17 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 98 Exsanguinate Pathfinder3.22

Life: 4,094168%
ES: 310
Mana: 63
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 95%
Supp: 100%
Evasion: 32,113
DPS: 35,273,584
Speed: 6.06
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Tukohama


Cold Iron PointImperial SkeanPig-Faced BascinetDendrobateAsenath's Gentle TouchDragonscale BootsAgate AmuletMing's HeartMing's HeartHeavy Belt
Taste of HateRuby FlaskSilver FlaskQuicksilver FlaskTopaz Flask
Hypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelThe Balance of Terror(dont need if BF)Watcher's EyeBrutal RestraintAncestral VisionCobalt Jewel


Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Anomalous Exsanguinate
Anomalous Spell Echo
Divergent Efficacy
Divergent Void Manipulation
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Spell Cascade
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Anomalous Spell Echo
Anomalous Despair
Divergent Plague Bearer
Flame Dash
Anomalous Dread Banner
Awakened Generosity
Vaal Haste
Divergent Inspiration
Anomalous Increased Duration
Divine Blessing
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Divergent Herald of Agony
Divergent Malevolence
Temporal Chains

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Warlord
+1 to Level of all Strength Skill Gems Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Tattoo of the Tawhoa Herbalist(x7)
6% increased Flask Effect Duration
Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Wind DancerWind Dancer
Curse MasteryCurse Mastery
  • +20% chance to Ignite, Freeze, Shock, and Poison Cursed Enemies
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 40% increased Physical Damage with Skills that Cost Life
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you


Guide to swapping:

The most important part of the swap are the flasks, if you highlight your flasks on POB you will need to see uptime : 100%  if you see average: xx this does not work.  How do you get uptime, rolling mods on your flasks like duration, charge recovery and charges used all provide uptime on your flasks depending on your tree.
Your tree also needs careful conservationist and Natural remedies. When you upgrade your flasks in the future to alchemist ( reduced duration and increased effect) you will need to supplement the lost of duration with the following. Belt mod reduced flask charges used 18+ Increased flask charges gained 34+ Flasks Duration 20+ the duration
mod can be crafted. You can also use 5 tattoos for flask duration. Flasks(changed for this guide, after watching people play i realized playing wtihout life flasks for most people is suicide and levels are very important(sorry))
1. Life Flasks ( bleed corrupted blood)
2. (some sort of charge generation) Ruby Flask (one of the following mods)  mana reduction, regen 3% Both of these are veiled mods which come from cinderswallow sometimes you might need to find someone to craft these for you.
3. (some sort of charge generation) Sapphire Flask  (one of the following mods) Armour , evasion
3. (some sort of charge generation) Topaz flask (one of the follow mods) Mana reduction , regen 3%
4. (some sort of charge generation) Silver flask (one of the follow mods) Armour , evasion

The armour and evasion are both defensive stats to keep you alive.  The mana mod is to help you cast your blessing(haste) and the regen is to help you sustain your casts

The standard endgame weapon is Cold iron point but if they are too expensive at any point you can replace them wtih obliterations(replace whirling blades with smokemine increaed duration), or rare weapons though your damage will suffer.

I will go over the defensive layers of the build to make sure you know why you are dying 

Your elemental flasks will mitigate 35+% of all elemental spells, attacks and secondary damage.  Your build is very good against these abilities 
Your evasion will mitigate the number of elemental and physical attacks hitting you but it will not protect you against big hits that one shot you.  You want to use dreadbanner generosity at first then grace 8% chance to evaade attacks later.
Your armour will mitigate physical damage per hit this is probably the weakest part of the build and you will eventually transition into a Taste of hate + veiled mod helm + eldritch currency setup.
Spell suppression will protect you against all spells (Cap when you hit low 90s)

MY DAMAGE SUCKS Rue your build is ass and why.  Understanding where your damage comes from.

Make sure you have 100% poison chance in the Calcs tab. 
So you in order for you to understand damage scaling we will say the base number is 100. When you scale levels generally speaking its about 10-13% per gem level. Hence you equip a cold iron point you are doing 30-39% more damage GENERALLY
Dendrobate provides up to 100% increased damage and poison duration if you have 300 dex and 150 into its 40% more damage to most builds.
If you have 100 damage and you equip a 60% Mings heart you are doing 100 dmg + 60 which is 60% more damage a second one at 60 will provide 38% more damage.
Your curses are important both temporal chains and despair are 40% more damage mods. CAST your despair.
Your wither scaling is important the more hits you do the faster you apply wither, withering step leveled up provides 6 stacks and the mastery is 15 stacks of wither at 5%( still pretty dependable)  The difference between 0 wither stacks and 15 is 100 damage vs 250 dmg .Yes its huge.
Haste is a 18% more modifier and it also scales your movement speed and your attack speed for your movment skill speaking of movement skill practice whirling blades into a flame dash to skip across the screen to perform long movements.
Your haste is on divine blessing divine blessing takes mana and here are the following source of mana reduction to make your divine blessing works Flasks up to 25% Inspiration support (alt quality more) Increase duration alt quality, Prefixes on rings and amulet up to 5% mana mastery 10% Dreamer annoint 10%
You need to get enough reduction where your haste cost is under your avaliable mana in POB.
Malevolence is 28% more modifier that also affects the duration of your mods like Steelskin, divine blessing.  You can only use malevolence after you remove determination which is after you get Taste of hate (14-15%) a 8% physical taken as fire unveiled crafted mod and a eater of words implicit 6%.
Neck: Damage on neck = Damage over time multiplier, Physical skill gems, all skill gems, chaos damage over time multiplier(hunter) , Cast speed, frenzy charges(unveil or crafted) , Chaos damage(essence)

Minus max resistance 
reduced aura mods
Chaos resistance
avoid poison
Less curse effect
Spell suppression

You do NOT do the following mods
No regen 
Phys reflect

This build is point hungry and gets alot more powerful as you level.  SO LEVEL

Endgame Crafting :
Craft a Belt first cuz its the most random due to the nature of craft this item
Belt: Get a fractured flask effect belt. Heavy base, Leather, Rustic Sash are all okay
1. Spam Str Essence til you get a decent belt .  The stats you are looking for are Life, life regen, Resists , Flasks charged gained, flask charges used, flask duration.
2. Depending on what you get you have to slam exalts or keep spamming essence Aisling is also okay in certain situation.  
Due to the random nature of the belt you should plug it into your pob to see what stats u are missing and fix your items accordingly.  IE if you get a resist on your belt you probably dont want it on your helm. 

Weapon Cold iron point with damage over time corruption
Crafted Dagger (10-12%) Better
Buy a fractured Chaos damage over time multiplier base from the market, you can fracture yourself but its gonna be expensive.  Remember base attack speed matters if you use whirling blades
1.  Use Aetheric Corroded Metallic Shuddering (8 tries) for +1 level of all spells, you can also alterations craft this but its bout 1/2000 alts
2. If you use cannot roll caster mods and annul it cannot remove a caster mod so after you annul off every caster prefix except +1 all spell gems you are ready to go to the next step. The perfect dagger doing into the next step is +1 all spell gems , any non caster mod prefix, any suffix , fractured mod, open suffix
3. if you have one suffix craft cannot roll attack mods and use harvest aug phys.  If your dagger is fully clean like just +1 and fractured mod, use 3 crafted mods cannot roll attack mods , craft any prefix and then Aug phys for +1 all physical gems, there is a chance either your +1 all or phys gets removed, then you have to start again.
4. Multi mod the dagger with increased chaos damage and cast speed. Done. You can enchant the dagger wtih attack speed for faster whirls or inc aoe for better explosions doesnt really matter

Helm: Get fractured suffix suppression base, you can also get a fractured high regen base if its cheaper
1. Spam any resist essence til you get Suppression or Regen depending on what helm you got
2. Use eldritch currency to get life on prefix with open prefix.  Craft 8% phys taken as fire

Boots: Get fractured suppression or Dexterity Boots
1. Spam Loathing essence til suppression or dexterity
2. use wild bristle matron for suffix cannot change
3. use veiled chaos, block mana unveil
4. Craft life. ( do your implicits)

Amulet: Get fractured +1 phys amulet (any stat base or marbel)
1. Spam Envy til you get damage overtime with decent suffix( regen, dex, int, str, any elemental resistance, cast speed) if you have open suffix you can craft suffix cannot change reforge speed(100% cast speed but there is 3 tiers)
2. with fulll suffix use wild bristle matron and veiled chaos, if your suffixes are very good and u dont wanna brick your amulet you can use Aisling.  Chaos has a chance to get full prefix and OMEGALUL.  block mana and unveil life.  Craft a mod

Cluster Abberant Fossil or BUY

Jewels Fractured Viridian Chaos over time multi spam reforge life or BUY!