6 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Crit Siege Ballista Hierophant3.23

Life: 2,21925%
ES: 212
Mana: 158
Dex: 4,010
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-60%
DPS: 3,440,573,696
Speed: 3.52
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 548%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


Iron CommanderThe Poised PrismFractal ThoughtsGrasping MailGripped GlovesSharkskin BootsSimplex AmuletDiamond RingKalandra's TouchRustic Sash
Silver FlaskDying SunBottled FaithDiamond FlaskTaste of Hate
Ghastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelRain of SplintersSplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityThat Which Was TakenThread of HopeEmperor's MasteryWatcher's EyeBrutal RestraintFluid MotionFluid MotionCorvine CharmCorvine CharmCorvine Charm


Siege Ballista
Awakened Enhance
Awakened Elemental Focus
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Barrage Support
Increased Critical Damage
Cast On Critical Strike
Frost Bomb
Elemental Weakness
Ensnaring Arrow
Summon Skitterbots
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Summon Lightning Golem
Blood Rage
Flame Dash
Blink Arrow

Tree Preview

Might of the BearMight of the Bear
Point BlankPoint Blank
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Projectile MasteryProjectile Mastery
  • 1% increased Projectile Damage per 16 Dexterity


Siege Ballista Guide by Hotchelli and heavy carrying from Rhine

- I use this build stricly as a bosser and to rush Ubers early in league therefore i would not recommend my setups for strictly mapping, I sack alot of health tree nodes and rolls on gear for more damage. 


Grab key uniques-

* Iron commander
* Poised Prism
* Fractal thoughts (35%+ CRIT multi)
* Briskwrap (High cold res roll pref)
* Hrimsorrow (max rolls on strength and cold res always cheap)
^Once got these uniques can reroll into SB at 75^^7
then > 
*Garukhans (pre expensive early league first item to grind for)
*Astramentis (also expensive early, use a jade amulet until afford)
*Some shitty corruped rings with dex%, use random res rings until they appear on trade
*First Divine to be spent on a dex % (13-15 Dexterity%) belt , Intrisic catalyst and blessed orb for 18% use 1 Essence and rock on.


Key items to get first-

*Dying sun
*Rain of splinters (35 to 30% only)
*Synth rings
*3 node large clusterjewels
*2 node medium clusterjewel
*Split personality
*cold conversion watchers


Key items to get first-

*Brutal Restraint 6246 (once getting this you'll also want a Massive thread of hope)
*Grasping mail with attk speed per dex (No point getting until you have the money to spend trying to fracture, can achieve this with hinekoras locks)
*2 node Watchers 
       Must: Cold conversion(Hatred)
       Optionals in priority: Cold pen(Hatred)
                                        Added cold(Hatred)
                                        Crit multi(Precision)
                                        Attack speed(Precision)
Megalomaniacs (only really use if 3 mod or cheap 2 mod available)
        Must: cold to the core
        Optionals in priority: sleepless sentries
                                         feed the fury 
                                         pressure points 
                                         force multiplier
                                         blanketed snow
                                         eye to eye 
                                         fuel the fight

Process to crafting minmax items:

Bow > Buy base Deathbow, gilded fossil, chance orb until Iron commander, Vaal orb gilded fossil implicit hit. ( Do not buy Iron Commander which have the implicit of 50% increased Global Critical strike chance REMOVED, as it is a DPS loss)
Quiver > Buy through trade

Helm > Buy 80% RMR glimpse of chaos > vaal orb into rare > Tainted mythic orb into fractal thoughts

Body> Buy Grasping mail with adds 1% attack speed per 25 dex, hinekoras lock until hit fracture, Essence until max roll and open suffix, craft 6% Attributes
^ If want to more life, Essence until High life roll and open suffix, craft a suffix mod, T4 Aisling and hope life and Essence still alive, unveil 10% life 10% mana, craft 6% attributes

Gloves> Create Gripped gloves with Hunter and Redeemer Influence>Use Hollow,Fundamental,Corroded and Sanctified fossils combined until T1 flat dex and T1 % dex>Keep suffixes then reforge Influence>Orb of Dominance to get Elevated % Dex
>Reforge Cold until redeemer adds # to # cold damage when crit recently>Slam Exalt if hit an influence mod Orb of Dominance to elevate redeemer mod> craft physical damage converted to cold 25%

Boots> buy 5% Dex Evasion only base>Use Hollow,Fundamental and Sancitifed Fossil until T1 Dex and open suffix> crafted multi mod and suffixes cannot be changed> t4 aisling until movementspeed + movementspeed out of combat> craft 13 attributes

Amulet>Create Simplex amulet with Redeemer Influence>Sorrow Essence until T1 % Dex> annul prefix > suffixes cannot be change > reforge influence until damage per dex

Ring> Buy ring synth base> Sorrow Essence until T1 Attributes and open suffix> keep suffixes>reforge cold pray for t2+ cold resistance and added cold damage to attacks> keep suffixes>t4 aisling> unveil cold damage> craft wed

Belt> Buy belt synth base> Sorrow Essence until double res T1/T1 or T1/T2>keep suffixes> Reforge Attacks until t1 wed>keep suffixes>t4 aisling>unveil flask effect> craft damage

Cluster jewels> Buy 12 node Increased damage with bow ilvl 84+> Fundamental fossil until t1 dex t1 attributes t1-t2 increased effect