6 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 92 Hybrid MoM Ball Lightning of Orbiting Hierophant3.25

Life: 3,52494%
ES: 3,22637%
Mana: 4,929317%
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/40%
Evade: 58%
Evasion: 11,321
DPS: 4,174,593
Speed: 7.03
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Focused, 30% Shock
Bandit: Alira
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ralakesh


SingularityVoid SceptreMindspiralSadist GarbSamite GlovesArcanist SlippersCitrine AmuletCoral RingValako's SignLeather Belt
Divine Life FlaskSilver FlaskQuartz FlaskJade FlaskDivine Mana Flask
Cobalt Jewel


Ball Lightning of Orbiting
Spell Echo
Slower Projectiles
Lightning Penetration
Frostblink of Wintry Blast
Faster Casting
Arcane Cloak
More Duration
Arcane Surge
Eternal Blessing
Frost Shield
Sigil of Power
More Duration
Hex Bloom

Tree Preview

Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Caster MasteryCaster Mastery
  • 6% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • Increases and reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Shock Effect at 30% of their value
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 10% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
  • 10% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill
  • 10% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
Protection MasteryProtection Mastery
  • Your Elemental Resistances cannot be lowered by Curses
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky


Act 1:
	mule ranger for Momentum
    check vendor for: RG 1.5+aps sword/axe
	look for these links on non-weap slot:
		 BBB link for Rolling Magma - Ele Prolif - Combustion				   
 	    BB for frostblink - arcane surge 
		 B for flame wall
         R for holy flame totem	
		 (optional) RG for shield charge - momentum			   				
    Rolling Magma reward
    Arcane Surge  reward
    after town back from submerged check vendor for goats horns, buy 2 if possible or just 1 with good roll implicit
    Flame Wall + Frostblink reward, buy Holy Flame Totem and maybe shield charge?
	lvl 8 = Combustion
    brutus reward = Leap Slam
	Mainhand two fast swords and leap slam for movement, weapon swap to goats horn to kill tougher packs.
    Start collecting transmutes, need 8 by act 3 to craft flat fire to spells on the swords.
Act 2:
    skip Den
    Herald of Thunder quest reward, buy Herald of Ice(optional)
	Cruelty quest reward, link to Rolling Magma if possible (will be 4th link later)
	help Alira
Act 3:
    Flammability quest reward
	Get fire recipe from solaris 2 and craft flat fire to spells on swords.
    Firestorm quest reward
    swap out Rolling Magma for Firestorm
	Run Library for Haste, Faster attacks, Archmage quest reward (put in offhand)
    4L = Firestorm - Combustion - Cruelty - Ele prolif
    3L = Leap slam - Faster attacks - Momentum
	3L = Frostblink - Arcane surge - Flammability
    1L = Haste, Holy flame totem(optional)	
    drop: Flame wall, Herald of thunder (mana is an issue, can keep using if you want), Holy flame totem (kinda unnecessary but can be nice?)
    run lab: Conviction of Power (charges node)
Act 4:
    Look for Grinning fetish sceptre bases (lvl 35, 1.5 base aps). Easy weapon upgrade.
	Sigil of Power reward, Unleash reward
    Link unleash to firestorm, Firestorm - Combustion - Cruelty - Unleash
    Buy Eternal Blessing, link to haste. Drop heralds, take MoM on tree
Act 5:
   Jade Flask quest reward
Act 6:
	Citrine Amulet reward from tidal island(optional)
Act 7:
   Quartz Flask quest reward
   Citrine amulet from Gruest amulet quest (optional)
   Cruel lab: 10% MoM node
Act 8-9:
   Make sure to identify sceptres & wands, looking for good archmage weapons to swap to for mapping
   Swap flammability for punishment once you get 25% Inversion mastery. Add Hex Bloom for nice QoL.
Act 10:
   Silver Flask quest reward
   farm some merclab for gems, gear, currency to buy frostblink of wintry blast, ball lightning of orbiting
   Can use archmage in firestorm links after you get the 50% less mana cost node.
   Swap to Archmage: (full gem setup in Skills tab)

Use Brine King Pantheon until you get an Immutable Force & Ailment immune.
Minor Pantheon = Ralakesh always

Good Early Uniques
Valako's Sign, Berek's Grip, The Highwayman - Source of leech. Really important to have, Valako's sign is best.
Singularity - really nice early weapon. Hinder radius 3.5m but we're basically melee so this is fine.
Dream fragments - nice for freeze/chill but once you have upgraded Brine King pantheon it can be replaced.
Atziri's Step - trade only, big evasion/suppress. This + lucky suppress mastery and you'll be close to suppress cap.
Mindspiral - huge ES, mana recoup, mana. 
Algor Mortis - Frost shield/frostblink provdes the chilling area for big damage + sap.
Cloak of Defiance - Nice eva/es and trivialises mana regen. Will need to link yourself most likely, but 6L isn't crazy important anyway.

Atlas tree(s)
32 points - Early mapping, Jun for gear/exp, Kirac & map nodes for sustain --- https://poeplanner.com/a/vHx
60 points - Niko, Unwavering Vision keystone, early red maps --- https://poeplanner.com/a/vHi
95 points - Farming Mavens, 10 ways, building map base --- https://poeplanner.com/a/vHU


Gear crafts (Note: recombs OP but I haven't used them here because no idea how rare they'll be)
Wand Craft:
	Fractured hybrid spell damage/mana on profane wand is ideal, can do fractured mana or cast speed but craft will be worse
    Woe Essence for t1 mana
    Reforge caster for t3+ cast speed
    Multimod + Prefixes cannot be changed and veiled orb (33% to brick), block dex/int + ias and unveil double damage or focus double damage and craft the other

	Fractured mana is probably ideal. Fractured life or suppress will work too
	Res/Dex essence for suppress + good 3rd suffix (ele res/chaos res/dex)
	Reforge life or Eldritch Exalt/Annul for t1/t2 life/mana

	Fractured suppress
	Mana essence for T1 life, get hybrid life with harvest augment life. (Prefixes cannot be changed, full suffixes to guarantee prefix, 2/3 to hit hybrid life)
	Prefixes cannot be changed + veiled orb & unveil until cast speed focus mod.

	Fractured life 
	Ailment avoid essence for suppress. This will be way a lot easier on a pure evasion base.
	With open suffix, craft suffixes cannot be changed and reforge chaos.
	Veiled orb on prefix for movespeed. MS + onslaught definitely best.
	Craft mana	

Body armour:
	Fractured suppress on the new t0 base
	Two methods:	
		  Greed essence for either t1 defence mod then prefixes cannot be changed + reforge defence until you get the other (expensive)
	      or Dense fossil for triple t1 defence prefixes and take the 15% life mastery
	Veiled orb suffix for hybrid chaos res

	Fractured life or lightning leech
	If you want open suffix for minimum frenzy craft (expensive):
		Cast speed or Mana essence until you get the other with open suffix(use annuls). If you mana essence and land 2 open suffixes and annul a prefix you can try suffixes cannot be changed + caster reforge.
		3 crafted modifiers + suffixes cannot be changed and veiled orb for reduced mana cost 
    No open suffix (cheaper):
		Mana/Dex essence until you get the other with open 3rd suffix. Suffixes cannot be changed + reforge caster for cast speed. 
        Alternatively if you land cast speed with the essence you can chaos reforge for guaranteed chaos res.
	    Suffixes cannot be changed + veiled orb prefix for life or mana + reduced cost.

	Roll t1 life + t1 mana and hunter exalt t1 %life.
	Alternatively use pristine fossils on hunter base for life + life%, then you can reforge crit for guaranteed flask on crit. (Ball lightning crits over 10 times/second with this setup so you'll be getting max charge sustain). Or try yolo slam mana.
	Exalt + scour suffixes until you get a good mod and then go for the veiled orb. Don't forget 3 crafted mods + prefixes cannot be changed makes the veiled orb a 67% chance to hit.
	Block hybrid stats before unveiling for best chance at hybrid chaos res.

Cluster jewel:
	Get ilvl 50-67 jewel to make it much easier to roll.
	Chaos spam, alt regal,  prismatic fossil or lightning reforge. All probably cost about the same. Ideally snipe one pre-rolled from trade for a divine lol

Random notes:
The Light of Meaning jewel, can use lightning damage, mana, %evasion, chaos res.

Militant Faith vs Glorious Vanity:
	Militant Faith makes it easy to not use inspiration support which is good because inspiration is TRASH. You want a decent mana cost (100-200) so that you proc the 1000 mana spent recently, and also charge up your sigil of power fast, However this means you average like 2-3 inspiration charges so the gem is only ~12% more damage.
	Glorious Vanity is nice for the extra EHP and splitting incoming damage, but I think this isn't needed because instant ES leech is op, also you don't have instant mana leech so in some scenarios when you're facetanking with GV you have full HP/ES but are losing mana.
	GV costs additional points, but you can put Light of Meaning in to scion jewel slot with unnatural and double it's power.
	Militant faith has some options for the 2nd mod like res, ailment effect, mana regen, ele dmg and is overall a lot more damage.
    So on paper I definitely prefer Militant faith but I haven't playtested it so can't say for sure.

Flask setup:
Jade flask with evasion suffix is mandatory for mapping. 
Other 3 flask slots don't have many strong options though: 
	Oriath's end will be sick for mapping, sulphur flask is a bit of dmg and you are stationary a lot so the consecrated ground won't be useless. Quartz flask for phasing is nice but don't need the suppress and can get phasing on kill from abyss jewel. Not to mention this build mostly just frostblinks so phasing doesn't even feel necessary.
	What I might go for is triple ele flask and get flask on crit on my belt. Will make the belt craft easier and should be able to perma sustain the 3 ele flasks. Basically permanent +5 max res and cast speed/curse effect/movespeed suffixes.

Early endgame probably ignore 5th end charge on tree and anoint Inveterate for easier suppress capping. Similarly can craft minimum endurance charge on ring and anoint inveterate. 

Can use 1 singular suppress tattoo. Reduced crit damage int tattoos are nice, will probably try use 10 or so.

Eternal Blessing is linked to both Grace and Wrath. Can easily hotswap these auras depending on the encounter i.e swap to Wrath for a boss where evasion doesn't matter like Sirus. Obviously you can just gem swap but you'll need a white socket and there isn't much socket pressure for this build so it's a nice QoL just to have both auras linked.
Ultimately might go Wrath only if I can get a Sublime Vision for the Always Sap. Does mean you lose clarity watchers mod but Sap will counter the EHP loss and then you can get wrath mods and gain a fuck ton more damage.

Best Watcher's Eye mod is Clarity 10% MoM, followed by Clarity 10% Mana as ES. Can also use Grace suppress, Clarity Mana recovery rate.

Immutable force is the current solution to stun and also enables the 25% more spell damage if stunned while casting recently. This build is almost always casting & facetanking so I predict the uptime on this 25% will be pretty decent. 

+1 Max endurance charge ring. If you can get one of these and craft it up with a kalandras touch. Will have 7 endurance charges and can use grand spectrums (min end, min frenzy, avoid ailments). For ailments need 35% suffix + 29% implicit to reach 100%. Can change anoint too as won't need that min end charge. Will need leech elsewhere.

Ravenous Passion is now 30% more spell damage. Up to 48% if you use Berserk. However it makes suppress cap a nightmare and ultimately turns out to not be that big of a dps gain. Also don't like the idea of pressing berserk.

If you want infinite mana regen use transcendent mind at Mind over Matter jewel, and use Pure Talent. Path to witch start and you'll have 90 int in the jewel radius for 27% mana recovery rate, and 0.5% base mana regen from Pure talent. Losing 90 int, 3 passives and 2 jewel slots kinda sucks though.

Atiziri's Foible is basically always BiS, but with the Reflecting Mist coming back you could try for a reduced proj speed ammy with huge life/mana/mana regen. Then you can drop slower proj support for something like Pinpoint.
Pinpoint support is negative dps at 0 intensity, 35% more at 3 intensity and 54% more at 4 intensity(with the mastery). Not sure on intensity uptime but it's an option to consider.

+1 curse corrupt or anoint whispers of doom. Can arcanist brand 2 curses, punishment + enfeeble most likely. Invert mastery is OP so I wouldn't really consider conductivity.
Invert mastery is OP because whenever we roll an inverted hit + double damage + shock, it'll give a huge shock. Might be able to reach 50% shock on Pinnacles with this.