8 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 LL Crit Ethereal Knives Hierophant3.22

Life: 560%
ES: 6,412
Mana: 92
Resistances: 75%/80%/75%/63%
Block: 75%
Spell Block: 70%
Armour: 61,308
DPS: 84,082,888
Speed: 7.45
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 86.86%
Crit Multi: 442%
Config: Pinnacle, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Tukohama


Prophecy WandAegis AuroraHeatshiverThe Ivory TowerArcanist GlovesBubonic TrailCitrine AmuletIron RingNimisStygian Vise
Coruscating ElixirGranite FlaskTaste of HateBottled Faith
Kurgal's GazeHypnotic Eye JewelHypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelThe Balance of TerrorWatcher's EyeBrutal RestraintImpossible EscapeUnnatural InstinctHypnotic Eye Jewel


Ethereal Knives
Awakened Spell Echo
Anomalous Inspiration
Arcane Surge
Increased Critical Damage
Defiance Banner
Tempest Shield
Anomalous Zealotry
Anomalous Hatred
Purity of Elements
Herald of Purity
Divergent Precision
Molten Shell
Elemental Weakness
Frost Shield
Lightning Warp
Faster Casting
Death Walk

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Hunter
+1 to Level of all Dexterity Skill Gems Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Honoured Tattoo of the Turtle(x8)
3% increased Global Defences
Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava
Trigger Summon Spirit of Kiloava Skill when you Block Damage from a Unique Enemy Limited to 1 Loyalty Tattoo
Divine ShieldDivine Shield
Glancing BlowsGlancing Blows
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
The AgnosticThe Agnostic
Zealot's OathZealot's Oath
Armour and Energy Shield MasteryArmour and Energy Shield Mastery
  • 10% of Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • Enemies permanently take 5% increased Damage for each second they've ever been Frozen by you, up to a maximum of 50%
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table on Contents
1. PoB Configuration
a) All set-ups
b) Medium set-up & above
c) Expensive set-up & above
2. Mageblood PoBs (new)
3. Leveling (new)
a) at league start
b) as a second character
4. Map clear set-up (new)
5. No duration lightning warp (new)
6. Watcher's eye mods
7. Item crafting
a) wand
b) amulet
c) gloves
d) belt (new)
e) ring (new)
Price breakdown (outdated)
a) cheap
b) medium
c) expensive

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POB Configuration--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration for all set-ups:
Set power charges to 4 (conviction of power)
Set endurance charges to 4 (conviction of power)
Set frost shield stage to 4 (if using frost shield)
Set trinity resonance to 50 (we deal cold through cold conversion & fire damage through heatshiver)
is the enemy frozen (our main damage is cold and we go crit)
is the enemy chilled + 30 chilled effect (our main damage is cold and we go crit)
Have you hit with with spells recently (we fight with spells)
Have you crit recently (we are a crit build)
are you on consecrated ground (bottled faith + zealotry)

Additionnal configuration for the medium set-up and above:
is the enemy unnerved (gloves implicit)

Additionnal configuration for the expensive set-up and above:
Onslaught (onslaught on hit ring)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mageblood PoBs----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have not used Mageblood this league so this pob has not been optimized. It should work though, and it should work very well. I only modified the expensive and mirror tier pobs.
Here's what was changed compared to the regular pobs:

 - Added Mageblood 
 - Changed the flasks
 - Added a Watcher's Eye with the Precision flask charge generation mod
 - Switch the timeless jewel to Supreme ostentation
 - Replaced all the stat nodes to Honored tattoos of the Flock (1% increased aura effect

I would not level with this build. In my opinion, it needs some mandatory uniques to feel good.
If you want to force it, do so at your own risk.

If I were you, I would use one of the following options. In both cases, that means leveling with something else and respecing to this build once you have the mandatory uniques.

At league start,
Go for Pohx's RF inquis guide. It's extremely complete and will guide you effortlessly to maps, or even to your first voidstones.
You will find everything you need on his website right here: https://www.pohx.net/

If this is not your first character,
I would go for Tytykiller's twink leveling guide on Maxroll. Hollow palm leveling makes leveling so much easier and smoother than anything else.
You will find everything you need to know here: https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/leveling-twink-templar

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Map Clear set-up----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you want to go for a map clearing strategy, or if you want to focus on content with dense packs sizes (like simulacrum), I would recommend:

 - Replace Increased Critical Damage Support with either Chain, Awakened Chain, Fork or Awakened Fork support (If you think you might swap regularly between bossing and mapping, 
then replace increased crit damage with hypothermia so you won't need to recolour)
 - Replace Bottled Faith or Taste of Hate with an Oriath's End

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insta Lightning Warp------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Helm enchant (-30%)
- Impossible Escape (Magebane) to take Window of Opportunity (-15%)
- Lvl 21 Lightning warp (-50%)
- +1 level on weapon and +1 level on amulet (-2%)
- lvl 4 empower (-3%)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watcher's Eye mods------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Offensive mods:
+#% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Hatred (best damage mod out of all of them)
Adds # to # Cold Damage while affected by Hatred
#% increased Cold Damage while affected by Hatred
+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision
#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry
Critical Strikes Penetrate #% of Enemy Elemental Resistances while affected by Zealotry
#% increased Cast Speed while affected by Zealotry

Defensive mods:
+#% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Purity of Elements
+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while affected by Determination
#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination
You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while affected by Determination
+# to Armour while affected by Determination
Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per Second while affected by Discipline
+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while affected by Discipline
Gain # Energy Shield per Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Elementsphysical elemental
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Elementsphysical elemental 
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Elements

Utility mods:
Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while affected by Precision (allows you to sustain all your flasks in long fights)
#% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while affected by Hatred (if you get this, you can change your gloves. Either the implicit or explicit conversion mod)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item crafting------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cheap (vendor recipe):
Go to the vendor and sell a Normal Rune Dagger/Sceptre/Wand and 2 or more quality Skill gems with a combined total of 40% quality & the Physical tag

1. Find of buy a one-handed weapon with fractured cast speed
2. roll essences of woe until you hit +1 all phys. The lower the level of the wand, the lower the number of rolls needed/cost of the craft. (craft of exile predicts an average of 403 tries)
3. If prefixes are not filled, exalted orb till you hit a prefix. You also want an open suffix, so you might need to yolo annul here. If you have an open prefix and 3 suffixes, you can also beast craft "remove a suffix, add a new prefix".
4. craft prefixes cannot be changed
5. Harvest reroll caster
6. Bench craft crit multi
Estimated cost: fractured wand (1 to 5c) + 403 screaming essences (202c) + 2 exalted orbs (35c) + bench craft (2 div) + harvest reroll (75 blue= 2 or 3c) = 2 div & 245c
Trade might be better

Expensive V1 (cheaper and more powerful than the V2 but it might cost you your sanity):
1. Find or buy a T1 fractured cast speed one-handed weapon with 36% to 40% increased spell damage or 36% to 40% increased elemental damage implicit
2. Alt spam till you hit +1 all spell skill gems (craft of exile predicts an average of 1608 tries)
3. craft "cannot roll attack modifiers"
4. harvest add/remove phys -> 66% chance of success. If it removes the +1 all, restart at step 2
5. craft prefixes cannot be changed 
6. veiled chaos orb (risk bricking the item into a 6 mod item, or by adding an unwanted prefix) or aisling 4
7. If veiled suffix, bench craft "strength and dexterity & accuracy rating" to block those mods, unveil and hope to hit crit multi while rare or unique enemy is nearby
The veiled prefix version is the strongest weapon you can reasonably craft. It is the version I used in the mirror tier version of the build. It is also much more expensive.
8 bench craft increased spell damage
Estimated cost: fractured base (3 divs) + 2k alts (1 div) + bench craft (1div) + harvest add/remove (4 div) + bench craft (2 div) + aisling (3div) = 14 divs

Expensive V2 (a little bit less powerful and more expensive than the V1 but much more deterministic):
1. Find or buy a fractured +1 to level of all spell skill gems one-handed weapon with 36% to 40% increased spell damage or 36% to 40% increased elemental damage implicit
2. Spam deafening essences of woe untill you hit +1 phys (craft of exile predicts an average of 634 tries)
3. Bench craft "prefixes cannot be changed" 
4. veiled chaos orb (risk bricking the item into a 6 mod item, or by adding an unwanted prefix) or aisling 4
5. Craft any damage over time mod to block it for the unveil (cold damage over time T3 for example)
6. Unveil crit multi while a rare enemy is nearby (if you don't hit it, restart at step 3)
7. Bench craft cast speed
Estimated cost: fractured base (16 divs) + 634 essences (15 divs) + bench craft (2 divs) + 1 veiled chaos orb = 33 divs & 1 veiled chaos orb

Mirror tier (same process as the expensive V1 until the unveil):
1. Find or buy a T1 fractured cast speed wand with 36 to 40 increased spell damage implicit
2. Alt spam till you hit +1 all spell skill gems
3. craft "cannot roll attack modifiers"
4. harvest add/remove phys (66% chance of success. If it removes the +1 all, restart at step 2)
5. craft prefixes cannot be changed 
6. veiled chaos orb (risk bricking the item into a 6 mod item, or by adding an unwanted prefix) or aisling 4
7. if veiled prefix, unveil and pray you hit any spell damage mod (spell damage + gain non chaos as chaos is the best). If there are none, pick any non caster modifier, bench craft "cannot roll caster modifiers" and orb of annulment; then restart
8. bench craft prefixes cannot be changed
9. veiled chaos orb (risk bricking the item into a 6 mod item) or aisling 4
10. harvest reforge caster (if you're not satisfied with the tier of the mod, you can always craft prefixes cannot be changed, scour, then restart at step 7.1)
11. bench craft crit multi&
Estimated base cost: fractured base (3 divs) + 2k alts (1 div) + bench craft (1div) + harvest add/remove (4 div) + bench craft (2 div) + aisling (3div) = 14 divs
*it will probably take 5 to 10 tries to get the spell damage prefix meaning: 10 additionnal ailsing (30 divs), 9 additionnal cannot roll caster modifiers (9 divs), 15 annuls (half a div) -> 40 divs
**it will probably take between 2 and 5 tries to get a good crit mod meaning: 5*aisling (15 divs) + 4*harvest reforge (100c) + 4*prefixes cannot be changed (8 divs) -> 24 divs
Fractured prefix additionnal cost: getting spell damage prefix* (40 divs) + getting a good crit mod**  (24 divs) = 64 divs. 
Total cost: 14 divs + 64 divs = 78 divs

1. Get a base
2. Spam alterations untill you hit +1 phys or +1 all (craft of exile predicts an average of 370 tries)
Estimated cost: 370 alts (37c)

1. Find or buy a T1 fractured cast speed amulet 
2. Alt spam till you hit +1 all skill gems (craft of exile predicts an average of 1847 tries)
3. craft "cannot roll attack modifiers"
4. harvest add/remove phys  (66% chance of success. If it removes the +1 all, restart at step 2)
5. craft prefixes cannot be changed 
6. harvest reforge defense (%ES and % armour are the best hits you can hope for)
7. craft prefixes cannot be changed
8. Harvest reforge chaos (if you are unsatisfied with the tier of the Chaos res, restart at step 7)
9. Bench craft +1 minimum frenzy (or something else if you prefer)
Estimated cost: fractured base (10c) + 2k alts (1 div) + bench craft (1div) + harvest add/remove (4 div) + bench craft (2 div) + harvest craft (2c) + bench craft (2 div) + harvest craft (4c) = 10 divs 20c

1. Find a pair of high ES base gloves (Arcanist, Fingerless Silk, Nexus, or Sorcerer gloves)
2. Spam alteration till you hit a reasonably good %ES roll  (craft of exile predicts an average of 16 triesfor a T4, 21 for a T3, 31 for a T2 & 62 for a T1)
3. Regal and hope for a suffix
4. Craft prefixes cannot be changed
5. veiled chaos orb (risk bricking the item by adding too many prefixes) or aisling 4
6. If open prefix, bench craft %increased damage while leeching or %increased damage during any flask effect
7. Unveil and hope for % physical damage converted to cold damage (if you hit +2 socketed aoe gems, I would recommend choosing that, crafting something generic like ES or Chaos res and selling the gloves. They sell well.)
8. Bench craft prefixes cannot be changed
9. Harvest reforge chaos
10. Bench craft anything you want or need
1. Spam Grand Ichors untill you hit 20% of physical damage converted to cold damage
2. Use 1 exceptional Ember (the result doesn't matter)
3. Use 1 orb of conflict and pray you upgrade the conversion mod (if you hit the other mod, you can either restart at step 1 or try to use 2 more orbs of conflict)
Estimated cost for explicits: Base (1c) + 61 alterations (5c) + 1 regal + bench craft (2 divs) + aisling (3 divs) + bench craft (2 divs) + harvest reforge (4c) = 7 divs & 10c
Estimated cost for implicits: 50 grand ichors (300c) + 1 Exceptionnal Ember (40c) + 1 orb of conflict (60c) = 400c
Total: 7 divs & 410c
This is honestly much more expensive than buying a good base and crafting the implicits

1. Find a pair of high ES base gloves (Arcanist, Fingerless Silk, Nexus, or Sorcerer gloves) with fractured % increased Energy shield (Arcanist are much cheaper but have a little bit less base ES)
2. Use Deafening essences of Woe untill you hit an open prefix
3. craft prefixes cannot be change
4. Veiled chaos orb (if you hit a veiled suffix, unveil anything and restart at step 2)
5. Unveil and hope for % physical damage converted to cold damage (if you hit +2 socketed aoe gems, I would recommend choosing that, crafting something generic like ES or Chaos res and selling the gloves. They sell well.)
It took me about 10 tries to get the good mod
6. Bench craft prefixes cannot be changed
7. Harvest reforge chaos (if you are unsatisfied with the tier of the Chaos res, restart at step 6)
8. Bench craft anything you want or need
1. Spam Grand Ichors untill you hit 20% of physical damage converted to cold damage
2. Use 1 exceptional Ember (the result doesn't matter)
3. Use 1 orb of conflict and pray you upgrade the conversion mod (if you hit the other mod, you can either restart at step 1 or try to use 2 more orbs of conflict)
Estimated cost for explicits: Base (50c) + (1 essence (5c) + bench craft (2 divs) + veiled chaos)*10 + bench craft (2 divs) + harvest reforge (4c) = 12 divs & 254c
Estimated cost for implicits: 50 grand ichors (300c) + 1 Exceptionnal Ember (40c) + 1 orb of conflict (60c) = 400c
Total: 12 divs & 664c
None of these gloves really exist on trade.

This item is very difficult to craft deterministively.

1. Pick a base (can be fractured, that's up to you. Fractured stygian vises are very expensive)
2. Use chaos orbs until you hit 2 high tier flask mods (inc flaks duration, reduced flask charges used, increased flask charges gained)
3. Bench craft suffixes cannot be changed
4. Harvest reforge chaos to get any kind of chaos res
1. Bench craft suffixes cannot be changed
2.a. Harvest reforge defense
2.b. Use a veiled chaos orb & unveil energy shield & armour
3. Craft anything good.


1. Pick a base (can be a fractured base if you're not going for the onslaught on hit ring)
2. Spam Deafening essences of Scorn until you hit T1 cast speed
3. Bench craft suffixes cannot be changed
4. Harvest reforge chaos to get some chaos res
5. Bench craft suffixes cannot be changed (can use a beast here to save 1 div)
6. Veiled chaos orb for mana
7. Craft ES

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Price Breakdown--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All prices were fetched on the trade site on Friday, 22nd of September 2023 (3.22). Divines are currently 230c/1
Gems: 415c
(All normal quality 20/20 gems, you could level them yourself)
Body Armour --> 100c
EK - 5c
trinity - 10c
arcane surge - 25c
pinpoint - 20c
inspiration - 40c
Shield --> 55c
Zealotry - 15c
Hatred - 10c
Tempest shield - 30c
Helmet --> 50c
Discipline - 15c
Determination - 10c
Herald of Ash - 10c
Herald of purity - 15c
Boots --> 30c
Precision - 20c
Herald of Ice - 10c
Weapon --> 60c
Elemental weakness - 30c
Molten Shell - 20c
Frost shield - 10c
Gloves --> 120c
Lightning warp - 20c
Faster casting - 35c
Less duration - 50c
Swift Afflication - 15c

Gear: 292c
Wand --> 0c (vendor recipe)
Prism guardian --> 10c
Heatshiver --> 35c
5L Ivory Tower --> 50c
Hrimsorrow --> 2c
Bubonic trail (2 sockets) --> 70c
Kurgal's gaze --> 30c
Magic abyss jewel --> 5c
Amulet --> 37c (see crafting notes)
Annoint --> (1c+1c+1c=) 3c
Mark of the shaper --> 5c
Rare ring --> 5c
Arn's Anguish --> 10c
Corruscating elixir --> 5c
Rare armour flask --> 15c
Rare diamond flask --> 10c

Jewels: 100c
Brutal restraint (balbala, the traitor) --> 90c
Rare jewel 1 --> 5c
Rare jewel 2 --> 5c

Total: 807c or 3 divs and 117c to get started

Gems: 455c or 1 div & 225c
(All normal quality 20/20 gems, you could level them yourself)
Body Armour --> 110c
EK - 5c
trinity - 10c
arcane surge - 25c
pinpoint - 20c
inspiration - 40c
Increased critical damage - 10c
Gloves --> 90c
Defiance Banner - 20c
Discipline - 15c
Tempest shield - 30c
arrogance - 20
Helmet --> 55c
Hatred - 10c
Determination - 10c
Purity of elements - 35c
Boots --> 35c
Precision - 20c
Herald of purity - 15c
Weapon --> 60c
Elemental weakness - 30c
Molten Shell - 20c
Frost shield - 10c
Shield --> 105c
Lightning warp - 20c
Faster casting - 35c
Less duration - 50c

Gear: 22 div & 953c or 27 div & 33c
Wand --> 3 divs (on trade site)
Aegis Auroroa --> 30c
Heatshiver + enchant --> 110c
6L Ivory Tower + corruption --> 3 divs
Rare gloves --> (base for 15c, implicit craft estimated at 400c=)415c
Bubonic trail (2 sockets) --> 70c
Kurgal's gaze --> 30c
Magic abyss jewel --> 15c
Amulet --> 2 divs
Annoint --> (13c+80c+80c=) 173c
Nimis --> 13div
Rare ring --> 1 div
Rare Styigian vise --> 50c
Corruscating elixir --> 5c
Rare armour flask --> 35c
Rare diamond flask --> 20c

Jewels: 3 div & 340c or 4 div & 110c
The balance of terror --> 50c
Phys cluster --> 50c
Proj cluster --> 25
Watcher's eye --> 3 div
Brutal restraint (balbala, the traitor) --> 90c
Proj cluster --> 60
Rare jewel 1 --> 35c
Rare jewel 2 --> 35c

Total: 32div & 368c or 33div & 138c

Gems: 18 div 835 or 21 div 145c
Body Armour --> 13 div 720c or 16 div 30c
EK 21/20 - 60c
trinity 21/20 - 200c
arcane surge 21/20 - 60c
Awakened Spell Echo 5/20 - 13 dvi
Anomalous Inspiration 20/20 - 200
Increased critical damage 21/20 - 200c
Gloves --> 310c or 1 div 80c
Defiance Banner 21/20 - 150c
Discipline 21/0 - 50c
Tempest shield 21/20 - 90c
arrogance 20/20 - 20c
Helmet --> 420c or 1 div 190c 
Anomalous Zealotry 20/20 - 200c
Anomalous Hatred 20/20 - 100c
Determination 21/0 - 70c
Purity of elements 21/0 - 50c
Boots --> 140c
Divergent Precision 1/20 - 70c
Herald of purity 21/0 - 70c
Weapon --> 195c
Elemental weakness 21/20 - 160c
Molten Shell 20/23 - 20c
Frost shield 21/20 - 15c
Shield --> 200c 
Lightning warp 21/20 - 30c
Faster casting 21/20 - 70c
Less duration 21/20 - 100c

Gear: 128 div 537c or 130 div 77c
Wand --> 14 divs (crafted)
well rolled Aegis Auroroa --> 2 div
Heatshiver + corruption + enchant --> 16 div (base) + 4 div (lab service)
6L Ivory Tower + double corruption --> 17 (base) +3 divs (tainted fusings)
Rare gloves --> 12 divs & 664c or 14 divs 204c
Bubonic trail (2 sockets) --> 70c
double corrupted Kurgal's gaze --> 50c
Magic abyss jewel --> 15c
Amulet --> 10 divs & 20c
Annoint --> (13c+80c+80c=) 173c
Nimis --> 13div
Rare ring --> 10 divs (base) + 3 div (crafting with essences)
Rare Styigian vise --> 10 divs (base) + 6 div (crafting)
Corruscating elixir --> 5c
Rare armour flask --> 1 div
Taste of hate --> 1 div
Bottled faith --> 4 div

Jewels: 29.5 div 200c
very good cobalt jewel --> 1 div
Phys cluster --> 1.5 div
Proj cluster --> 100c
Watcher's eye --> 5 div
Brutal restraint (5943) --> 2 div
Proj cluster --> 100c
Rare hypnotic eye with CB immunity --> 2 div
The balance of terror (high rolls) --> 3 div
double corrupted Unnatural instinct --> 15 div

Total: 177.5div & 422c or 178.5div & 192c