7 hours ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 95 Hybrid Crit Hexblast Mine Trickster3.25

Life: 3,619112%
ES: 2,33045%
Mana: 54
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 75%
Evasion: 24,734
DPS: 23,182,906
Speed: 18.12
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 391%
Frenzy, Power, 8x Wither, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris


Prophecy WandChiming Spirit ShieldSandstorm VisageBlood RaimentPhantom MittsPhantom BootsAgate AmuletAmethyst RingProfane ProxyHeavy Belt
Divine Life FlaskQuartz FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskDivine Mana Flask
Large Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelViridian Jewel


Summon Skitterbots
Detonate Mines
Immortal Call
Cast when Damage Taken
More Duration
Multiple Totems
Spell Totem
Charged Mines
Awakened Void Manipulation
Increased Critical Strikes
High-Impact Mine
Bear Trap
Elemental Weakness
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks

Tree Preview

Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 15% of Mana Cost
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Mine MasteryMine Mastery
  • Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10%
  • Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10%
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Prevent +3% of Suppressed Spell Damage


IMPORTANT: Resistances are not on the items. There are sufficient Suffixes to handle all your Resistances, use them and look out for them while buying items. 
Do NOT forget Chaos Resistance as well, it's semi-mandatory nowadays to get at least 30+%.  
If you are having trouble with colours, like red Sockets, drop some Eva/ES gear for Armour gear. Later, colours are easy and you should stick with Eva/ES gear. 

Hexblast has some unique features: 

1) 100% more Damage while an enemy is cursed. 

2) Hexblast also removes a curse whenever you hit with it, meaning you need to constantantly reapply your curse to keep up your damage. 

3) In total you have 2 Curses and get them from 2 different sources: 

1st Curse: Flammability OR Frostbite 
2cnd Curse:  Elemental Weakness 

	You get one Curse from a "Curse on Hit Ring" (Flammability, Frostbite or Elemental Weakness) 
	Whatever second Curse you are missing, you apply with the Unique Ring Profane Proxy (right Ring Slot). Before you get that Ring, just apply the Curse manually at Bosses and don't bother with it while mapping, Curse on Hit alone will carry 
	you for a long time. 

4) "Chaos Damage with Hits is Resisted by lowest Resistance instead"
	This means you want to use Elemental Weakness and then EITHER Frostbite OR Flammability to reduce a single element of your choosing, even though Hexblast is technically dealing Chaos Damage. 
	You reduce Resistances further by applying Exposure to enemies. If you are using Frostbite, get Cold Exposure (Gloves), if you are using Flammability, get Fire Exposure (Gloves, Wave of Conviction) 

5) Hexblast has a VERY low Critical Strike Chance of 4%. This means we have to increase our BASE Critical Strike Chance with: 

	- Increased Critical Strike Chance Support until we get: 

	- Sandstorm Visage Unique Helmet 

Once you have Sandstorm Visage, you can remove Critical Strike Chance Support for either Trap and Mine Damage Support or Empower Lvl 3/4 if you can afford it. 

6) Hexblast's Damage can Ignite, Shock and Freeze even though it deals Chaos Damage. 

Basics for Mines: 

- You can have a maximum of 15 Mines, and increase that with things from the Passive Tree or Support Gems. 
- Mines reserve Mana while they are placed. The reservation is removed once the Mine explodes. 
- Mines have an Aura attached to them that buff other Mines around them, meaning the more Mines you place before Detonating, the more damage you will do in that "Mine Chain" once you press Detonate Mines.
- On Stormblast and Pyroclast Mines, it's up to you wether you want an extra button or less damage, try out what feel better to you! 

- For Level 2-27, we're using Stormblast Mine + Orb of Storms as our main damage dealers. Throw down an Orb of Storms, and while inside it, cast Stormblast Mines for extra Damage. 
- During Leveling, prioritize getting Resistances and Life on your gear. 
- You might need some Attributes during Leveling, get those from your Amulet Implicit, or the crafting bench! (also Strength from Heavy Belt) 
- Your wand should have "Added Fire/Lightning/Cold Damage to Spells" and some "Spell Damage" (+to Gem Levels is great if you find it but not required)
For a comprehensive Walkthrough, check out this video: [Link to Leveling Guide]

Stormblast Mines (Lvl 1-27): 

Stormblast Mines (A1, Lvl 2)
Swift Assembly (A1, Lvl 4)
Added Lightning Damage (A1, Lvl 8)

Orb of Storms (A1, Lvl 4)
Added Lightning Damage (A1, Lvl 8)
Controlled Destruction (A2, Lvl 18)

Flame Dash (A1, Lvl 10)

Summon Skitterbots (A2, Lvl 16)
Herald of Thunder (A2, Lvl 16)

Bear Trap (A1, Lvl 4)

Pyroclast Mines (lvl 28-x): 

Pyroclast Mines (Lvl 28)
Swift Assembly (swap this to Minefield once you feel comfortable with it, it's A LOT more damage)
Charged Mines (from Fixture of Fate)
Elemental Focus

Shield Charge (from Fixture of Fate Quest in A3)
Faster Attacks (Lvl 8)
Momentum Support (Level 4) 

Summon Skitterbots (A2, Lvl 16)
Grace (Lvl 24) (Try to fit this in over Herald of thunder ASAP, only if you have enough mana to reserve for your Mines though) 

Bear Trap (Lvl 4)  

Wave of Conviction (Lvl 18)


You can stay Pyroclast Mines as long as you want, it's a strong skill and can clear everything in the game. 

If you want to transition to Hexblast Mines you need:  

1) At least a 5-Link
2) A Curse on Hit Ring (Flammability, Frostbite or Elemental Weakness) 
	On trade it's probably easiest to buy it, on SSF you can farm it from Fire and Cold nodes ("contains Fire/Cold Items) 
3) A leveled Hexblast (Lv 17+) 

Some people say they don't like Hexblast Mines until they get Profane Proxy, in that case wait until you can afford it.