexterity. "Sever the Right Hand" quest In The Catacombs do not miss the fifth "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. Many new gems become available but we don't use any in this leveling setup "Piety's Pets" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "A Fixture of Fate" (Library Quest) In the Imperial Gardens outside the Library do not miss the sixth "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 3 or 4. You will have to come back if you miss this. ***Bring vendor currencies with you to Siosa, needs to be in your inventory to purchase from Siosa*** Take Burning Damage Support as reward, do not use yet Purchase Lightning Penetration Support and replace Added Lightning Damage with it in your Arc setup. (optional, we drop this soon when we switch to Ignite) Purchase Faster Attacks Support and link it to Shield Charge in a G-R. Use this for traveling between packs, much faster than walking. Purchase Determination aura. Activate if needed for defense (may need to deactivate skitterbots/herald to do so) Purchase Molten Shell and Cast When Damage Taken, be careful not to level too high. If possible link those with Purifying Flame in a R-R-R. Start with CWDT lv2, MS lv8, PF lv12 and upgrade if you get tankier. Optionally buy Smite and use as a temporary buff (only works with Sceptres) Because of Smite try to prioritize equipping sceptres instead of wands from here on out. Not mandatory if a wand is better than any sceptre, but go sceptre if you can. If currency is available, buy and level (but do not use) Purity of Ice. Low priority but will need way down the line when we transition to Chaos Innoculation. If currency is available, buy and level Inspiration, it is always a good backup support if you get a red socket you don't need or have mana cost issues. "The Sceptre of God" Optional: this is the earliest you can choose to ascend and take Shaper of Flames. The Labyrinth is a "mini-hardcore", sending you back to the entrance and slightly reshuffling the layout if you die. This means dying is a big waste of time. Bring a life flask, preferably one with bleed immunity on it, lots of the traps inflict bleed Activate Vitality and Determination to counteract life loss if still having problems avoiding traps If you still can't beat the Lab with all that, wait until you get more levels into Act 4 and try again. ------------------------------------ POST-LABYRINTH IGNITE CHANGEOVER When you first beat the Lab at a specific area level, you get two Ascendancy points. But there are small travel nodes between all the major named Ascendancy points, so in effect 1 lab=1 major node With your first pair of points travel to and allocate Shaper of Flames, allowing us to scale ignite damage instead of just spell/hit damage Change out Arc's support links to Ignite Proliferation, Cruelty and another red gem, either Inspiration if you have mana issues or Burning Damage if you don't. Before having Ignite Proliferation if you ascend on the early side and it's not available yet, use Efficacy or Added Lightning Damage, or the other red gem you didn't use above This goes into a B-B-R-R or B-R-R-R If you get anything with a green socket use Swift Affliction. Start using Flame Surge as a debuff on ignited enemies, and if you have allocated Whispers of Doom, can use both Elemental Weakness and Flammability curses. Otherwise if no Whispers of Doom, use only Flammability, it has higher numbers than Elemental Weakness. Continue to cast Wave of Conviction as a debuff, but now link it with Combustion Time to activate Malevolence, which will likely involve turning off most other auras to have enough mana. Skitterbots and Herald of Thunder should be turned off. By this point you should have allocated Sovereignty on your passive tree so hopefully enough mana reservation efficiency to fit both Malevolence and Determination Should also have some mana left over for low level versions of Vitality and Clarity if you need them. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Act 4 ------------------------------------ "Breaking the Seal" quest Take Sigil of Power as quest reward, optionally use as a buff while standing in it. (Optional: purchase any golem gem you feel will be helpful, this isn't permanent or necessary) "An Indomitable Spirit" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Eternal Nightmare" quest (after accessing Belly of the Beast area) Take Immolate for quest reward, it is sometimes a useful link for our main setup, you can always test it in POB to see if it is the right choice Buy Ignite Proliferation from vendor and link as soon as you have Lab 1/Shaper of Flames, big for clear speed Buy Arcanist Brand from vendor and level, and can optionally use now linked to Flame Surge, Elemental Weakness and Flammability to apply all 3 in one click if you have already ascended. Be sure to aim the Brand so that it lands in the middle of the monster pack or near a boss to maximize coverage of the debuffs. Before completing The Eternal Nightmare with the Act 4 final boss, this is the latest you should take your first Lab/Ascendancy. If you haven't yet, do it now before the boss. ------------------------------------ Act 5 ------------------------------------ If you have been slacking on life and resists, now is the time to really focus on those Between Acts 5 and 6 (the halfway point of the campaign) you will will suffer a permanent -30% to all elemental resistances, so try to be as close to 105% as possible, since the max is 75% "The Key to Freedom" quest A utility flask is offered as a reward My preference is Granite for Armour and to use it when in dangerous combat situations, overwhelmed by many small hits. This will become more important in endgame maps, and we will have ways of automating flask use at that point "In Service to Science" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "Kitava's Torments" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this ------------------------------------ Act 6 ------------------------------------ If you haven't yet, go to the crafting bench and do everything you can to boost life and resistances. If your resists are under 50% you're going to have a bad time, and 75% is really worth working for. By now you have likely allocated Whispers of Doom on your passive skill tree, letting you apply an additional curse. I prefer to apply Flame Surge and the curses Elemental Weakness and Flammability all by linking them to Arcanist Brand in a B-B-B-B "Fallen From Grace" quest Technically optional, but realistically mandatory. Awards 2 passive respecs and unlocks Lily Roth as a vendor to purchase ALL normal skill/support gems. "Essence of Umbra" quest In the Lower Prison do not miss the first new "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 7 or 8. You will have to come back if you miss this. (the next two Labyrinths only require 3 trials each, not 6 like the first one did) "The Father of War" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Puppet Mistress" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Cloven One" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this ------------------------------------ Act 7 ------------------------------------ "Essence of the Artist" quest In the Crypt do not miss the second new "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 7 or 8. You will have to come back if you miss this. In the Chamber of Sins Level 2 do not miss the third and final "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend in Act 7 or 8. You will have to come back if you miss this. "The Queen of Despair" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Master of a Million Faces" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "Kishara's Star" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this Around now you can consider going to your Second Labyrinth and taking Shaper of Storms as your major ascendancy node. Notice that the Lab layout now has a higher area level and slightly more rooms, making it both harder and a bit longer than the first one ------------------------------------ Act 8 ------------------------------------ "Love is Dead" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "Reflection of Terror" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this In the Bath House near this quest do not miss the first "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend at the end of Act 10. You will have to come back if you miss this. "The Gemling Legion" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this End of Act 8 is the latest you should be doing your Second Labyrinth, get it before final act boss if you haven't yet. ------------------------------------ Act 9 ------------------------------------ "The Storm Blade" quest leading to "Queen of the Sands" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "The Ruler of Highgate" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this And give the feather to Irasha unless you are a monster "Recurring Nightmare" quest In the Tunnel do not miss the second "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend at the end of Act 10. You will have to come back if you miss this. ------------------------------------ Act 10 ------------------------------------ "Vilenta's Vengeance" quest Awards Skill Point, don't skip this "An End to Hunger" quest In The Ossuary do not miss the third and final "Trial of Ascendancy" which you need to ascend at the end of Act 10. You will have to come back if you miss this. I recommend doing your Third Labyrinth and taking Mastermind of Discord before facing the final boss of Act 10. You're about to get another resistance debuff and the Lab will be easier if you go now It will also help in that final boss fight. You will notice that the lab is once again harder and a bit longer than previous labyrinths. You may start getting legitimately turned around/lost between rooms. Be sure to check the map item when entering each new room to understand how many exists the room has. Some exits are dead ends. After beating final boss don't forget to talk to Lani to receive your two Skill Points as a reward ------------------------------------ Entering Maps ------------------------------------ If you have been slacking on life and resists since Act 6, now is the time to really focus on those again After the campaign you will will suffer **another** permanent -30% to all resistances so they start at -60% instead of 0, but in maps 75% is basically mandatory. This means that each elemental resistance will need to total up to 60+75=135% between gear and skill tree. Get Chaos Resistance where you can but do not overpay for it or compromise other things for it. We will soon enough switch to Chaos Innoculation. At this point Deadly Ailments starts outpacing Cruelty or Burning Damage in your main links so be on the lookout for a B-B-G-G And of course we would ultimately want a 6-link body armour, adding Immolate and Unbound Ailments and requiring a B-B-B-B-G-G We can make do with red sockets by using any of the aforementioned Red links (Cruelty, Inspiration, Burning Damage) Vaal Arc should be cheap at this point, and it's worth acquiring on trade. The Vaal Arc buff helps a lot against tough single targets. Once you have the "Influence" wheel on your skill tree and the Mana Mastery for 12% Mana res efficiency you should have enough spare mana to activate Tempest Shield This does require equipping a shield to have active, but you already should have had one for Shield Charge. Don't allocate Glancing Blows on your tree until you have taken some other block nodes on the tree and activated Tempest Shield You might still find the Glancing Blows downside unforgiving if you don't have a Shaper-influenced shield with "recover 5% life on block." Later when we go Chaos Innoculation we will replace that mod with Aegis Aurora's more powerful version for enegry shield. Adjustments above are aiming for 500k+ damage for early maps Prioritize advancing your Atlas by completing different map layouts, see my video guide here: https://youtu.be/u6XjcaLcFf4?si=Ld2UWg9C5VPigB-I If you need assistance making Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs to trade for gear upgrades, see my Currency Farming guide here: https://youtu.be/8caU9IqdaMI?si=mBHF7kWEkzo_-SQ4 ------------------------------------ Mid-Tier Map Upgrades and Final Labyrinth ------------------------------------ By tier 7-10 maps you might encounter a random Labyrinth Trial in maps,and if you complete it you get an "Offering to the Goddess", entry token to the 4th and final lab. You can even just find an offering in fragment chests in Heist or Expedition, or buy one from other players. The Labyrinth Trial is totally optional for this last lab, you only need the item. You will take Heart of Destruction with your final Ascendancy points. These are your gear priorities once you have 3,000 life and 75% to all elemental resistances: *6-Link body armour for Arc, ideally B-B-B-B-G-G but we can be flexible to incorporate a 1-3 red sockets if needed. *Corrupted 6 links are often cheap on trade. Try to get one with a decent amount of life and resistances, hopefully with some Armour value on it * Sceptre with +1 all skills or +1 lightning skills and hopefully DOT multi or Fire DOT Multi, maybe some % lightning or % fire damage Ignore spell damage, it does not help us. Neither does elemental penetration. *Two Call of the Brotherhood unique rings, ideally with 20 Turbulent Catalysts applied to each if you can afford it. Applying those catalysts increases the amount of lightning damage we convert to cold. Therefore they increase the amount of damage we get from Cold to Fire Support, which we should now use. New socket setup is B-B-G-R-R-R to include Inspiration support for mana issues. (Arc-Unbound Ailments-Swift Affliction-Cold to Fire-Burning-Inspiration) Cruelty shows more damage than Unbound Ailments but it's hard to calculate because it depends on the strength of the initial hit, bosses might resist it. * Eye of Malice unique helmet, and if versions with corrupted implicit modifiers are cheap, finding one with 90% mana res for socketed skills is our endgame option. * Gloves with eldritch implicit modifiers for "ignites spread to nearby enemies" (then remove ignite proliferation from your 6L and replace with a better damage support) and "Inflict fire exposure on hit" (then take wave of conviction out of your skill rotation) * Good flasks, ideally with "gain 2-3 charges when hit" prefix. Remember duplicate suffixes do not stack, so get a variety of suffixes. Flask recommendations are Divine Life, Granite, Basalt, Silver, Quicksilver * Enough instilling orbs and glassblowers baubles to use the flask automation recipes at the crafting bench I recommend "use when full" instead of "use at end of effect" but it's personal preference. * Small cluster jewel with 2 passive nodes and "Enduring Composure" for endurance charge generation All the upgrades summarized above are aiming for 3mil+ damage, plenty to handle basic Tier 16 maps and farm next upgrades ------------------------------------ Swap to Chaos Innoculation ------------------------------------ This is the last major "all at once" gear swap until we have to rearrange things for Mageblood if you decide to farm for that DO NOT DO THIS without planning it out in POB first. Understand exactly which attributes, resistances, mana res efficiency, and energy shield numbers you need. We need a 6L Incandescent Heart body armour and an Aegis Aurora shield. If we are going all the way with Nebulis we also need Melding of the Flesh and better resistance gear. If they are cheap, skip straight to a Nebulis with our endgame implicit mod on it: Ignites deal damage faster. Use blessed orbs on it to get it to a 20% roll. If those are expensive there are lots of good alternatives, and anything will do. We need a variety of ES gear, play with it in POB. I wouldn't consider switching over until I could be sure I would have 3,500+ ES with Discipline active The need for Discipline makes our mana tight. We also want to fit in Purity of Ice at this point unless you decide to delay the full Melding of the Flesh/Nebulis switch for later. I personally recommend doing the whole thing all at once, since Aegis Aurora comes with the 5% max cold res If we go this route we will also need more sources of max cold res, either base jewels or cluster jewels with Winter Prowler The tight mana from incorporating Discipline and Purity of Ice means we will need Charisma anointed on our amulet, an expensive anoint at 2 golden oils and 1 opalescent Make sure you have an amulet you want to keep a while before investing that into it, hopefully +1 lightning gems, a variety of needed stats, and space for -7 mana cost craft We will also need 1 or more small cluster jewels with some reservation efficiency modifiers. We may need to temporarily switch away from Eye of Malice to a rare helmet with mana res efficiency on it, unless Eye of Malice with mana res corruption is cheap Last but not least we may need Enlighten support gems, which can be expensive. I rarely if ever build to require Enlighten lv 4 which is usually prohibitively expensive, but even level 3 can be a little steep. When all of that is prepared and your planned POB confirms you will have 3,500+ES and 90% all res, and over 100 mana unreserved, pull the trigger We are shooting for 8mil+ damage and vastly improved tankiness with this upgrade. ------------------------------------ Miscellaneous pre-Mageblood upgrades ------------------------------------ No particular order, play with POB settings on your actual build to see which of these would have the highest impact, and weigh that against cost Always remember to double check what a change will do to your resistances and available mana * Corrupted Eye of Malice with 90% mana res, if you don't already have * Nebulis with Ignite speed implicit if you didn't already have * Oriath's End Bismuth Flask for explody effect. Keep the POB box for this unchecked so you don't fool yourself thinking your resists are higher than they are Flasks fall off, especially during boss fights, and you wanted maxed resists WITHOUT this * Watchers Eye with 1 offensive and 1 defensive mod. Offensive mod: either of the Malevolence damage mods. Defensive: most of the Determination ones work. I like reduced damage from crits. * Good Large Cluster Jewels with 3 good notables, or two good ones located on the sides of the jewel for pathing purposes Top nodes are Sadist, Prismatic Heart, Overshock, but many work well * Lethal Pride+Impossible Escape shenanigans (see tree+jewels video) * Stormshroud and shock immunity boots for full ailment immunity * Call of the Brotherhoods with good corruptions (Bleed Immunity, Malevolence aura effect) preferably with pre-existing quality * If no quality, have to roll the dice with Tainted Catalysts, normal catalysts don't work on corrupted items * Incandescent Heart with +2 duration corruption or +1 all gems corruption (ultra endgame option has both) * Enough scattered mana res efficiency to allocate Whispers of Doom instead of Charisma on amulet and save those passive points