5 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 94 Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator3.25

Life: 4,858100%
Mana: 75
Pool: 4,858
Resistances: 76%/75%/76%/31%
Armour: 26,510
DPS: 7,149,316
Speed: 2.70
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, Frenzy, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Shakari


Reaver AxeLacquered BucklerHaunted BascinetMarshall's BrigandineFarrul's PounceHydrascale BootsAshes of the StarsAmethyst RingCircle of GuiltRyslatha's Coil
Divine Life FlaskBlood Sap TinctureQuicksilver FlaskJade FlaskGranite Flask
Large Cluster JewelCobalt JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelViridian Jewel


Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Vaal Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
War Banner
Herald of Purity
Lacerate of Haemorrhage
Awakened Brutality
Melee Physical Damage
Poacher's Mark
Mark On Hit
Culling Strike
Less Duration
Blood Rage
More Duration
Flesh and Stone
Frost Bomb
Aspect of the Cat

Tree Preview

Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Resolute TechniqueResolute Technique
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Versatile CombatantVersatile Combatant
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 15% faster
Bleeding MasteryBleeding Mastery
  • +3% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding per Endurance Charge
Block MasteryBlock Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Spell Damage per 5% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 100% increased Charge Duration
Damage Over Time MasteryDamage Over Time Mastery
  • 10% less Damage Taken from Damage over Time
Fortify MasteryFortify Mastery
  • Melee Hits Fortify
  • -3 to maximum Fortification
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 10% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield


The configuration is accounting for shield charge culling strike and the unimplemented tincture buffs.