8 days ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Hybrid Crit CoC Soulrend of the Spiral Blind Prophet3.25.alternate

Life: 2,12825%
ES: 84025%
Mana: 336
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/16%
Evade: 57%
Armour: 5,043
Evasion: 11,261
DPS: 508,865
Speed: 7.07
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 41.51%
Crit Multi: 293%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Garukhan


The ScourgeThe ScourgeTorturer's MaskCherrubim's MaleficencePhantom MittsPhantom BootsBlue Pearl AmuletAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Life FlaskGranite FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskSulphur Flask
Ghastly Eye Jewel


Cast On Critical Strike
Soulrend of the Spiral
Increased Critical Strikes
Chance to Poison
Void Manipulation
Herald of Agony
Purity of Elements
Mark On Hit
Alchemist's Mark
Cast when Damage Taken
Molten Shell

Tree Preview

Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Chaos MasteryChaos Mastery
  • +1 to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems
  • Lose 10% of Life and Energy Shield when you use a Chaos Skill
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • Inherent Attack Speed bonus from Dual Wielding is doubled while wielding two Claws
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • Hits have 50% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction


Ok so sharing this because others have asked, this is a mess of a build right now, and it kinda sucks but its fun to play for the event. 

This is my first from scratch build so dont blame me if it totally sucks at endgame, but figured i'd played enough of other peoples builds to take a crack at creating my own.
This build is also like major WIP, so take with a grain of salt, i'll do my best to document my tests and ideas but theres lots of room for improvement.

I want to start with, i made this build for one reason and one reason only, and that is the amazing, "totally pay to win", Cat MTX for Soulrend.
it's not really pay to win, but i mean who doesnt like cats? would be cool if there was a dog MTX too though.. just saying.. 

That and i could not for the life of me find any one doing anything similar, so figured it would be funny to level to at least 80. (the POB tree goes to 100, but can drop a bunch of damage points for poison dot multi while leveling)

Also, i didnt feel like making a crazy build with mageblood and nimis or whatever. (these would boost damage through the roof)
like mageblood is fun, but every one includes it and I'm sick of farming them.. I digress.

I figured that for the phrecia event, the shadow get psuedo nimis with the second ascendency, so this build might be powerful enough to do some maps at least. 
judging by the final dps rares might be a bit on the hard side in red maps, and the build is likely to get one-shot a bunch.. but fun enough to get through campaign and early maps. squishy though. 

For those that find this and dont know what nimis is, it is a ring that makes all projectiles return to you. 
This is crazy as it doubles poison stacks, or so i would assume. (POB claims that adding this ring is a small damage boost, but i kinda dont believe thats the case.)

build break down

So, the idea of this build is to cap cirt hit chance on cyclone, so that we can use cast on crit to proc soulrend.
Then just spin to win and throw cats everywhere. 

Soulrend (and cyclone) then apply poison stacks, since we have retuning proj on the event we should benefit with additional poison stacks when the bolts return to you.

i use soulrend of the spirial for this build, however POB claims more damage with soulrend of reaping. 
This is due to reaping having higher chaos hit damage, which affects the damage of poison.

spirial is also much nicer because it has more projectiles, and the projectiles pierce unlike reaping.

Poison is complicated, but the initial hit damage is important to how much that poison stack will do. 
AFAIK the more the initial hit, the more the poison damage on that stack, the more you hit, the more poison stacks.

So, it's important to have a high initial hit and to hit a lot.
Crit also affects this, as the poison can also crit, if it does, there an additional 50% dot multi added to the poison stack. 

hence the use of soulrend of the spirial. 

Also I think this skill shotguns, somehow.. not really sure, saw a youtube video claiming that there is shotgun damage on soulrend of the spirial.. 
I believe it, as the in-game damage difference is large between regular soulrend and soulrend of the spirial in my testing.

TL/DR: you spin, you win, you cat, you poison.


just wanted to note here, the minor god selection is Garukhan the reason for this is the "removal" of blind, idk if this actually works, but apparently does for the Second Sight keysone which also says "You are Blind" 
This wording is the same as our ascendency node Sightless. 
Removing the blind would be big, as we are loosing 20% accuracy which lowers our effective crit chance and forces us to take some accuracy nodes on the tree

The Major God, either Brine King or Lunaris. if you are running Purity of Elements, i'd run lunaris, but without it Brine king for the cannot be fronzen/


The only gem you need to either farm or buy is soulrend of the spiral
every other gem is obtainable from lilly roth, most are even in the library in act 3.

I will note, that this tab is incomplete as we do have some gem sockets that we can play around with.
Was thinking that mark on hit with Alchemest mark might be nice, 

CWDT molten shell for some defense. 

- purity of elements == res and ailment immunity
- Herald of Agony == poison chance
- Precision == +crit chance


The items in the items tab might seem a little crazy to get, but honestly its mostly just get max res, and get capped spell suppress.
The only really big thing that is nice to have in end game is the apply despair on hit ring. 
Just need to roll it on a hunter influenced Amythest ring. (easier said than done to get good rolls).
Usually in a regular league i buy these as they are fairly cheap at 1-2 div for decent one mid league. 
in the event it's a nice to have but you can always cast despair manually on rares  

Cherrubim's Maleficence is used soley for chaos damage, this could be swapped out for a rare armour with spell suppress and res, maybe some int/str. (havent really looked at this, but would free up some passives for more defensive nodes to increase EHP)
The Scourge because of big flat chaos damage, this is a good claw if you also are stacking minion damage. i looked at doing this, and outside of cluster jewels these nodes are a bit hard to get to from the shadow start.
						we might be able to leverage an impossible escape jewel to get closer, but figrued for an event thats a month long i doubted i would get this jewel and perfectly rolled.. 


To level this i just used cobra lash, with poison chance, and LMP. 
you get cobra lash at like level 2, so i just went witth that untill the damage of that 3 link fell off (which was quick)

got to about act 4 with this, then swapped over to cyclone, until i got about act 5ish, when i got 70+ crit chance. 
i swapped over to claws when switching to cyclone to take advantage of the claw nodes +attack speed early on. 

Things I have tried (for build nerds)

I was able to start the full build at about act 5 or 6, i think this can come online way faster, but i am bad a making builds.. 

basically you need like 3 things as far as i can tell to scale damage.
1. max crit (most importantly on cyclone but also nice to have on soulrend
2. attack speed
3. phys / chaos damage (kinda tied for #2)

This was the priority i took when selecting nodes for the tree, even while leveling, this is how i went through act 1-10.

There is more to this like added poison damage. but idk took like every poison node near shadow, and its a bit of DPS but nothing crazy.
I want to say the poison damage from the tree is only like 30-40% so worth investing, but could be scaled much better.. 

I tried out a few varients like using charges or switching to daggers for the node that gives "dagger hits always poison on crit" or something like that. 
found that daggers are a lot harder to get 100% crit with, even with increased crit gem and precision.
and the charges were a pain to maintain without a consistent source like the ralakesh boots.. otherwise you are reliant on either stealing them or getting them on kill.. 

I wanted the build to be simpler and require less ramp to full DPS. 

One thing i didnt look at was historic jewels, there are some that add a good amount of spell damage based on power charges.
This build also doesnt take any keystones, i think there might be something to taking Perfect Agony but couldnt find enough crit multi on the tree to replace all the lost poison dot multi.
Possible this just requires some unique i dont know about, or jewels, or a cluster jewel, or something else. 

There's lots more to this build, my goal is to get the damage over 1 mill, and get EHP at least enough to survive some attacks from Eater or something. 
I dont expect this build will ever be Uber viable. nor really boss viable (definitly not in its current state)