10 months ago
Level 92 Juggernaut3.24
Life: 3,557142%
ES: 433
Mana: 45
Resistances: 80%/80%/81%/75%
Evade: 36%
Block: 48%
Spell Block: 32%
Armour: 103,810
Evasion: 5,130
DPS: 71,743,152
Speed: 0.98
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris

Elemental Weakness
Arcanist Brand
Sniper's Mark
Divine Blessing
Flame Dash
Defiance Banner
Phase Run
Tempest Shield
Herald of Ash
Molten Shell
Detonate Mines
Rejuvenation Totem
Divergent Flamewood
Multiple Totems
Concentrated Effect
Wave of Conviction
High-Impact Mine
Culling Strike
Tree Preview
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Woodcarver(x18)
5% increased Totem Life

- Increases and Reductions to Armour also apply to Energy Shield Recharge Rate at 20% of their value

- Immune to Bleeding if Equipped Helmet has higher Armour than Evasion Rating
- Immune to Poison if Equipped Helmet has higher Evasion Rating than Armour

- Critical Strikes do not inherently Ignite
- 100% increased Damage with Hits against Ignited Enemies

- +50 to maximum Life
- Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost

- Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you

- 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you

- 60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance if you've Summoned a Totem Recently
- 5% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you
Black zenith gives socketed skills +4s to cooldown, but when a flamewood totem is resummoned, this cooldown is fully reset on the new totem.
Existing totems will still have the 5 second cooldown on their skill from black zenith, meaning they will not cast again until resummoned in most use cases.
This means that to properly calculate flamewood's damage, we must multiply the base damage of one totem and one projectile by each projectile and each totem summoned per second.
Since we can place 2.35 rejuvenation totems per second thanks to our totem placement speed modifiers, it means that we are summoning 4.7 totems per second through multiple totems support.
We will equate this to 370% more projectile damage within our config since the Avenging Flame spell has a 0.98s trigger rate.
Because rain of splinters and black zenith are giving us 6 extra projectiles on top of the 1 base projectile that flamewood summons, the count for the skill is set to 7.
However, this dps is calculated assuming that the totems are being hit upon each resummon before the next totem is placed, which is rare unless they are summoned within a group of enemies with high base attack speed or within a multi-hit enemy ability (not a dot).
Additionally, although we use concentrated effect support, not all projectiles can be assumed to be hitting an enemy especially if they are mobile or have a small hitbox.
Our final dps is incredibly dependent on which enemies we are fighting, so take the damage number in this pob with a grain of salt as it is only for the ideal scenario.