12 months ago
Level 100 Crit Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation Deadeye3.23
Life: 3,835153%
ES: 542
Mana: 104
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/17%
Evade: 90%
Spell Block: 13%
Evasion: 30,605
DPS: 1,586,354,944
Speed: 8.98
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 81.72%
Crit Multi: 586%
Pinnacle, 32% Shock, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Shakari

Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation
Awakened Lightning Penetration
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Purity of Elements
Sniper's Mark
Shield Charge
Guardian's Blessing
Raise Spectre
Sigil of Power
Increased Duration
Aspect of the Crab
Tree Preview

- Nearby Enemies are Intimidated while you have Rage

- +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- 100% increased Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour

- 10% of Leech is Instant

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
- +50 to maximum Life

- 60% increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies with Lightning Exposure

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you

- Wand Attacks fire an additional Projectile
Follow me on all of my Socials for updates on this and other guides or videos https://youtube.com/bigducks - For Video guides about Path of Exile and other ARPGs https://twitch.tv/bigducks - Livestreams of me being terrible at Path of Exile https://twitter.com/big_ducks - Roast my terrible takes, mostly me complaining about stuff https://www.patreon.com/bigducks - If you want to support me directly or want behind the scenes footage and early PoBs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This PoB may be updated as things progress, I will attempt to fix any errors or make updates as time goes on. Check back on the original video occasionally to see if there are updates. -------------------- Introduction -------------------- Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation is a new Transfigured gem that was released this league, and it has one particular feature that separates it from the rest of the wand abilities. Multiple projectiles from this ability can hit the same target. This allows us to hit over 100 times with a single attack, which means we can scale some absolutely insane damage. Alongside Kinetic Blast for clear we have a monster of an all rounder that can handle 80% Delirium Juiced Legion / Abyss / Breach / Beyond / 6000 Affliction Dust Maps, as well as every single Uber boss in the game (you still gotta have some skill for those though). -------------------------------- Affliction Ascendancy -------------------------------- Warden of the Maji The only real reason we use this ascendancy is for the Rage Tincture, it allows us to have 100% uptime of Berserk as well as 50 Rage on single target. This can last for upwards of 25 seconds. The other nodes are pretty bad for us in general. The 50+ Res with no helmet does not work. PoB is wrong. ---------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I've watched the video, read through all of this, checked everything and the answer isn't here... where do I find it? A: Join my Discord Linked here -> https://discord.gg/WusyaTYXwA and ask in the Dedicated Thread for this build. I will do my best to answer as I get time. Others may also answer but take their info with a grain of salt, anyone can answer any question. Generally trust Admins / Mods / Helpers though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do you figure out how many projectile hits you're doing? A: You take the base number of projectiles you have (P) and then the number of times each projectile Splits (S) and then use this formula. P + (P x S) = Total Hits The Bossing Setup has 11 Projectiles with the Flask up, and 100% Mark Effect with a level 21 Sniper's Mark which gives base 5 splits, and 10 with effect. 11 + (11 x 10) = 121 Keep in mind this is in perfect circumstances so you won't do this much damage without your flask up, positioned properly, and mark on the target with the jewel and no mark on hit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When do I use Kinetic Blast vs Awakened Lightning Pen in the Main link? A: Kinetic Blast will be for map clearing, just leave it in the 4 link with Kinetic Bolt, if you are in the mapping version of the PoB you will pretty much never swap off. When you are in the Bossing version, swap in Awakened Lightning Pen and only use Kinetic Bolt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How far can this build go? Is it able to do ALL of the content in the game? A: Yes, with enough effort and gear you can do basically every bit of content the game can throw at you. But be warned that Uber Bosses are very skill intensive and this build isn't some unicorn that can just infinitely facetank every single Uber Boss forever. Normal Pinnacle Bosses should fall over, and Mapping is quite comfortable if you set everything up properly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: My game is freezing when I try to attack enemies? A: Get a better computer. Also set your graphics to minimum, but even with my very good computer I still lag in very dense maps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why no Helmet? A: We use the Dance with Death Keystone which gives us Lucky rolls on our Damage as well as our Crit Chance. This allows us to scale lightning damage and use Marylene's Amulet to get some pretty insane output for very little gear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What Spectre do I use? Won't they die? A: Perfect Dark Marionettes. They will respawn immediately after death, and with all of our defensive auras they should be relatively tanky. Just hit Haste whenever you notice it down. Buy them on the Trade side. If you swap gems out they will fall on the ground in your Hideout but you can resummon them from the floor. If you need to swap gems do it in town. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I don't do as much damage as you do, what gives? A: You have to put yourself DIRECTLY in the boss with phasing, it is VERY important to position it properly. When you find the correct spacing you will notice immediately the increase in damage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I use Sigil of Power? A: Place it on the ground under the boss or a difficult enemy, and attack until it scales up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When do I use Berserk? A: Basically anytime you have a bunch of rares youre hitting with Kinetic Blast, or on any single target fight with Kinetic Bolt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I don't have enough Resists / Stats / Etc and I can't fit it into the build, what do I do? A: Make sure your flasks are rolled properly and you have the proper stats on tree / ring. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't afford X Item, what do I do? A: Unfortunately with the way guides work, when I put the build out into the public the prices increase. I have tried to make it so none of the gear is unobtainable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I'm dying a lot in maps, what do I do? A: Double check that your Evasion is capped, you have some kind of Life Gain on Hit, your resists are all over cap including chaos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Leveling ----------- I have a full leveling video and PoB on my YouTube channel. -------------------- Gameplay Loop -------------------- Mapping: Focus on using Kinetic Blast for the most part while moving through maps, place Sigil underneath difficult enemies or in the center of lots of enemies (legion). Use Berserk on any difficult mobs while using Kinetic Bolt for Single Target. Maintain your Haste Aura. Spellslinger should apply mark as needed. Bossing: Place Sigil underneath the boss while it spawns, enable Haste, get into position directly under the boss, Self Cast your Sniper's Mark and then attack with Kinetic Bolt, and then use your Dying Sun, after about .5 seconds click Berserk. ------------------------ Crafting + Gearing ------------------------ If the item is not listed in this section it means it is most likely just an item you will buy on trade or find on the ground. Weapons: Crafted Wand: - There is an entire section at the very bottom of this PoB dedicated to wand crafting, I also have a video showing examples if you are better at learning visually. Chest: Exp Chest: - Obtain either a Full Evasion or Hybrid Evasion / ES chest with 15%+ Fractured Spell Suppression. Use Chaos Res Essences until you hit a T2+ Elemental Res mod. Harvest Change it to whatever you need. If the chestpiece hits less than 95 Life, use Eldritch Currency to remove it and take the 15% max life Mastery. Use Eldritch Currency to finish Prefixes, go for Evasion / EV/ES / Life / Etc. Rings: Elder Crafted Ring: - Obtain an ilvl 75+ Elder Ring. Higher is okay but it just adds extra garbage mods to roll, it doesn't matter that much though. Use Deafening Essences of Torment until you hit Gain 10-20 Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks, there are two tiers, going for T1 will double the avg amount of essences. You will need 1 Open Prefix and at least 1 Open Suffix. Craft Prefixes cannot be changed, and use a Veiled Chaos Orb. It can hit either a Prefix or Suffix and you might get junk mods. Prefix is ideal here and you will want to unveil it for Life. If you hit suffix you can take either Hybrid Chaos Res or Strength + Int/Dex. You will need to get additional Strength somewhere else to be able to use all of your gear. That Which Was Taken is a good location for it. If you got a Prefix Veil and you have at least 1 open suffix you can move to the next step. If you got a Suffix Veil, Craft Life in the Prefix, Apply Aspect of the Crab through Einhar, and slam for a random suffix. Get Strength Elsewhere. Craft Prefixes cannot be changed and do a Chaos Harvest Reforge. You have an equal chance to get any of the 6 mod tiers. Ideally you want t3+ here but you can keep going until you're happy, just know that you CAN brick it eventually when it fills up. Apply Aspect of the Crab through Einhar and craft Strength/Int if you have a final open suffix, if you do not, get those stats elsewhere. Belt: Mageblood: - The Strongest Belt in the game, make sure you get a 4 Flask one and roll the implicit strength as high as it will go, quality for attributes. Flasks: You can roll flasks yourself for this build, but we need specific mods in specific places, I HIGHLY suggest you simply buy the correct ones. If not you can attempt to Alteration Roll them yourself. Jewels: That Which Was Taken: - This will get expensive most likely as people suggest it, but 25% Mark Effect is huge for single target damage. Other good mods are +STR/INT or Banners have no Reservation (you can add back in Dread Banner instead of Increased Duration if you get this mod) Watcher's Eye: - Evasion Chance with Grace is most important, get whichever additional Purity of Elements mod you can afford. Brutal Restraint: - All that matters is it has Dance with Death, anything else is a bonus. Mainly looking for Attack Speed here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wand Crafting ALWAYS read through all steps of a craft and make sure you understand it properly before beginning. AFTER You have read through all steps and understand it, go to craftofexile.com and practice a few times crafting the item in the emulator before you begin with in game items and currency. Base Type - Ideal - Imbued - Engraved - Carved - Acceptable - Heist Bases - Driftwood Wand - Mediocre - Tornado Wand - Serpent Wand - Bad - Everything Else Base Attributes Minimum Viable - >= ilvl 73 (higher is not 100% better here unless you plan on making a very expensive item with hinekora's locks) - Quality 20% No Fracture - Crafting Deafening Essences of Zeal (17%-18% Attack Speed) Searching for t3+ Critical Strike Chance - 1 Open Suffix - 3 Open Prefix - Cleaning All Prefixes - Craft Suffixes cannot be changed -> Scouring Orb Non-Attack Prefix (If Prefixes Full) - Craft Cannot Roll Attacks -> Annulment Orb, this can remove Cannot Roll Attacks and you will have to repeat Suffix - Annulment Orb - Benching Requires 1 Open Suffix and 3 Open Prefix - Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers - Suffixes Cannot be Changed - Crafting OR Syndicate - Veiled Chaos Orb - This has the chance of giving you garbage prefixes which has the potential to brick the item. If you get non attack mods you can attempt to save it in a few ways, if you get 1 junk prefix then craft spell damage and unveil for % ele pen. Then remove all crafted mods, craft Cannot Roll Attacks, and annul until you get rid of the junk mods, you may need to recraft Cannot Roll Attacks. This may get expensive and is probably not worth it unless you rolled t1 Crit. - Aisling Veiled Mod - This is 100% safe, but more expensive. - Benching - Highest Tier % Increased Spell Damage - Highest Tier Added Local Lightning Damage - Syndicate Unveil for Attacks with this Weapon Penetrates % Elemental Resistances - Finishing Harvest Crit Chance Enchant Any Non Spell Damage / Lightning Damage Prefix Fracture - Get the highest tier of the highest mod on the list you can reasonably afford - List of T4 Fractures in Order of Strength (Tier Matters, check PoB for specifics) - Added Lightning Damage to Attacks - Hybrid Spell Damage + Mana - Added Fire Damage to Attacks - Added Cold Damage to Attacks - increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Crafting Deafening Essences of Zeal (17%-18% Attack Speed) Searching for t3+ Critical Strike Chance - 1 Open Suffix - 2 Open Prefix - Cleaning All Non-Fractured Prefixes - Craft Suffixes cannot be changed -> Scouring Orb Non-Attack Prefix (If Prefixes Full) - Craft Cannot Roll Attacks -> Annulment Orb, this can remove Cannot Roll Attacks and you will have to repeat Suffix - Annulment Orb (33% Chance if no Prefixes) - Benching Requires 1 Open Suffix and 2 Open Prefix - Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers - Highest Tier % Increased Spell Damage - Highest Tier Attacks with this Weapon Penetrates % Elemental Resistances - Finishing Harvest Crit Enchant Attack Speed or Crit Fractured Suffix (Expensive) - Attack Speed Fracture is better here, as T1 Attack Speed is much harder to roll than T1 Crit - Crafting Deafening Essences of Wrath (x - x Local Lightning Damage) Searching for t1 Critical Strike Chance (Or Attack Speed if you have a Crit Fracture) - 1 Open Suffix or a Good 3rd Suffix (can also just be any suffix) - 2 Open Prefix - Cleaning Non-Attack Prefix - Craft Cannot Roll Attacks -> Annulment Orb, this can remove Cannot Roll Attacks and you will have to repeat Attack Prefix - Annulment Orb Suffix - Annulment Orb - Benching Open Suffix Requires 1 Open Suffix and 2 Open Prefix - Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers - Suffixes Cannot be Changed Rolled a 3rd Good Suffix (Can also be anything if you don't care to exalt slam something good later) Requires 2 Open Prefix - Suffixes Cannot be Changed - Syndicate Aisling Veiled Modifier - This is a 50/50 chance to hit your Wrath Essence mod or your Suffixes Cannot be Changed Craft. You also need to make sure your suffixes are completely full before doing this. - Hit Suffixes Cannot be Changed -> Move to next step - Hit Wrath Essence Mod If Fractured Suffixes are 2Div or more - Remove all Crafts - Craft Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers - Craft Highest Tier % Spell Damage - Craft Highest Tier Local Added Lightning Damage - Unveil Attacks with this Weapon Penetrates % Elemental Resistances - Sell and Start Again If Fractured Suffixes are less than 2Div - Restart from Essence Crafting Step - Benching - If you have Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers, then remove it - Craft Highest Tier % Spell Damage - Syndicate - Unveil for Weapon Penetrates % Elemental Resistances - Crafting If you have a final open suffix you have a few options - Close your eyes, say a prayer to Christ Wilson, and slam - Use Heist Enchant Orbs until you hit +1 Crafted Mods (this is dumb and absurdly expensive) and then craft the Highest Tier % Global Crit Strike Multiplier - Use Hinekora's Locks before you Exalt to get a useful Modifier - Finishing Harvest Crit Enchant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If this guide was helpful make sure to Like the video you came from and Subscribe to my YouTube channel, it helps me to provide more content for you all.