7 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 95 Crit Blade Blast of Unloading Assassin3.25

Life: 5,228145%
ES: 413
Mana: 38
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/64%
Evade: 49%
Evasion: 8,282
DPS: 321,633
Speed: 2.14
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 478%
Config: Power
Bandit: Kill All


Omen WandAngelic Kite ShieldHarlequin MaskLightning CoilWyrmscale GauntletsVelour BootsJade AmuletAmethyst RingSapphire RingHeavy Belt
Jade FlaskQuartz FlaskGranite FlaskSilver FlaskDivine Life Flask


Flame Dash
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Increased Area of Effect
Flesh and Stone
Blood Rage
Brand Recall
Increased Area of Effect
Increased Critical Strikes
Power Charge On Critical
Increased Critical Damage
Blade Blast of Unloading
Blade Vortex
Faster Casting
Arcanist Brand

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Brand MasteryBrand Mastery
  • Brand Recall has 50% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 15% of Mana Cost
  • +30 to maximum Life
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 40% increased Physical Damage with Skills that Cost Life
  • Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you