5 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Hybrid MoM Punishment Hierophant3.25

Life: 4,11773%
ES: 4,61347%
Mana: 12,456436%
Resistances: 76%/76%/76%/76%
Evade: 46%
Evasion: 7,215
DPS: 81,802,808
Speed: 3.64
Hit Chance: 100%
Focused, 25% Shock, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Tukohama


Profane WandProfane WandKitava's ThirstNecrotic ArmourPhantom MittsPhantom BootsAtziri's FoibleAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
ProgenesisJade FlaskSilver FlaskQuartz FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Hypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelHealthy MindThe Light of MeaningWatcher's EyeGlorious VanityAncestral VisionCareful PlanningUnnatural Instinct


Greater Multiple Projectiles
Eternal Blessing
Ice Nova of Frostbolts
Awakened Lightning Penetration
Spell Echo
More Duration
Arcane Surge
Arcane Cloak
Frost Shield
More Duration
Sigil of Power
Frostblink of Wintry Blast
Faster Casting

Tree Preview

Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Iron WillIron Will
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Exposure you inflict applies at least -18% to the affected Resistance
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • 50% of your Energy Shield is added to your Stun Threshold
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • Increases and reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Shock Effect at 30% of their value
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 10% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
  • 10% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill


Mageblood version super tanky: https://pobb.in/pIRe5J81KMI7

Crafting Guide

Body Armour 
Start with a Necrotic Armour with t1 mana fractured, ilvl 86 

Bases: Necrotic Armour > Torturer Garb > Sanguine Rainment

https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/BDG8q2wH8 > Necrotic Armour link

Crafting suffixes first:

1. Any resistance essence spam untill t1 spell suppres + open prefix and suffix.
2. SCBC > Harvest Reforge any element you need and pray for a good tier.

Crafting prefixes:
You have a few options, check which one is cheaper, i have no idea nowadays. My personal favorite order is eldritch > beasts > harvest

1st option:
Make it searing exarch dominant by having a searing exarch implicit higher than eater of worlds, and use eldritch currency untill t1/t2 life.
Eldritch Exalt > Eldritch  Exalt > Eldritch Chaos, bench craft %life + %mana or increased evasion/energy and u're done.

2nd option:
SCBC > Beast suffix to prefix + eldritch annul ( exarch dominant ) when you need

3rd option:
SCBC > Harvest life reforge and pray + eldritch annul ( exarch dominant ) when you need.

if you end having a open prefix you can craft % increased life and mana or increased evasion/es and gg

How to craft a cheaper 6link
Omen for 6 sockets, its cheap af
Usually community likes to say "just use black morrigan or omen of connections" but they're all wrong, since we have faustus you can check the fusing per chaos rates, from my experience you can buy 1500 fusings for something between 50 ~ 200 chaos + 60k gold.


Boots: ( 15 ~ 50d to craft )

1. You need to buy a fractured ilvl 85 phantom boots 

https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/YrwBnXbIY > Link

2. Deafening Essence of Loathing spam untill t1 spell suppress + open prefix and suffix. Its prolly around 1/115.
3. Bench craft Suffix Cannot be Changed and harvest reforge chaos.
If you miss t2/t1 chaos res, you can try to annul it, if you miss, you gotta restart from step 2
If you hit t2/t1 chaos res, you just need to finish prefixes with **Eldritch Currency. **
For that, you gonna make your item Exarch dominant, and you gonna use  eldritch  exalt > eldritch  exalt > eldritch  chaos untill t1/t2 life + open suffix

4. Bench craft hybrid  movement speed ( mov speed + movspeed if you havent been hit ) fix eldritch implicits ( avoid ailments and action speed ) and ure done.


Gloves ( 15 ~ 50d to craft )
1. Start with a Phantom Mitts with t1 mana fractured, ilvl 85.

https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/WpwnLBDtm > Link

Crafting suffixes first:
1. Any resistance essence spam untill t1 spell suppres + open prefix and suffix.
2. SCBC > Harvest Reforge any element you need and pray for a good tier. You have a huge chance of getting flat elemental dmg here, i would recommend to bench craft SCBC again and this time you use Harvest Add ( the same element as you reforged before ) instead of reforge, so you would force a resistance.

Crafting prefixes:
You have a few options, check which one is cheaper, i have no idea nowadays. My personal favorite order is eldritch > beasts > harvest

1st option:
Make it searing exarch dominant by having a searing exarch implicit higher than eater of worlds, and use eldritch currency untill t1/t2 life.
Eldritch Exalt > Eldritch  Exalt > Eldritch Chaos.

2nd option:
SCBC > Beast suffix to prefix + eldritch annul ( exarch dominant ) when you need

3rd option:
SCBC > Harvest life reforge and pray + eldritch annul ( exarch dominant ) when you need.


BiS Wand Elemental Overload ( 50 ~ 100d to craft )

Find the best path
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Dw0mKtY5t9hjwaHFgrt1TIZReJmKJNDSoE9LQmF0aI/edit (check if theres any update, thats an old link)

Reddit Guide

Youtube Guide

Make your own regex

Buy Dust

1. Buy a bunch of ilvl 84 Profane Wands, and alt spam + recomb until t1 hybrid spell damage, t1 spell dmg, t1 mana, t1 cast speed. Alt spam untill you have 3 ~ 5 of each mod

Regex for alt spam:

1. Recomb 1c/1s + 1p/1c > 1p/1s (feeder 1 done)
    Should be t1 spell damage and cast speed.
    The result must be Rare and not Magic. Imprint > Regal > Annul if you need.

2. Recomb 1p/0s + 1p/0s > 2p/0s (feeder 2 done)
Should be t1 hybrid spell dmg and mana.
The result must be Rare and not Magic. Regal > Imprint > Regal > Annul if you need.

    Multimod + Exclusives > recomb and pray for 3p/1s.
    Example: 1p2c/1s1c + 2p1c/2c

If you fail: check 1st link and figure out how to save your craft.

    Multimod + PCBC > Veiled Orb > Craft any DOT damage to block, and then unveil for around 44% chance for one of the DD mods.

If you fail veiled orb: check 1st link and figure out how to save your craft.

    Bench craft the other DD mod you're missing, Runebench Haunted and gg.

If, when you hit your feeder 1, it ends up being magic instead of rare:
Magic -> rare with mods that cost a lot (like t1 spell dmg or hybrid spell dmg) will be better to imprint and regal + annul. If failed, then imprint to save and redo.


Wands Budget Version: ( 20 ~ 40d to craft )

Find the best path
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Dw0mKtY5t9hjwaHFgrt1TIZReJmKJNDSoE9LQmF0aI/edit (check if theres any update, thats an old link)

Reddit Guide

Youtube Guide

Make your own regex

Buy Dust

I recommend adding spell damage in your regex, so instead of crafting hybrid spell damage, because you can also get  T1 or T2 Spell damage during alt spam. Keep in mind T1 Spell Damage is 1/2000 alts, and since this is a budget version, you should aim for a wand without it.

1. Alt spam a few ilvl 84 bases until you get around 3 to 5 of each mod.

Regex for alt spam:

T1 only (Spell dmg, mana, cast speed, hybrid spell damage):

If you want to settle for T2 Spell Damage:

If you want to settle for every T2 mod:

Items are written as: prefix mods / suffix mods
p = desired prefix, s = desired suffix, c = crafted (exclusive mod)

Tutorial for non-T1 Spell Damage
The final result should be: T1 Mana, T1 Cast Speed, T1 Hybrid Spell Damage and Mana + Crafted Multimod, Crafted Hybrid Spell Damage, and DD.

Feeder Wand 1
Recombinate until you get:
Cast Speed + Hybrid Spell Damage (1c/1s + 1p/1c)
The final result needs to be rare, not magic. If you get a magic wand after this recomb, you'll need to imprint (since hybrid spell dmg is 1/1200) > regal + annul.

Feeder Wand 2
You just need a rare wand with:
Same thing, it needs to be rare. So regal + annul until you get it. This should be pretty easy.

    Craft multimod + exclusives on both wands.

Should be:
1p1c/1s2c (feeder 1) + 1p2c/1c (feeder 2)

If you hit 2p/1, bench craft "Can have up to 3 crafted mods" + Spell Damage + Non-chaos Damage, and Double Damage.
Rune benchcraft Spell Damage and u're done.


Tutorial for T1 Spell Damage without veiled orbs

The final result should be: T1 Mana, T1 Cast Speed, T1 Hybrid Spell Damage, T1 Spell Damage, T1 Mana, and crafted DD.

Feeder Wand 1
Recombinate until you get:
Hybrid Spell Damage + Mana (1p/0s + 1p/0s)
The final result will be Rare since magic cannot have 2p.

Feeder Wand 2
Recombinate until you get:
Spell Damage + Cast Speed (1c/1s + 1p/1c)
The final result needs to be rare, not magic. If you get a magic wand after this recomb, you'll need to imprint (since spell damage is 1/2000) > regal + annul.

    Craft Multimod + exclusives on both wands.

Should be:
2p1c/2c (feeder 1) + 1p2c/1s1c (feeder 2)
Around 33% chance of success.

Rune benchcraft Spell Damage or Haunted by Tormented Spirits, and you're done.



im too lazy to type rn recomb all the way find ur path with the links above