13 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 98 Crit Consecrated Path Juggernaut3.21

Life: 5,274112%
ES: 30
Mana: 22
Str: 2,137
Resistances: 77%/77%/77%/28%
Block: 72%
Armour: 55,297
DPS: 134,826,336
Speed: 12.55
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 92.32%
Crit Multi: 482%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy, Power, 11x Wither
Bandit: Kill All


Courtesan SwordRedblade BannerPig-Faced BascinetThe Iron FortressKaom's SpiritReplica Alberon's WarpathAgate AmuletDiamond RingAmethyst RingMageblood
Eternal Life FlaskRuby FlaskSapphire FlaskTopaz FlaskQuicksilver Flask
MegalomaniacLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelForbidden FleshRational DoctrineForbidden FlameInertiaSplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityLethal Pride


Anomalous Blood Rage
Anomalous Withering Step
Phantasmal Ancestral Protector
Phantasmal Leap Slam
Assassin's Mark
Mark On Hit
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Anomalous Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Purity of Elements
Blood and Sand
Anomalous Arrogance
Battlemage's Cry
Consecrated Path
Divergent Void Manipulation
Increased Critical Damage
Anomalous Pulverise
Concentrated Effect

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Iron WillIron Will
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • +1 Armour per 2 Strength
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Nearby Enemies are Intimidated while you have Rage
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Recovery MasteryRecovery Mastery
  • Life Recovery from Regeneration is not applied
  • Every 4 seconds, Recover 1 Life for every 0.1 Life Recovery per second from Regeneration
Sword MasterySword Mastery
  • 120% increased Critical Strike Chance with Swords
  • -20% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Swords


Weapon Crafting Guide:
1) Find a thrusting sword base with the strength stacking synth mod. You want a base with at least 5.5% base crit and 1.55 base attack speed.
2) Get 30% quality using fossils or crucible forge. (28% or higher is technically fine)
3) Get crucible tree before crafting so you can use imprints. You should try to get a 5 node tree with the consecrated path node. I only have a 4 node tree because I have the cons path node on my shield.
4) Essence of zeal until you hit t1 crit chance.
5) Anull until you have an open suffix and an open prefix. If you fail go back to step 3.
6) Lock suffixes and aug crit. You are guaranteed to hit crit multi. If you get a low tier you arent happy with go back to step 3.
7) Lock suffixes and aug chaos for guaranteed flat chaos prefix. Don't use reforge as it could add another mod or fill the prefixes and brick.
8) Lock suffixes again and aisling for a 50/50 to remove meta mod. Unveil for chaos pen. If you fail here you have to clear prefixes and go to step 6.
8) Craft spell damage.
10) Harvest craft crit chance per 4% quality enchant.

Some upgrades...
- The crucible node for strength stacking is around 20% more dps. Crafting this on a Shaper/Elder mace lets you pick up the elder mod for AoE per 50 strength which is huge for clear.
- You can get +2% max ele res on your shield from a crucible node, as well as some more % strength.
- You can drop some passive points for Soul of Steel and the mastery for another +2% max  ele res
- Better clusters with life or more attributes.
- % Strength on rings.
- Better Lethal Pride.
- Belt enchant.

NOTE: If you dont care about defence you can switch to zerker and run Undeniable Forbidden jewels. If you do then switch the crit suffix on a flask to the crafted regen one for rage sustain.