12 days ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 99 Crit Leap Slam of Groundbreaking Ascendant3.25

Life: 5,655161%
ES: 65
Ward: 150
Mana: 49
Resistances: 75%/76%/66%/73%
Evade: 70%
Evasion: 19,418
DPS: 16,594,472
Speed: 0.51
Hit Chance: 95%
Crit Chance: 95.00%
Crit Multi: 100%
Covered in Ash, Frenzy, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Garukhan


Midnight BladeSvalinnMajestic PeltBronn's LithePhantom MittsWyvernscale BootsMarylene's FallacyTwoStoneFLAmethyst RingRyslatha's Coil
Cinderswallow UrnPrismatic TinctureJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskBottled Faith
Large Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelForbidden FleshReplica Reckless DefenceReplica Reckless DefenceForbidden FlameThread of HopeScion: ScavengerThe Light of MeaningImpossible EscapeCrimson Jewel


Herald of Purity
Arcanist Brand
Flame Surge
Herald of Ash
Tempest Shield
Leap Slam of Groundbreaking
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Awakened Swift Affliction
Awakened Added Fire Damage
Fist of War
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken
Purifying Flame
Elemental Weakness

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Kitava Rebel(x5)
10% chance to Avoid Bleeding
Tattoo of the Ramako Archer
5% increased Global Accuracy Rating
Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman(x2)
+2% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Avatar of FireAvatar of Fire
Perfect AgonyPerfect Agony
Wind DancerWind Dancer
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills


Elemental weakness requires very high int, so having it in a curse on hit helps.
Could end up putting flammability / flame surge in svalinn, not sure how reliable that would be though.

frenzy and endurance charges are both 20-25% on block, so might not be 100% uptime