18 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 90 Reap Chieftain3.19

Life: 4,113130%
ES: 77
Mana: 3
eHP: 49,960
Resistances: 81%/38%/77%/36%
Block: 75%
Spell Block: 74%
DPS: 2,502,055
Speed: 3.25
Pinnacle, Covered in Ash, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Shakari


SingularityDawnbreakerEternal BurgonetCloak of FlameVaal GauntletsGoliath GreavesMarble AmuletEmberwakeEmberwakeThe Magnate
The Wise OakTopaz FlaskRuby Flask
The Blue NightmareBrutal RestraintCobalt Jewel


Herald of Purity
Herald of Ash
Tempest Shield
Elemental Focus
Awakened Added Fire Damage
Spell Echo
Concentrated Effect
Awakened Spell Cascade
Divergent Righteous Fire
Concentrated Effect
Spell Totem

Tree Preview

Avatar of FireAvatar of Fire
Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Glancing BlowsGlancing Blows
Iron WillIron Will
The AgnosticThe Agnostic
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Fire MasteryFire Mastery
  • 1% increased Fire Damage per 20 Strength
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% reduced Life Cost of Skills
  • +50 to maximum Life
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Resistance and Ailment Protection MasteryResistance and Ailment Protection Mastery
  • Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you


-- How to live?
90% physical damage taken as fire makes you able to tank heavy physical hits. Should be a 71% physical reduction.
20% less fire and lighning damage taken through flasks wich are automated.
Ailment immunity is given with tempest shield, Soul of the Brine king and Tasalio Key stone
Capped attack and spell block. Keep in mind if you are hit you loose some attack block. Damage passing through Glancing blows is not considered as a hit.
Flat regen is needed to take care of RF. You will need at least 150 life per second through items.
1% Leech Fire damage through Hinekora, taking care of the life cost of Reap and giving more.
Stun immunity

-- How to kill?
Fire conversion is done by Ngahmu and Avatar of fire (Xophs Blood or tree)
Ngahmu procs give you 50% damage 40% of the time. Average increase of 12.5%
Elemental overload requires a crit in 8 sec. One crit is done in average every 4 sec. Anomalous reap is not required but would make the average around one crit every 2.2 sec. You have Power Charges on kill also.
Flamability gives 10% damage.
Awakenen spell cascade is making able to have 3-4 overlaps for bosses and more cleaning area for mapping.

-- How to we overlap?
The rule of thumb is to cast as far as the radius of Reap. Here Radius is 20, so we need to cast 20 units away. 
This might feel difficult but if we have RF with the same radius we can cast on the edge of RF, on the fatty line.
You will have 4 overlaps in the RF area but 3 on the other side.
If you cast on yourself you will overlap 3times everything from 10-20 range

-- How to improve?
  Here some rough stats:
Cast speed -> 4% damage per 10% increase it will also improve the reliability of Elemental overload
Spell damage -> 1% damage per 10% increase
Fire damage -> 1% damage per 10% increase
Skill lvl -> 12% per 1 lvl increase

  Rare mods:
Fire exposure - Searing exarch mod on gloves
Less resistance neraby you in helmet - Warlord suffix helmet
12% Fire taken as - Warlord prefix helmet
+(1-2)Maximum fire resistance - Sering exarch mod on boots
X% Physical damage as extra fire damage - Warlord mod on boots (cannot have with searing exarch mod)

  Other stuff:
Get a watcher eye and cap yourself with "physical taken as fire" conversion and having purity of fire instead of vitality.
Other option is to not have vitality and have anomalous arctic armour. It will give you tankiness and 20% freeze when hit and Freeze immunity allowing you to change soul of the brine king.
You should get a better belt than magnate. More information on that in the flask section. 

  For the rich:
Get a sublime vision purity of fire (around 100 divines) and rakiata(tempered by war) timeless jewel. It will allow you to take every damage on fire (except chaos) and give you insane tankiness. You can do some fancy stuff like fire hits
 avoidance and fire reduction.

-- What to wear tonight?
  Awaken SpellCascade 70c
This makes you able to do the overlaps. Level on this are not really improving much. Just buy a lvl 1 gem. It's a must in this build.
  DawnBreaker 25c
Used for physical to conversion. 20% phys taken as fire is required. Other roll we do not care to much about.
  Rare helmet 5c
5c Craft 8% taken as or buy a 10% taken warlord helm.
Late game you can optimize by getting a rare warlord helm: Prefix 10-12% taken as fire and suffix Neraby ennemies have -X% fire resistance.
  Cloak of Flames 6l 100c
Used for physical to conversion.
  Brutal Restreint (Balbala - Traitor) 70c
Automates flasks. A good way to get easy resistances and stats. Not mandatory but good QOL
  Blue Nightmare 1 div
Gives 26%(13x2) spell block and 24% power charge on kill

-- What to drink tonight?
Balbala is a traitor and we need to drink to forget. Magnate helps us with that to.
We can have 3 flask active 100% of the time. We need long duration, low charge used. To automate them you need a "reused at the end of flask" mod. Here's my recommandation:
- Wise oak give us a good amount of damage and good resistance.
- Ruby flask is good for the 20% less fire damage taken. Scale well with RF and damage taken conversion
- Topaz flask cap us in light rez and gives us a less fire damage taken.
Try to get on your magic flask a duration mod (whatever tier) and cast speed and movement speed. If you want something else than magnate, you should get t1 duration mod instead.