6 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 79 Sunder Gladiator3.25

Life: 1,56418%
Mana: 218
Resistances: 46%/46%/46%/-60%
DPS: 132,641
Speed: 1.45
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ralakesh


Karui ChopperBarbute HelmetLordly PlateBronze GauntletsReinforced GreavesTurquoise AmuletTwoStoneFLTwoStoneCLLeather Belt


Chance to Bleed
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
War Banner
Seismic Cry
Urgent Orders
Blood Rage
Blood and Sand

Tree Preview

Resolute TechniqueResolute Technique
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • 30% increased Damage while in Blood Stance
  • 15% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 10% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 40% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies


POB was made for patch 3.25. If you like it or have questions you can find me on https://www.twitch.tv/mikemnn
POB was made for patch 3.25. If you like it or have questions you can find me on https://www.twitch.tv/mikemnn


Start regex

Put it to vendor search. Will help with links, with buying your first Two-handed axe, movespeed boots

Act 1:
Perforate + Chance to Bleed + Maim (until lvl 12. For 2-link exclude Maim)
Actually you could use whatever skill you want. This league I will use Shield Crush, tried it and its actually good with Faster Attacks and  Chance to Bleed 

Breaking Some Eggs quest( lvl 4 ) - Blood and Sand + Dash
Use blood stance for bosses.

Also buy War Banner and put it on bosses

The Caged Brute quest (lvl 10) - Leap Slam
If possible buy and link with Faster Attacks Support
In perfect world  Leap Slam -  Faster Attacks Support - Lifetap Support
 Lifetap Support coulld be also bought after The Caged Brute quest and could fix mana problems, so if you have mana issues prefer it to Faster Attacks Support

Also buy  Maim here, could be you third link.

You could also buy Enduring Cry, but remember that now(3.25 patch notes) we have to link it with Autoexertion gem to automate it and it will reserve mana.

The Siren's Cadence quest (lvl 12. Tip could be received after entering The Cavern of Wrath) - Sweep
Also buy Lacerate, put it  in the weapon in weapon swap and level it. If you have resources you could buy one more Lacerate(or you could buy it later) and put to weapon swap: there is a chance in third lab to upgrade gem to tranfigured so could get lucky!
If you have G-R-R
Lacerate+ Chance to Bleed + Maim
If R-R-R (recommended)
Sweep + Chance to Bleed + Maim

Act 2:
Intruders in Black quest (lvl 16) - Blood Rage (use it each time you enter new location and try to renew it wi kills)
Buy Herald of Purity

Sharp and Cruel quest (lvl 18) - Melee Physical Damage Support
Swap Maim for this
Sweep + Chance to Bleed + Melee Physical Damage Support
Or later if found 4-link
Sweep + Chance to Bleed + Melee Physical Damage Support + Maim

Act 3:
Lost in Love quest (lvl 24) - Vulnerability (use for tough monsters or packs and on Bosses)

Also need to buy both Pride and Determination
You can't activate both, so have to decide what you need more damage or survivability. I prefer to usee Pride but later in Act 8 or higher swap to use Determination (or from 3.25 we could activate both). But you have to level up second gem in weapon swap oir empty sockets

Act 4:
I prefer to get first Lab here around lvl 33-36 when reach The Crystal Veins before 2 protals.

The Eternal Nightmare (lvl 38) - Multistrike Support
Also buy Brutality Support.
Here comes weired part. We don't need to use Multistrike Support at this moment it is not about attack speed mostly.
So I recommend next 4-link
 Lacerate+ Chance to Bleed + Melee Physical Damage Support + Brutality Support
and level  Multistrike Support in weapon swap or in empty socket. It definetely should be your fifth socket though.
And yes here we start to use Lacerate with 1 Lab and proper 4-link G-R-R-R

4-link Lacerate sockets regex:

!!! At this moment the only thing that you need to do while leveling is to constantly change your Two Hand Axes to get more physical damage and upgrade other gear for survivability.
Don't forget to collect Blacksmith's Whetstones and Rustic Sash -es. When you change to the new axe with heigher flat damage it is extremely necessary to use vendor recipe on it,
Vendor Recipe means you have to sell to vendor Your New Axe + Blacksmith's Whetstone + Rustic Sash.
The better Rustic Sash - better axe, I mean you can sell it as Normal, Magic, Rare or Unique and relatively get better Incresed Physical Damage on axe
Small TIP. You could collect normal Rustic Sashes and even buy them from vendors for 3 scrolls and simply get all Essences that you meet during acts making normal Sash rare when you actually need it !!!

After changes in 3.24 we can't use Molten Shell or Enduring Cry on left click. To use them we have to make automation with Automation gem for Molten Shell and  Autoexertion gem for Enduring Cry.
It is to much gems and most likely I don't recommend to use Enduring Cry. We have ways to generate enduring charges.
But in terms of Molten Shell it kinda upgrade because we are not forced to use Cast When Damage Taken setup, but swap it to Molten Shell + Automation

First and most powerful upgrade is Jack, The Axe and Rigwald's Command. Buy them as fast as you can, they are pretty cheap. From this point you can respec points to "Lacerate of Haemorhage swap" tree, there are few differences in Late Acts and Maps.

Next you are looking for 5-6 link body and you need to buy Lacerate of Haemorrhage.

Next upgrade you could get is Ryslatha's Coil. Try to look for belt that has at most 32% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage (look as less as yo can afford) and at least 37% More Maximum Attack Damage(as high as you can afford).
High life is a bnefit.
Remember with quantity nerfs and a lot of melee players, they gonna price up very fast!
Example trade search link: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/0qJGDmOFg

Next better to look for Elreon's craft for jewellery "Non-Channelling Skills have -7 to Total Mana Cost". And craft it on all jewelery. It is not cheap but after that you could live without mana flask with all initial auras and feel good.

Next Upgrade I suggest to prioritize are any good gloves corrupted to implicit "Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit". Good Unique gloves that you could look at are Tanu ahi or Veruso's Battering Rams or Hands of the High Templar. 
But base on your budget it could be any useful gloves with implicit.
You also can consider to find "Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit" on ring. Mod itself is good enogh to take a ring slot first days of the league, so it could be Rare ring with this mode no metter has it other good mods or not. I will briefly describe how to possibly craft such ring in RING section
Or it could be Mark of Submission ring with Vulnerability gem.

Next upgrade could be expensive may be not based on league meta. Circle of Guilt ring. You should prioritize it to have this parameters as high as you can afford "Herald of Purity has #% increased Buff Effect"
"#% increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity".

Next you want to put in build Malevolence
Malevolence+Guardian's Blessing+Raise Spectre gems setup and possibility to press it. This tech can allow you to have aura untill you minion dies. But there is a corpse that we could use that will auto revive after dying so the only what we will press is recast the aura on it.
This minions name is Dark Marionette. Buy this corpse as soon as you can and you could use Malevolance for free
Spectre https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Dark_Marionette

Here come time to upgrade our mana efiiciency. First of all we have to craft good helmet for it.

Try to purchase Armour base 83+ iLvl for it with fracture mod. Best what you can get is fracture tier 1-2 Chaos resistance. It also could be Tier 1 any resistance fractured.
Use Deafening Essence of Loathing untill you get 10% reservation efficiency + good suffix(any tier 1 resistance or tier 1-2 chaos resistance).
If it already has Life as my in example for Red Maps consider it done. If not you could craft it to not spend a lot of currency on league start.
If there is already small life so you can't craft or if prefixes filled, its up to you do you want to spent currency for life or not.
You can fix it with Eldritch Chaos Orb while there will be Searing Exarch as dominant in implicits(the only implicit or tier of implicit weill be higher than Eater of Worlds).
It is almost done but here comes potentially the most expensive part: you have to roll Eater of World Implicit and I highly recommend to roll it Tier 3 to have "9% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills".
BUT! It is recommendation, and much cost efficient way on league start will be to roll just 7% with Lesser Eldritch Ichor.
As for Searing Exarch implicit you could use
#% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect 
#% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
#% increased Area of Effect
All 3 are solid choice

Best setup is shown in Gear for Red Maps. Circle of guilt (mods to hunt on ring I wrote above)+ Ring that has craft "Non-Channelling Skills have -7 to Total Mana Cost". Exactly -7, -6 significantly worse.
When you could afford, better Rare ring that will give "Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit".
This mode could be obtained few ways. First you could buy ring already having it, this mod could be found on Delve rings and on rings with Warlord influence as suffix.
If Delve ring is mostly done you could only craft something on bench if there is an empty affix and you hope to craft mana cost, then Warlord ring you could craft itself.

Buy Ring with Warlord influence with the highest iLvl you see and base you want, I suggest Amethyst ring as it provides chaos resistance that we lack. Another way you could shipe cheap Warlord orb and buy it.
Put orb on the base you want and here we can look for the mod. The best way I could suggest is to roll the ring with blue juice from Harvest league mechanic, using reroll rare ring to more likely get Caster modifers.
Affixes to curse on hit has tag Caster so it should roll relatively fast. You have to pray now that other modes are useful. But more important to have empty prefix to craft minus mana cost.
Sure there is more advanced technics to craft much better ring but this bsae to give you direction

Jewel slots could be filled with useful jewels.
Will leave you search for "useful" jewels from my point of view
Link for jewels search

Most valuable for DPS Forbdden Flesh and Forbidden Flame is Bane of Legends from Slayer and More Than Skill from Gladiator itself. You actually could buy any forbiddens for gladiator and respec what you are using on ascendancy to More Than Skill.
Cause it could be pretty expensive as this passive is busted


If you are complitely new to PoE, quick guide how to craft your flask: remove all mode with orb of scouring and put 4 bubble orbs on it(normal items get more quality from quality currencty).
Now hard part: put orb of transmutation on it, and keep rolling with orb of alteration mods on flask or we call it "alt-spam". If only one mode rolled you could also put orb of augmentation to look on second one.

Life Flask
My suggestion to half flask that recover half instantly, but this more about personal preferences. But It should remove bleeding

Utility Flasks
I would highly recommend to have prefix on each utility flask "Gain 3 Charges when you are Hit by an Enemy". We are armour + block build so we will be hit alwais and get charges all time

Granite Flask
I would recommend as suffix one of "#% increased Attack Speed during Effect" "#% increased Movement Speed during Effect" "#% increased Armour during Effect" "#% increased Evasion during Effect" 

Quicksilver Flask
I would recommend as suffix one of "#% increased Attack Speed during Effect" "#% increased Movement Speed during Effect" "#% increased Armour during Effect" "#% increased Evasion during Effect" 

Jade Flask
I would recommend as suffix one of "#% increased Attack Speed during Effect" "#% increased Movement Speed during Effect" "#% increased Armour during Effect" "#% increased Evasion during Effect" 

Sulphur Flask
I would recommend as suffix one of "#% increased Attack Speed during Effect" "#% increased Movement Speed during Effect" "#% increased Armour during Effect" "#% increased Evasion during Effect" 

Try to have all flasks with 20% quality!

Nothing special what you are looking here for. So Recommend to fix your resists, get life and physcal damage to attack in prefixes.
You could also buy gloves with good fracture and craft them using essnce spam. Use essence for Tier 1-2 resist and try to roll another resist and high life. Best fracture would be Tier 1-2 chaos resist, Tier 1-2 Life, Tier 1-2 added flat physical damge

Eldritch imlicits I recommend:
Searing exarch:
"% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier"
Eater of Worlds:
"Overwhelm #% Physical Damage Reduction" (Small DPS increase don't spend a lot for it)
"#% of Physical Damage Leeched as Life"
"Attacks have 15% chance to Maim on Hit"

We need "+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier" as high as possible(mandatory) + Life, attributes, resists. Better would be to buy it done alraedy, but you could buy fracture High life amulet and roll it with Harvest juice for DoT multi or vice versa(but practured dot multi cost  a lot).
There is no good determenistic way to craft this amulet, so if you are not efficient and good in crafting, recommend it again: just buy one that is already done.

Annoint Acrimony on it as soon as possible, overall best annoint for damage. 

It is important deffence mechanic that allows you to fill safe against shocks, ignites, freeze and chill.
We have options here! We could achive it with Stormshroud Unique Jewel which equals all ailment avoidance to yours avoidance to Shock. But this jewel is not so cheap at league start and also requires you to Properly craft your Boots.

If you can afford Stromgshroud option then you have to spam Deafening Essence of Torment on boots that should have one of the fractures Movement speed, Chaos resistance, some Elemental resistance
until you get boots that would help you in general with resists, life and movespeed besides shock avoidance.
Add Searing Exarch implicit "#% chance to Avoid being Shocked". But to only achive immunity with boots you have to get f.e. suffix that give 59 or 60% and implicit for 40-41% relatively.
This way allows you to spent less on craft as from my point of view + craft Eater implicit "Bleeding you inflict deals Damage #% faster" which will increase your DPS, but you have to pay for unique jewel

We are looking for high life, a lot of elemental resists or chaos resist. Overall nothing spectial for effixes. You possibly need empty prefix here to craft "#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments"
As for implicits:
Searing Exarch
"+1% to all maximum Resistances"(Highly recommend)
"#% increased Effect of your Curses"
"#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills"
"% increased Global Physical Damage"
Eater of Worlds
"Pride has #% increased Aura Effect" (Highly recommend)
"Determination has #% increased Aura Effect aura" (also highly recommend)
"#% Chance to Block Attack Damage" (if you arte missing some)

-Monsters reflect #% of Physical Damage -  This one is impossible to do unless you have setup oof Forbbiden jewels for example from Slayer.

This mods are doable, but I will try to avoid them if I have such option. Don't recommend to run having 2 of this at the time.
-Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
-#% maximum Player Resistances
-Players have #% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
-Players have #% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills
-Players have #% reduced Chance to Block Players have #% less Armour

I have not much to say here. Everything there is aimd to reach caped bleed DPS(against Pinnacles, not Ubers) and destroy end game.It still will be tanky as fuck, but concept is changed and it build around Frenzy charges,
so we trying to make as much frenzy as possible.
I made it fast and without deep dive into, so if you want to make it better, you are Welcome. I myself don't want to deep dive into this planning before league, as it takes a lot of time to optimize and on practive Midbudget version is pretty solid to do every content

I haven't put tattos there cause they pretty personal for each build. In general you could put block if you are missing or Physical damage if you don't lack anything else.
If you really will need advice for this, welcome to my streams https://www.twitch.tv/mikemnn