10 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Boneshatter Slayer3.22

Life: 5,712155%
Mana: 95
Resistances: 83%/82%/84%/0%
Armour: 67,012
DPS: 16,466,262
Speed: 6.60
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Focused, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Gruthkul


Despot AxePig-Faced BascinetFull DragonscaleDragonscale GauntletsDragonscale BootsTainted PactVermillion RingVermillion RingStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskQuartz FlaskGranite FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Ghastly Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelWatcher's EyeThe Golden RuleViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Divergent Boneshatter
Divergent Close Combat
Awakened Melee Physical Damage
Damage on Full Life
Phantasmal Ancestral Protector
Anomalous Multiple Totems
Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Ancestral Cry
Phantasmal Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Anomalous Precision
War Banner
Anomalous Cast when Damage Taken
Anomalous Vaal Molten Shell
Divergent Vulnerability
Blood Rage

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Precise TechniquePrecise Technique
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • 30% increased Damage while in Blood Stance
  • 15% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance
  • Attacks with Axes or Swords grant 1 Rage on Hit, no more than once every second
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • You count as on Full Life while at 90% of maximum Life or above
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • +50 to maximum Life
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if you have Reserved Life and Mana
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Prevent +3% of Suppressed Spell Damage
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • Buffs from Active Ancestor Totems Linger for 3 seconds
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 10% increased Armour per Red Socket on Main Hand Weapon
  • 10% increased Evasion Rating per Green Socket on Main Hand Weapon
  • 40% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies


 																						GENERAL TIPS

-Bandits : Kill all

The items in this guide are are a GUIDELINE, listed with the main core stats you're looking for. More/higher stats (resists, attributes, etc) are always better! 
It doesn't matter which piece of gear you get your resistances on as long as you cap them. You want overcap for Exposure, which is 25% resistances over the maximum.

Major Pantheon : Brine King
Minor Pantheon : Garukhan until shock effect implicits, then swap to Ralakesh for mapping / Ryslatha for bossing

Catalyst quality on rings depend on what you need the most, Accuracy or Resistances, ideally you want Prismatic Catalysts on your Amethysts.

PLEASE NOTE that the Super Endgame gear is just to give you an idea of what is ideal for each slot, you will usually have to do with that you have/hit and adapt a bit.

For example you might not need one of the Accuracy rolls depending on your life etc, you just want enough Accurayc for it to be higher than your Maximum life for Precise Technique.

Also for the first set of suppression gear stick to Evasion only bases (Slink boots / Slink Gloves / Ursine Pelt), they are a LOT easier to roll for suppression


Regex to type in vendor search  : g-g-r|g-r-g|r-g-g|g-g|g-r|r-g|nne 


	It is very important to keep upgrading your weapon bases from lvl 12 onwards by either :
			- Using an Essence of Contempt
			- Using Rustic sash recipe

	The recipe is done by vendoring  Weapon + Rustic Sash + Blacksmith's Whetstone.
	You can also use a magic Rustic Sash if you do not have a bad essence available to get a rare one.
	Do not use Alchemys on Rustic Sashes, you want to keep those to buy gems or to get better gear before maps.

	NOTE that you only start using recipe from lvl 12 bases onwards, it isn't worth doing on early weapon bases.

	Here are the weapon bases you want to look for (prioritize swords until lvl 23):

		1-8 : Corroded Blade 
		8-12 : Longsword - Jade Chopper
		13-23 : Bastard Sword - Woodsplitter (First bases you want to rustic sash recipe or essence)
		23-33 : Double Axe
		33-45 : Shadow Axe
		45-62 : Headsman Axe     OR         49-62 : Labrys  ------> This depends on wether your Shadow Axe is good or not, if it's only a Rustic recipe you want to get a Headsman Axe
		62+ : Ezomyte Axe

	You start seeing these bases at the town vendor 1 level before you can use them, so if you haven't dropped one make sure you check vendors 1 level in advance to get your base ready.

	You should always try to use rare axes from Shadow axe onwards as you can craft %physical damage, so either use Contempts essences, or Alchemy orbs if you're desperate and feel weak.
	The reason we try not to use Alchemy Orbs is that you need them to craft on your gear to enter maps, as well as buy gems and maps.

	Also keep in mind that when upgrading weapons it might not be worth to change it at the next tier if your current tier is very well rolled. In that case you just skip the next tier and upgrade only
	at the following one. As you get closer to maps and 62+ bases you also want to avoid wasting Contempt Essences if possible since they will very easily make your early mapping weapon 
	once you have the base.


	This will be a notable issue unless you get lucky with the gear you find. Buy precision from Nessa in Act 1 as soon as possible so you can use it if your accuracy start dropping too low (below 90%)

	Normal lab should help with keeping accuracy up and a single piece of gear that rolls an ok accuracy roll should make life a lot easier, just keep track of your hit chance in the character stats
	to decide wether or not you need to use and level up your precision. Keep it as low level as possible as high level precision will reserve too much mana.
	If your accuracy looks problematic after you do the Boneshatter swap, you can skip the life nodes pathing to Resolute Technique to get the keystone earlier.

-=LEVEL 1-12=-

	We use Splitting steel up until Merveil where we swap in Spectral Helix instead and use it until the boneshatter swap.
	DO NOT swap to Spectral Helix until you reach Merveil, the volatiles in the caverns prior will kill you if you do.
	Make sure you have 1 sapphire ring and upgrade flasks to make Merveil a lot easier.

-=LEVEL 12-41=-

	Spectral Helix should carry you all the way to Act 6 where you will swap to Boneshatter. Cruelty will be your 4Link as Helix feels a lot better with good attack speed, if you only have a GGGR and no GGRR
    then use Vicious Projectiles instead.

	Note that Duelist leveling involves a lot of socket pressure so you might not be able to fit everything and that is normal, the gems in each category are listed in order of importance so use that as referece point. 
	Also use your own judgement on what is most valuable to you at the time.

-=LEVEL 41+=

	This is when you switch to Boneshatter after killing Act 5 KItava. You buy all the gems needed and make sure you keep any pure armour 4links you find on your way there, or any RRRG 4links you can use.


	You can level with Sunder if you prefer it, it is similar in speed but has more socket pressure and is significantly worse on bosses. 

 																						AXE CRAFTING    

GOOD BASES : Ezomyte Axe, Despot Axe

I recommend crafting on Ezomyte and Despot Axe early as they have lot better base attack speed and will feel good even without any attack speed rolled on them.

The item levels you are looking for :

		T3 : 73+
		T2 : 77+
		T1 : 83+

Make sure your filter differentiates between these item levels, it is important to have a decent amount of axes to craft on.

-= Entering Maps =-

	Your first Axe is very straight forward, we'll craft on an Ezomyte Axe since it's the first tier 1 base you will be able to find at lvl 62. Your options are :

		- Use an Essence of Contempt and craft %physical damage if there's an open prefix, craft attack speed if it already hit %phys.
		- Just alch it and if it has decent mods, crat %phys or speed and go with it
		- If you have a Regal orb, alteration spam until you hit a decent flat phys roll, then regal and craft phys. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU HAVE LOTS OF ALTERATIONS, average of 40 to hit something good.

	You do not need a very good axe at all to start mapping so don't worry too much about your first axe, just pick whichever option works at the time 

-= Mid Tier Axe =-

	Once you start mapping Contempt essences should help you get a mid tier weapon pretty quickly. Use Contempts on the base of your choice until you get something good
	It's very simple, big physical number = good. Just make sure you press alt to check if there is a free prefix to craft %phys or free suffix to craft attack speed. 
	Also use all your Screaming Essences of Contempt as well as any Zeal Essence on your weapons to get your mid tier Axe.

	If you have Regals and Granite Flasks you can also alteration spam and use the recipe (Weapon with flat phys + Granite flask + 1 Orb of Augmentation). It will give you a magic Axe with a higher tier of flat phys which can
	go up to Tempered (T2 flat phys), next steps are :
		- Aug + Regal 
		- Aisling slam (Aisling lvl 3 on research safehouse -> kill catarina) to try to hit Phys prefix
		- Craft attack speed

	This axe will be good enough for a long time.

-= Late game Axe =-

	Now once you get a decent mid tier axe which should be the type of axe I have listed in the basic gear set, you can work on a bigger one. 
	There are 4 stats you want to be rolled decently :  %phys + %phys/acc hybrid + Flat Phys + Atk speed  -- Once you hit 3 of these you can craft the last one (except hybrid, which makes it the most valuable one to hit)

	Here's the process to craft the ENDGAME axe from the pob :

			1- Spam Essences of Contempts (Defeaning ideally) until you hit a decent hybrid %phys roll, tier 4 roll is good enough for a first endgame axe, with an open prefix (attempt to annul if it isn't)
			2- Craft Prefixes cannot be changed
			3- Aisling slam
			4- If it hits a Prefix and you unveil %phys proceed to the next step, if not restart
		5a - Prefixes cannot be changed ---> scour ---> Multimod Attack speed + Double Damage while Focussed

		5b- Prefixes cannot be changed ---> Reforge speed, if it hits T3+ speed, Craft DD focus and Warlord Exalt. If not, repeat  <=== THIS CAN GET EXPENSIVE OR FILL SUFFIXES AND  BRICK THE ITEM , if you're poor just go with 5a.

		Minimum cost : 6 divines

 																						BELT CRAFTING

		Fertile catalyst ilvl 84+ Stygian vise then :

		1- Spam Shrieking+ Essences of Dread until you hit T1 life with a free prefix
		2- Craft a Prefix and Exalt the item up to 2 Suffixes
		3- Craft a 3rd Suffix
		4- Use a Hunter Exalted Orb to hit %life
		5- If you miss, go back to Step 1, otherwise proceed
		6- Prefixes cannot be changed ---> Reforge Chaos
		7- If you hit a Chaos resist roll you're not happy with, go back to Step 6, otherwise proceed
		8- Prefixes cannot be changed ----> Aisling slam
		9- Craft " Regenerate 90 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby " before unveiling
	  10- If you unveil Hybrid chaos res the item is done, craft whichever 3rd suffix you need.	 	

		Minimum cost : 4 divines + 1 Hunter Exalted Orb

		The abyss jewel should be craft with Harvest (Reforge Life and Reforge Lightning)

 																						RINGS CRAFTING

	You will need a ring with Accuracy and 1 resistance on it with an open suffix, then :

		1- Suffixes cannot be changed ---> Reforge chaos, it will guarantee Chaos resistance, if it is good enough roll proceed
		2- Suffixes cannot be changed ---> Veiled chaos
		3- If it unveils Life, craft Elreon to finish ; you can also Warlord Exalt for melee dmg / % armour

 																						CHEST / GLOVES / BOOTS / HELM

	Hit up your boy Rog or spam essences on stuff until it hits

	For boots :

		1- Screaming+ Essences of Torment until you hit Suppresion
	    2- If it has a free suffix, Suffixes cannot be changed ----> Reforge Chaos/Fire/Cold/Lightning depending on what resist you need (only do this for hybrid bases)
	    3- Suffixes cannot be changed ----> Veiled chaos ---> unveil Life or Movement speed / chill avoid

You can skip 2- if it already hit a good resist


Most important unveils to look for (in no particular order) :
	- Phys/impale
	- Focus DD
	- Chaos hybrid resistances
	- Mana cost reduction => Target Elreon
	- Movement speed / Avoid chill => Target Rin
	- Damage while leeching => Target Vorici	
    - Physical damage taken as Fire (Helm) => Target Korrell
	- Physical damage taken as Fire/Light (Body) => Target Gravicious

Members you can kick early on to get Gravicious and Rin in : Guff, Haku, Tora, It That Fled, Cameria, Janus, Jorgin, Vagan


Good early uniques to look out for :

				- Wyrmsign
				- Sinvicta's Mettle
				- Belt of the Deceiver
				- Carnage's Heart
				- Obscurantis
				- Elevore

 																			WATCHER'S EYE

Pride : DD or Impale Chance
Precision : %Damage or %Attack speed
Determination : +flat Armour or %Physical damage reduction