3 months ago
Level 14 Lightning Strike Slayer3.25
Life: 2458%
Mana: 32
Resistances: -45%/-45%/-45%/-60%
DPS: 2,223
Speed: 3.62
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: None
Bandit: Alira
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King

Lightning Strike
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Spectral Throw
Added Fire Damage
Blood Rage
Herald of Ice
Mark On Hit
Poacher's Mark
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Tree Preview

- Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
LVL 1-11 (Buy Iron ring/rustic sash when you can) (Buy Spectral Throw when you enter town/Frostblink/faster attacks(dont lvl) Can buy pierce later for the lvl 14 swap -- Spectral helix or Sunder is also an option if you want to lvl with that until 38. ----Buy a 2h sword when you enter town after killing hillock----- ----Use whatever weapon until you take dual-wield nodes, 2h sword, 2h axe and 2h mace are optimal. Start focusing on 1h weps in acts 4-6---- theres no rush to go dual-weild, it just depends when you drop good 1h weapons. ----Since you're a build that stacks flat damage you want to prioritize weapons with high base attack speed, preferable never use a slow weapon unless it rolled extremely well--- Spectral Throw - Added Fire - momentum Leap slam - Faster attacks Frostblink (Do not level frostblink because of the intelligence requirements) Decoy totem - Extremely good for act 1 bosses so your spectral throw can hit multiple times. ----With 3.25 the blacksmith whetstone applies 20% quality to low ilvl weapons, use this often (the rarity of the item doesn't matter anymore, a rare lvl 5 sword will get 20% quality with 1 whetstone) ----Sell a lot of unid rares for transmutes, very important as we need transmutes to craft flat ele damage on our rings---- ----Make sure to do the strongbox in the upper prison (1 area before brutus) to get your 2nd quicksilver----- Bandits -----Help Alira----- Alira makes gearing way easier early on, eventually you want to swap to "kill all" for 1 passive points. -----You always need more accuracy then life while lvling with precise technique. If your accuracy is low then click on some accuracy nodes, check your accuracy through the char sheet---- LVL 14-37 (Swap to lightning strike, use pierce gem until you allocate pierce on your tree) (Buy Herald of Ice - Poacher's mark in act 2, buy anger in act 3) -- Poacher's mark is very important as it solves your mana issues on bosses, without needing leech. (craft flat on weapon after act 3 piety, but lower priority then rings as you replace your weapon more often) (Craft flat lightning dmg on rings after lunaris temple in act 3) --------Until you take the claw wheel by ranger, you can use any 1h wep (sword, dagger or claw). 2h weapons are also fine, but slower because of the attack speed. Lightning strike - Pierce - added fire damage or Elemental damage with attacks or trinity (if you can proc it) (I would only use pierce on a 4 link, use on a 3 link if your dmg is really good) frostblink-Blood Rage Leap slam - Faster attacks (Use whirling blades if you already swapped to claws) Poacher's mark Anger - Herald of Ice or herald of ash (Use a low level precision if you need the accuracy, remember you always need more accuracy then life). If accuracy is fine, then drop precision. (Use herald of ice/herald of ash at lvl 16 and drop herald of ash for anger at lvl 24) - If you have a very strong phys weapon, then drop herald of ice over herald of ash. LVL 38+ Lightning strike - Multistrike - Returning Projectiles - Trinity or Elemental damage with attacks (Trinity is better but requires balancing your elemental damage) anger - grace - (use herald of ice until you get 10% instant leech, then mana should feel fine with anger/grace) frostblink - Blood Rage Whriling blades - Faster attacks Poacher's mark - mark on hit - lifetap (If you don't have the links just selfcast Poacher's markk on bosses, it's very important because this solves all your mana issues until you get leech). --------!!Important!!------------ Make sure to always be crafting flat dmg on your rings (usually lightning damage). At the start you want to be using two difference weapon types (for example 1 axe and 1 sword) for the dual wield mastery Depending on prices you can either dual-wield rebuke of the vaal until you go crit (very good weapon for the price) or stick with 1h sword/1h axe until crit claw setup (lvl 83~) I also recommend to quality your lightning strike in all labs, so you can be at a comfortable 5 proj when you finish uber or merc lab. After LS you should quality assassin's mark for your crit swap later. Ascendancy order: Bane of Legends > Headsman > Brutal Fervour > Masterful Form(try to complete uber lab asap, massive for defense). Swap to the "All in one slayer pob" once you finish lvling. (can find this in my google sheet, linked in twitch or under any youtube video of mine) Regex for vendor: (shows 3 links and movement speed boots) -\w-.-|(-\w){4}|.-.-g|.-g-.|g-.-.|nne|rint Norma Lab Locations: The Lower Prison (act 1) The Crypt Level 1 (act 2) - Reminder, golden hand quest after this lab for +1 skill point. The Chamber of Sins Level 2 (act 2) The Crematorium (act 3) The Catacombs (act 3) The Imperial Gardens (act 3) Curel Lab Locations: The Prison (Act 6) The Crypt (Act 7) The Chamber of Sins Level 2 (Act 7) Merc lab Locations: The Bath House (act 8) The Tunnel (act 9) The Ossuary (act 10)