6 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 41 Rain of Arrows Warden3.25

Life: 62915%
Mana: 79
Resistances: -37%/-37%/-37%/-60%
DPS: 0
Config: None
Bandit: Alira


Tiger's PawCutlass


Rain of Arrows
Added Cold Damage
Mirage Archer
Artillery Ballista
Added Cold Damage
Focused Ballista
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Manaforged Arrows
Blink Arrow
Herald of Ice
Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Shrapnel Ballista
Added Cold Damage
Chance to Bleed

Tree Preview

Point BlankPoint Blank
Precise TechniquePrecise Technique


LVL 1-11
(Buy Iron ring/serrated arrow quiver)
(Buy added Cold/Frostblink/Sniper's Mark
shrapnel - Arrow Nova -  added cold or Chance to bleed
galvanic arrow - mirage archer - added cold
frostblink - blink arrow
sniper's mark

----Lvl a lightning strike and added cold in your weapon swap, for better damage later on---

----With 3.25 the blacksmith whetstone applies 20% quality to low ilvl weapons, use this often (the rarity of the item doesn't matter anymore, a rare lvl 5 bow will get 20% quality with 1 whetstone)
----Sell a lot of unid rares for transmutes, very important as we need transmutes to craft flat ele damage on our rings----
----Make sure to do the strongbox in the upper prison (1 area before brutus) to get your 2nd quicksilver-----
-----Help Alira or Kraityn----- Alira makes gearing easier, kraityn for speed running.
-----Finish the quest "Great white beast" for your 2nd quicksilver in act 2 (only do this if you didn't drop a quicksilver from the first strongbox).
-----You always need more accuracy then life while lvling with precise technique, usually not an issue because we take a lot of accuracy nodes.

LVL 12-27
(buy anger)
(craft lightning damage flat on bow after piety)
(Craft flat ele dmg on rings after lunaris temple in act 3)
rain of arrows - mirage - added cold damage or Trinity
shrapnel - Arrow Nova - added cold damage or Elemental damage with attacks
frenzy - manaforged
frostblink - blink arrow (Do not level frostblink because of the intelligence requirements)
sniper's mark
precision - anger - Herald of Ice (You can drop precision if your accuracy is high enough) (Need charisma wheel to use both anger/haste, replace anger or haste with Herald of ice until then).
Feel free to use grace over haste if you want to be more sturdy during the campaign.

(If you want to play LA over RoA for lvling then do Lightning Arrow-LMP-Mirage Archer-Trinity or Elemental damage with attacks)

LVL 28 (Swap to artillery ballista) (Buy an extra rain of arrows before doing lab for vendor recipe)
rain of arrows - mirage - added cold - trinity     (Can also use volatility or elemental damage with attacks)
artillery ballista - focused ballista - added cold damage - Elemental damage with attacks      (can also use immolate, Elemental Focus or volatility) (Focus ballista is Only from library or A6)
anger - haste
frenzy - manaforged
frostblink - blink arrow
sniper's mark - mark on hit - lifetap (If you don't have the links just selfcast sniper's mark on bosses)

--------------------LVL 46 Lightning strike Swap------------------- Read for a Smoothe transition
by lvl 30~ You should be picking up every sword, dagger and claw. save these so you have 2 good ones. Essence will also help.

Swap to the melee setup at this lvl and respec correctly, only need 5 respec points which you should have from the campaign.
Follow all of the gems listed in the Skills section
Swap to grace OR haste over herald of ice when you get the mana mastery for 12% reservation (around lvl 50-55~)

Make sure to always be crafting flat dmg on your rings and prioritize gear with high flat fire damage for big scorches.

At the start you want to be using two difference weapon types (for example 1 claw and 1 sword) for the dual wield mastery
Once You take the claw wheel next to the leech nodes, you want to only be using 2 claws and spec out of the dual wield mastery

Regex for vendor: (shows 3 links and movement speed boots)
