7 months ago
Level 93 Glacial Hammer of Shattering Berserker3.25
Life: 2,83080%
ES: 16
Mana: 108
Resistances: 82%/58%/82%/47%
Block: 35%
Spell Block: 17%
Armour: 29,212
DPS: 112,647
Speed: 6.45
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy
Bandit: Oak

Glacial Hammer of Shattering
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Melee Physical Damage
Cold Penetration
Increased Critical Damage
Glacial Hammer
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Enduring Cry
Leap Slam
Holy Flame Totem
Infernal Cry
Warlord's Mark
Blood Rage
Glacial Hammer of Shattering
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Tree Preview

- +500 to Accuracy Rating
- -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level

- +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour

- Attack Skills Cost Life instead of 20% of Mana Cost
- Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy

- 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes

- +30 to maximum Life

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- Nearby Enemies are Intimidated while you have Rage

- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you

- 30% increased Defences while wielding a Staff
Bandit Quest : Alira or Oak. Alira if getting good resistance gear is rough for you, Oak if gearing isn't an issue. Be aware, we are max resistance stacking as a defensive layer ALERT: PoB does not calculate glacial hammer of shattering's "True" Dps. It does not take into account the crit every 3 swings. damage will be much higher in game. trust your own feeling of the skill as you play it. > to see that I'm not lying, see the different in damage from a normal glacial hammer gem. I'm not happy about it, but the PoB people got a lot on their plate so I don't complain. To scale damage on this build, you must prioritize attack speed, crit multiplier, and high base pdps weapons. This is why we are primarily scaling rage, as it boosts our attack speed and damage universally. To Scale Defenses on this build, we are focusing on Max elemental resist, Armour, Freeze, and dodge the bosses attacks. This build will not be able to tank shit. You need to be attacking before the enemy, due to Freeze being applied every crit, which is a massive defensive layer for mapping. For bosses, you get 50% slow now compared to 30% before, so dodging will be more telegraphed. We grab a little block as well, as a minor way to help with our low phys hit and shotgunning in general Gear: Helmet: High Armour, Life, Resistances, and Accuracy. Accuracy is extremely important on the helmet slot to have as it helps alleviate passive point pressure Body Armour: High Armour base type, good Armour Rolls, Life, Flat Phys Reduction. Flat phys reduction is a good stat to have, as we need to up our max phys hit. Phys as element is also good to have gloves: Unique Slot: Southbound Soldier Gloves early is nice, around act 9 to mapping. Transition into Celestial Brace is the end goal and BIS. Rings: Life, Resistances, Accuracy, Frostbite/elemental weakness curse on hit. Curse on hit is just solid and helps damage a ton. expensive, so don't feel bad about getting it deep into maps. Belt: A VERY CONTENSCIOUS SPOT. This spot will change as the build gets figured out in game. Right now, Chains of Emancipation, Bears Girdle occupy this spot. BUT, you can use a good rare with life, resistance, or just Mageblood the build to show off Amulet: Marylenes Falacy Locked in. Does not Change. Get it as soon as you can. upgrade the crit multi and accuracy as you upgrade gear. Weapon: Well Crafted, High pdps weapon early on, change into Winds of Fate when you got the currency, and then into another crafted pdps staff with attack speed once its AT OR BETTER THAN the winds of fate pdps. Acts: Level with a slam skill of your choice, until you get tribal fury and addition strike mastery Once you get those, switch over to glacial hammer if you have it, or use another strike skill until you do. HOPEFULLY glacial hammer of shattering isn't expensive. Ascendancy Order: Crave the Slaughter Flawless Savagry Blitz Rite of Ruin Crave is good early because it helps attack speed, which other builds will have a hard time coming by. Blitz is the king of the ascendacies, and once you have it, you will feel the build coming online way more. Only Grab Blitz though, if you already have the trans glacial hammer gem. It's only synergizes well with the main skill Playstyle: Momentum More people should add playstyle sections to their builds The build has a slight ramp up time, and then its up to you to maintain your rage. Rush into a pack and attack before they start their wind-up. Be zooming to the next pack. Do not drop the Momentum and be aware to dodge attacks Reposition your character every second or two. Attack, leap slam, attack, leap slam. Freeze and chill will help with actively dodging as well Thanks for checking out my build! I hope you'll have fun and laugh at the zerker -TuskDeluxe