14 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Crit Cobra Lash Deadeye3.21

Life: 3,43086%
Mana: 151
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/4%
Evade: 34%
Supp: 100%
DPS: 115,016,752
Speed: 26.85
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 93.71%
Crit Multi: 599%
Config: Pinnacle, 50% Shock, 20% Sap, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All


Imperial ClawWar BucklerUrsine PeltAssassin's GarbDragonscale GauntletsAmbush BootsAshes of the StarsWinterweaveCall of the VoidGluttony
Divine Life Flask f079291Bismuth Flask f9cdd04Amethyst Flask 7438d87Diamond Flask 8c2f0b4Ruby Flask 7fe1fd5
Large Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelThread of HopeSublime VisionWatcher's EyeLethal PrideCrimson JewelViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Whirling Blades
Phantasmal Ancestral Protector
Flame Wall
Anomalous Assassin's Mark
Divergent Mark On Hit
Awakened Enhance
Anomalous Blood Rage
Anomalous Nightblade
Divergent Cobra Lash
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Divergent Inspiration
Cast when Damage Taken
Immortal Call
Anomalous Wrath
Anomalous Blood Rage

Tree Preview

Supreme EgoSupreme Ego
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Dagger MasteryDagger Mastery
  • Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Flask MasteryFlask Mastery
  • 25% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • You count as on Full Life while at 90% of maximum Life or above
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • Marked Enemy cannot deal Critical Strikes
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you