11 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 94 Siege Ballista Juggernaut3.21

Life: 3,994133%
ES: 644
Mana: 39
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/80%
Evade: 24%
Supp: 100%
Armour: 51,898
DPS: 19,822,338
Speed: 3.40
Hit Chance: 97%
Pinnacle, Frenzy, 14x Wither, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All


DarkscornBroadhead Arrow QuiverWilma's RequitalThe Fourth VowSlink GlovesCarnal BootsOnyx AmuletCircle of NostalgiaMing's HeartStygian Vise
Quicksilver FlaskDivine Life FlaskDivine Life FlaskGranite FlaskBasalt Flask
Searching Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelGlorious VanityCobalt JewelCobalt JewelViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Vaal Haste
Divine Blessing
Anomalous Despair
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Vicious Projectiles
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Anomalous Siege Ballista
Awakened Added Chaos Damage
Awakened Void Manipulation
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Greater Volley
Culling Strike
Defiance Banner
Temporal Chains
Flame Dash
Summon Chaos Golem
Divergent Herald of Agony
Purity of Elements

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Flask MasteryFlask Mastery
  • Recover 4% of Life when you use a Flask
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Recover 3% of Life on Killing a Poisoned Enemy
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • Skills that would Summon a Totem have 30% chance to Summon two Totems instead


Helmet - Wilma's provides Ancestral Bond which is a massive bonus. Nothing going to compete for DPS here. 
Good enchants would be anything with reservation or anything with damage i.e. siege ballista, curses etc..Dont need enchanted to start. 100c with enchant, 10c without.

Weapon - Darkscorn is a part of the build. In future leagues you won't have to worry about a crucible tree, but generally attack speed and chaos/phys damage are good. 30c

Quiver - quiver slot is a huge DPS boost. I paid 1 div for the listed one, but that was probably a goodbuy. I would budget 2-3 div. you want dot multi and life for sure. attak speed, phys damage, chaos damage, resists are all good.

Body armour - Fourth Vow is a part of build. +2 proj is really great as it eases burden on level 22 siege ballista. You want level 22 as you get another totem. Options are +2 proj, +1 socketed or get it on neck/gem. Neck/gem by far most expensive.

Buy a fourth vow with +2 proj, 6S at bench (~1 div in cost depending on vaal orb cost). 4L at bench. Then use tainted orb of fusing. Many guides out there for help 6Ling a corrupted item. total cost around 3 div

Gloves - life/res/implicits. Suppression is good because it means you dont have to get on tree.  Expect around 50-100C

Boots - Life, res, implicits, suppression, attributes. No good enchant here sadly. Should be around 100c.

Amulet - cast speed/life/dot multi, armour, attributes. Should be around 100C-1.5 Div. You will need to pay another 140C for VC enchant which is massive.

Ring - Ming's - buy one with good rolls and use phys/chaos catalysts yourself. 15-20C

Ring - Implicits give a lot of cost variation but dont go crazy - should be <1 div.

Belt - can go ryslathas, darkness enthroned or styg. This is the slot to balance out your build. Ryslatha for DPS, styg for resists. 100C

Clusters - mostly cheap, around 1 div total. Sleepless sentries sometimes expensive. 

Woke Gems - currently around 1div for all. These just arent' that priceey.

Enlighten, divergent HoAG, anomalous siege ballista - prices vary league to league but expect around 4 div total.

Total Cost 12-20 div