10 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 93 Doom Blast Pathfinder3.22

Life: 3,958118%
ES: 1,023
Mana: 36
Resistances: 75%/76%/75%/-10%
Evade: 79%
Supp: 93.75%
Block: 30%
Evasion: 22,193
DPS: 6,243,536
Speed: 7.93
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Gruthkul


Breath of the CouncilLeper's AlmsNightmare BascinetDendrobateVixen's EntrapmentDragonscale BootsThe Eternal StruggleIcefang OrbitAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskTaste of HateTopaz FlaskRuby FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Hypnotic Eye JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelCrimson Jewel


Impending Doom
Unbound Ailments
Spell Cascade
Temporal Chains
Spell Cascade
Divine Blessing
Purity of Elements
Herald of Agony
Flame Dash
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken
Immortal Call
Withering Step

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Curse MasteryCurse Mastery
  • +20% chance to Ignite, Freeze, Shock, and Poison Cursed Enemies
Damage Over Time MasteryDamage Over Time Mastery
  • +10% to Damage over Time Multiplier if you've Killed Recently
Flask MasteryFlask Mastery
  • Life Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds
  • Mana Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • +50 to maximum Life
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Enemies Poisoned by you cannot deal Critical Strikes
  • Poisons you inflict deal Damage 20% faster
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky


Guide by Allie

3.22 Update - With Spellblade numbers looking good, we want to use a Breath of the Council over Apep now. It should be substantually cheaper and stronger.
ONLY USE Spellblade with Breath. I cant add Spellblade to the pob until PoB is updated with the 3.22 gems. If you go with Apep still run Cruelty.

Order in which to buy Uniques if you get 2-3c while leveling:

Mark of Submission IF its less than 3-5 Chaos, otherwise just buy Vixens for ~15c
Icefang Orbit if its ~1-2c
Dendrobate - This woun't be avaliable until later in day 1 but still strong if you are starting late.

Act 1

Look for MS boots in town & use a bow. Try to buy a Flat Phys quiver and Iron Rings if/when you can afford them. Vendor Armor Scraps or Whetstones for more Wisdoms.
Look for GGG anything in town before going to Coast. If no GGG then GG 2 link minimum.
Look for GGG anything that ISINT a bow. Try to find a good shield before level 12, ideally with a Movement Speed implicit.

>>>>Please make sure you have 2 mana flasks before Brutis and Merveil or you will have a bad time with mana<<<<

Take Caustic Arrow from the quest, link it with Momentum. Get 1 Green socket anywhere to start leveling Burning Arrow for Brutis.
Use Caustic Arrow for all clearing up to Brutis.
Really look for a 1 Wisdom Quiver from Town before you leave it makes it so much easier once you can put it on at 4.

Level 4
After Mud Flats is over and you are in the cave, tp back to the coast waypoint and go get the medicine chest from Tidal Island.
Take Mirage Archer from Nessa and Sniper's Mark and Tarkleigh.

Buy Pierce and War Banner from Nessa.

Link Caustic Arrow - Mirage Archer - Pierce
You can let the Mirage Archer do most of the work.

Buy Frostblink from Nessa if you want to use it over Dash. You will have enough int to use it with the 10 int node by Charisma.
Try to buy Iron Rings and a Rustic Sash when you can afford them pre Brutis. 

~Level 8-9

Killing Brutis: Swap Mirage Archer from Caustic Arrow to Burning Arrow. Use Burning Arrow to kill Brutis.
Once Brutis is dead, put Mirage Archer back on Caustic Arrow and get rid of Burning Arrow.

Take Void Manipulation from the quest, level it for PConc.

Level 12

Swap to Poison Concoction once you hit level 12.
Buy Volley from Nessa. 
Buy Withering Step
Your links are now Poison Concoction - Void Manipulation - Volley

Drop Caustic Arrow, Mirage Archer, Pierce. You just need Frostblink, War Banner, Sniper's Mark, Withering Step and PConc.
Use Sniper's Mark on bosses until Act 3. Dont bother with it on anything else its not worth the mana otherwise.

From now on you will need to upgrade your Life Flask every time you can. PConc scales like crazy off of it and it is your main damage scaler for Acts 1-6.
TLDR: Bigger number on the flask the better. You will have to use your alts and try to craft flasks every few levels. You don't care about the mods that roll on the flask.
Look at the number the flask would say it heals you, the time doesn't matter. As long as the number is big you are good to go.

3.21 & Beyond Changes - You will need to always keep 2-3 life flasks equipped at all times to counter the 3.21 nerfs. As long as you do this PConc is as good as it was in 3.20.

Act 2

BANDITS: Kill all, alternatively help Alira to aid with resists and mana sustain but its not really needed and you will need to swap to +2 passives later anyways.

Level 16
Take Herald of Agony as your quest reward.

Go pew pew Act 2.

Act 3

Start looking for:
GGGB for Poison Concoction - Volley - Void Manipulation - Unbound Ailments
Pick up all Yellow items, going to need lots of Alts.

Level 24
Take Grace from the quest reward. Buy Temporal Chains from the vendor.
Buy Purity of Elements & Despair

Drop War Banner
Use Purity of Elements or Grace, its up to you. Elements will make res capping easier and will make it so you never have to deal with chills, Grace will make you subtantually tankier to melee skills.
Put Despair in your offhand weapons to level for later, use Temporal Chains as your curse on Rares & Bosses.

Go to the Library and do the quest for Siosa 
There are a lot of gems that can benefit you and that would be good to buy to pre-level for Impending Doom.

From Siosa buy: Enfeeble, Punishment, Cursed Ground, & Impending Doom. If you cant afford everything thats ok, just make sure you buy Impending Doom so you can level it.
Put away Enfeeble, Cursed Ground, Impending Doom & Punishment in your offhand to level for later.

Optional Gems from Siosa:
Buy Plague Bearer and use it to clear faster. Buy Steelskin and put it on left click for a nice defensive.
Buy Shield Charge & Faster Attacks if and use it over Frostblink/Dash. Buy Flame Dash and use it as you wish. 
Bascally, get the mobility skills you prefer here.

Act 4

Do lab when you feel comfortable

Depending on how you pick up your points, you will have Charisma either at the end of Act 3, or middle of Act 4.
Whenever you do, drop Herald of Agony and use Grace. Purity of Elements + Grace should make the Acts a breeze.

Impending Doom Swap

Dont swap to Impending Doom before maps. You will have really bad mana problems while the passive points needed to give Impending Doom 100% Poison Chance are too far away.
To hit 100% Poison you need Serpentine Spellslinger & Steeped in Profane.
Since these are too far away and we wount be anywhere near them until near maps you might aswell finish it up with PConc.

This also allows you to do Heist for enough chaos to be able to buy Vixens and most of the items in this PoB before even going to maps.
There is a Heist guide on my Youtube on how to make ~100-200c with it.


You will need BBGG to swap, dont try to do it on a 3 link, it will feel awful with no Chance to Poison. 
If you have Dendrobate, put your main link in your chest and use Unbound Ailments 

Your main links are: Temporal Chains - Chance to Poison - Cursed Ground - Impending Doom.
Link Despair to another Spell Cascade.
Drop all PConc gems and look for a wand with Spell Damage on it & craft "x% increased Damage Over Time" as a Prefix.
Use a shield and use Shield Charge - Faster Attacks.

Keep Flame Dash and link it to an Arcane Surge that you keep at level 1.

If you have a Mark of Submission, put Despair into it. Otherwise put Despair on your bars.

Your main playstyle is: 

Cast 1 Temp Chains, everything in the circle will have Impending Doom applied on it. Then cast Temp Chains to override the previous Temp Chains & trigger the Impending Doom.
Pick up Whispers of Doom to be able to also cast Despair on bosses for more damage. For now it doesn't matter that we have 2 curse limit due to Cursed Ground giving Temp Chains no duration.
Spam Temp Chains to your hearts content on bosses while they stand in the Temp Chains cursed ground.

Use Withering Step & Plague Bearer if you wish or drop them. Id recommend to at least use Withering Step on Bosses.

Vixen's Entrapment Usage

Put Enfeeble in your main link instead of Temp Chains. Because of overlaps you lose ~30% dps for maincasting Temp Chains.
Later on once you get Balance of Terror you will be using Temp Chains as your 6 link again but until then it is a dps loss.
Everything in the section below talking about Enfeeble will also apply to Temp Chains once you get Balance of Terror.

The way Vixens works is:

When you cast Enfeeble, Vixen's will also autocast the curses inside of it. We link them with Spell Cascade to also hit the same area as the Enfeeble.
The order of the curses matters and whichever curse is in the TOP LEFT most socket will be the one that doesnt actually proc and doesnt have 100% uptime.

The goal here is to have Enfeeble be the first curse on the enemy, and then 2 more curses to fill up all 3 curse slots on an enemy. 
Then the 4th curse will trigger and since your max is only 3, will kick the oldest curse which is Enfeeble.
When this happens, Impending Doom will trigger since the curse that applied it is gone. 

Since you are holding down your Enfeebles key, on your next spellcast, Enfeeble will then kick out the curse it just got replaced by as the other 2 curses will just refresh eachother. 
Effectively, you are playing ping-pong with Enfeeble and 1 other curse.

With this info, we want to choose which 2 curses will be kept permanently, and which one will ping-pong with Enfeeble.

We always want Despair & Temp Chains as they are too large of a dmg multiplier to not have up permanently.
That means you want to slot Punishment into the TOP LEFT of your vixens and the other 2 anywhere else, make sure the gloves are 4-linked so all 3 curses benefit from Spell Cascade.

Act 5-10

Keep following the skill trees for each act.