12 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 60 Crit Pyroclast Mine Saboteur3.21

Life: 2,175111%
ES: 324
Mana: 172
Resistances: 62%/67%/65%/-30%
Evade: 69%
DPS: 10,441
Speed: 3.27
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 22.55%
Crit Multi: 243%
Config: None
Bandit: Kraityn
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ryslatha


Glass ShankGlass ShankCallous MaskScarlet RaimentVelvet GlovesTrapper BootsJade AmuletTwoStoneFCTopaz RingRustic Sash
Hallowed Life FlaskHallowed Life FlaskColossal Mana FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver Flask


Pyroclast Mine
Swift Assembly
Trap and Mine Damage
Charged Mines
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Flame Wall
Arcanist Brand
Sniper's Mark
Flame Dash
Summon Skitterbots

Tree Preview

Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mine MasteryMine Mastery
  • Each Mine applies 2% reduced Damage dealt to Enemies near it, up to 10%
  • 30% increased Effect of Auras from Mines
  • Each Mine applies 2% increased Damage taken to Enemies near it, up to 10%


---Additional Questions and Answers----

Why the small attack/cast speed nodes next to preparation?
We need attack speed to make whirling blades feel good. Just having Coordination is not enough. Obviously, we can add supports such as Faster Attacks and Momentum, but you will not always have a 3rd green available for Momentum.
Frenzy Charge generation through blood rage before Pyroclast Swap is also helpful. After Pyroclast swap and equipping charged mines, you will have frenzy charge generation that way as you can't proc Bloodrage Frenzies via Mines.
The cast speed also is useful pre-Pyroclast swap as it helps increase our traversal/reaction times incrementally by allowing us to not be in the animation as long. Additionally, improves single for reason of increasing total number of casts.
These are solid nodes that provide a nice boost in dmg for both single and clear while helping incrementally with traversal and ability to survive. Eventually they get respecced out of as we get more point efficient things to invest in such as Finesse
below Heart of Oak when cast speed is not really relevant any longer and we are only using the nodes the attack speed. In actual run, I did not use bloodrage from 16 to 27. In hindsight, this was a mistake as I was missing out on cast speed for
Rolling Magma and damage in clear scenarios/single target scenarios with adds such as Weaver/Bandit fights.

Can I Use Something Else Besides Pyroclast for Clear?
Yeah absolutely, I wanted to have Pyroclast be a one stop shop for both clear and single in the run. Its clear is decent enough for campaign, but something like a different spell mine, Armageddon Brand (non-mine) if you're doing library, or 
Firestorm (non-mine) if your not doing Library, will all slot in nicely and work well and improve your clear. The downside is the added socket pressure, but it should speed the run up somewhat with a better clear ability. I would recommend
switching off Rolling Magma to clear to something else as there isn't sufficient non-mine damage investment on tree to guarantee it will clear sufficiently once you'd added something like GMP to it given its less damage multiplier. 
Instead, something like Armabrand or Firestorm with some ignite chance from things such as Combustion will allow for better clear given you do not need to invest one of your support links into a clear support such as GMP. 
That doesn't mean Rolling Magma won't clear. I haven't test it sufficiently since I was using Pyroclast for clear and had been from outstart, but based on experience with other builds, I would be concerned that its clear would be slower 
as it would require multiple casts in some scenarios versus Arma Brand or Firestorm where you just drop it once. I do not know what particular spell you could like to a mine to provide a mine based clear ability as I don't have much 
experience on that front and I haven't tested it, but at face value it seems like there should/would be an option that would outperform Pyroclast Mines clear. 

Why Sniper's Mark over Assassin's Mark?
At some point for Pyroclast, Assassin's Mark will start to out perform Sniper's Mark as you get more crit scaling/nodes. During the course of a speed leveling run, however, it is extremely beneificial to not have to swap colors around and because
Sniper's Mark is used from Lvl 4 to end of run and is a good mark generally speaking for damage, it is efficient to continue its use as you can plan/execute your socket colors more consistently as you don't have to worry about socket color issues
when it might be time to swap to Assasin's Mark. 

Why do you not have a second curse via Whispers of Doom?
Whispers of Doom is an absolute unit and provides massive damage. However, Whispers is only really applicable to single target scenarios in campaign and taking it during campaign requires slightly too much investment to justify it when 
there are so many crazy high value mine nodes elsewhere as well as defensive/QoL nodes you need. Ultimately then, for campaign purposes, the 5 points are spent better elsewhere to shore up some weaknesses with the build, rather 
than gain more single target juice which is not something Pyroclast necessarily needs badly during campaign as its single target with proper mine stacking and detonation sequences will be high.

Why Replenshing Remedies? 
This is a 3 point power house node for sustain. Sustain was one of the major issues I was having with this build especially mana. But, replenshing remedies allowed me to both solve life and mana sustain via flasks which vastly improved 
QoL of build and made certain fights way less monkaS, especially the fights later in campaign (A9 bosses and beeyond). This node was probably the most essential node to figure out how to send the run with a good powercurve in second
 half as the second half is way more punishing especially the later bosses

How to Solve Sabo Resistance Pain Cave?
Alira is mandatory for this build which gets you partially there. Because there are no good resistance nodes on passive tree that are reasonably accessible to Sabo pathing, you are forced to supplement any shortcomings once the res penalty hits
in A6 with either Purity of Elements or the specific Purity you might be low on instead of resistance passives. In more detail, this build intentionally gets early Charisma to account for this fact and to still allow the use of Skitterbots if you have to
use a resistance aura. You should try to fix resistances as soon as possible while using a resistance aura and once you do so, swap the aura out for Grace. If you don't have resistance issues after the res penalty starting in A6, its excellent as+
that means you can equip Grace right away and have Grace + Skitterbots running for a good balance between defense via avoidance and damage via skitterbots. Personally, I priotize having skitterbots on all times once I get Pyroclast as 
skitterbots is such a massive damage reservation for mine builds. When I did runs where I didn't have charisma and was forced to use Purity of Elements without skitterbots due to too much mana reservation, the build started to perform 
noticably worse. Consequently, I think the way to go is an early Charisma instead of like a late A7 charisma to allow flexibility in using Purity of Elements as a stopgap if your resistance falls short after res penalty which will give mostly 2 acts
before you want to swap to having grace on for the avoidance benefit (want grace enabled at latest before doing Cruel Lab/Entering Temple of Decay). 

Why No Eldritch Battery?
Eldritch Battery is a nice solution to solve mana issues. However, my problem with it that it is not worth the investment necessarily to go out that way and get it for 5 points during campaign. It kind of leaves you in a deadzone in terms of getting
access to defensives/QoL stuff which Sabo desperately needs. You do have access to the excellent mine node and Whispers of Doom from that pathing (and the aura cluster if you so desire), but offense is not an area where Sabo is lacking.
Instead, I find it more worthwhile to use these points to path elsewhere. Also, you can use ghost shrounds and your ES for eHP which is hugely beneficial given the survivability pain points Sabo can face during campaign as the overall
ability to get life nodes on the tree with efficient pathing is not very high without sacrificing other things. If you take this build to maps, the equation would likely change as you could use the ES as mana to generate another aura via blessing.
I have not extensively though this line out or planned an endgame Pyroclast mine build, but that is the impression I get. It is a similar line of reasoning in a sense to Whispers of Doom, both are fantastic nodes, for different reasons, but the power
of these nodes really starts to shine in maps when you can enable them properly. Of course, you can use them in campaign as well, but I do not think the trade off is worth having them in campaign versus what you can get elsewhere, but given
there large power of these nodes, it very well could be that I am misjudging the trade off value between them and other nodes in campaign. This is a judgment call. 

Why do you not rush Explosive Elements cluster?
If I were just doing an A5 Pts+Lab run, I absolutely would after getting Snowforged. However, because this run continues through campaign, a balance must be struck with what you need now, what you'll need slightly later, and what you will
need much later. We don't take Explosive Elements very early because we need other things to sucessfully have a smooth power curve through campaign besides just straight damage. Moreover, the point at which we would get 
Explosive Elements is often when we are at some the strongest points for the build as we will have gotten the flat fire crafts relatively recently meaning the mob health scaling hasn't started to yet outpace the added flat from crafts in
any significant manner. As a result, from a bunch of run iterations, XP, overall clear speed, and surviability were better when instead of going for Explosive Elements right after Snowforged, the points were instead invested into
Blast Waves for AoE, some damage, and the mine mastery which pulls triple duty in help with clear as area becomes better, provides some additional single target via the notable, and then we get the excellent mastery which provides more
single target in a point efficient manner. From there we start pathing down towards Charisma/Replenshing Remedies to deal with the Res/Sustain prison that Mines Sabo can often find itself in at start of second half of campaign. As soon as
we shore up the weaknesses with help from additional AoE for clear, potential res issues, and sustain issues thats when we will beeline it towards Explosive Elements. Finally, by heading towards Ranger we get more access to Life nodes
to increase survivability as the only life nodes out towards Explosive Elements is Blood Drinker which after you take that node, you're left in a desolate place for Life nodes as the next nodes you can get are all multiple poitns away travel nodes
away (like 4+ before you can even start picking up the small life notables)

Can expand a bit more on the Added Lightning/Cold vs Combustion and Herald/Skitterbot Reservation Situation Mentioned in YT Description?
Ultimately this answer comes down to being flexible with the scenarios you are given in a run. Taking Added Lightning/Cold instead of Combustion as a 3rd link improves transmute efficiency. But once we do that, it also should affect the choice
of our reservations in A2. Skitterbots is an incredible reservation for many reasons, but there are some issues with it for clear scenarios in A2. Shadow is by far at its weakest in A2 and we need all the help we can get. Skitterbots, unfortunately,
do not always have the best AI and as a result you do not always benefit from them in clear scenarios. On other hand, you will always benefit from a second herald in clear as either Ice or Thunder will also added flat damage to your ability.
Single target, skitterbots will likely be better still, but at least if you go down the Added Lightning route with Ele Prolif on Rolling Magma you will still have ability to get some level of shocks. They will not be as good as a skitterbot shock, but this
is a trade off I am willing to make for better clear and XP efficiency. Finally, one thing to consider especially as it relates to Added Lightning vs Combustion is that with the removal of the 8 wand vendor recipe via Magic Wand, Alt, and Res Ring,
Added flat damage has become more scarce to come by. Taking Adding Lightning over Combustion allows you to more directly kill mobs given your high initial damage while Combustion focuses more on delievering decentish up front damage,
but adding a lot of clear of damage via ignite on packs as any ignite will prolif which results in nice clear. From my experience, I ended up with better XP and better rates of survival with more front loaded damage from Added Lightning
than Combustion which is why I went down that route. This then in the end comes somewhat down to preference, but from my testing and iterations, I performed better XP wise and time wise with Added Lightning over Combustion along
with Herald of Thunder instead of Skitterbots as a second reservation to Herald of Ash in A2. To reiterate though, you will ABSOLUTELY want to drop the non-herald of ash reservation for skitterbots once you swap to mines as 
Skitterbots is essential once you swap to Pyroclast.

What do I do once I reach maps?
The world is your oyster my friend. More seriously, this build is intended to be a campaign speed running buld and that is where my expertise is. Because of that, because I have not significantly tested the builds in map, and because I have
my own unique preferences for what I prefer in my builds in maps/endgame, I do not want to mislead you down a path with advice about something I haven't though about, planned, and tested extensively. Instead, I would recommend that you
find well-respected content creators and look to see what they are doing with Pyroclast Sabo in maps. From there, I would look to see what the build looks like practice, what the offensive numbers look like, what the defensive numbers look live,
what sustain looks like, what QoL looks like, and whether the build aligns with what you may want out of it compared to other things you may play. The build provided is intended as a framework for a solid and smooth leveling experience using
Pyroclast Mines, which you can use as a base to connect to how you want to eventually build your mapping/endgame tree to look like and whether you stick with Pyroclast or transition to some other mine. I also primarily play SSF, so I cannot
reliably make any predictions about cost/investment for the build for trade enabled players as I have no relevant frame of reference for it. If you are interested in seeing a Pyroclast Mine build for 3.22, I believe CaptainLance9 is creating a
trade enabled Pyroclast Mine build and has been testing it. While I cannot vouch for how good the build he generates will be without testing it myself and exploring the numbers, CaptainLance generally puts out well thought out and reasoned
builds. They might not exactly have what you are looking for, but they will provide a decent framework for you to see what an endgame Pyroclast mines build can look like and give you an idea of how you may want to adhere to it or diverge
from it to suit your playstyle and build preferences. There should also be a number of other good sources for endgame related mine builds, some of which will hopefully be non-trade enabled. Generally though, mines as an archetype have always 
been succesful at producing good damage numbers, but have had issues with survivability and playability in other aspects, how you pilot the build and find the balance you want will rely on your judgment and I would not blindly rely on
 following any build guide without first giving it an in-depth examination yourself.

---Required Links---

	Travel Setup As Soon As Possible:
		Lvl 4 to 9: Frostblink (B)
        Lvl 10 to 23: Flame Dash (B)
        Lvl 24 and Beyond: Whirling Blades (R) - Faster Attacks / Momentum (G) - Lifetap (R) [Priortize Faster Attacks over Momentum for Leap Slam, but need to do Library or Lily on Templar to Faster Attacks as of 3.21]
		* Will need to supplement Whirling Blades with either Flame Dash (B) or  Frostblink (B) for gap traversal. As added bonus also allows for combo movement skill chains to increase traversal speed. Preference to Flame Dash
    Single Target and Clear:
	    Lvl 1 To Lvl 27:
              Rolling Magma (B) - Ele Prolif (B) [Priortize Prolif over any over support for Rolling Magma] - Combustion (B) / Added Lightning (B) / Added Cold (G) depending on 3rd color you have for Rolling Magma Setup -
              Arcane Surge/Chance to Poison for 4th socket as cheap stopgap measure to avoid having to spend more transmutes after you've instead a ton into dagger crafts. If you are swimming in transmutes, can use one of alternatives from 3rd
              socket list depending on colors above.
              [Technically, you can make Rolling Magma - Chance to Poison - Added Cold work if the only 3L you can get is 1B 2G. However, I think in that scenario, I would legitimate prefer to just use a 2L Rolling Magma - Ele Prolift instead]
        Lvl 28 and Beyond:
              Pyroclast Mines (B) - Charged Mines (B) at 31, pre-31 Combustion (B) or Added Lightning (B) depending on which you have - Swift Assembly (G) - Any reasonable 4th support gem matching color requirement 
	Auras, Utilitly, and Supplemental Damage Skills:
       Supplemental Damage Skills: 
             Lvl 4: Flame Wall (B) - Note: Link to Arcanist Brand if you have it and have link open for it
             Lvl 28: Bear Trap (G) once you swap to Pyroclast
             Lvl 34: Tornado - Note: Link to Arcanist Brand if you have it and have link open for it

       Lvl 16 to 27:
            Herald of Ash (R)
       Lvl 28 to Grace/Purity of Elements in A6:
            Skitterbots (B)
            Herald of Ash (R)
        A6 Grace/Purity of Elements to End of Campaign:
             Skitterbots (B)
             Grace (G)/Purity needed to fix res before Cruel Lab/Temple of Decay. See notes in Gem Acquisition Section About A6 reservations for more information below.

              Sniper's Mark (G). Can Swap to Assasin's Mark (B) once you have mine crit nodes in second half of campaign. Either mark pairs extremely well with inversion mastery and penetration we get from tree and ascendancy
               If you want to instead go the minus res route, Flammability (B). Would not recommend this over Inversion Route. If you decide to take Whispers of Doom, you should go minus route instead of inversion route.
---Flexible Links---
    Reservations (Second Reservation Beyond Herald of Ash from 16 to 27)
         Use Skitterbots if 3rd blue on Rolling Magma is Combustion
         Use Herald of Thunder if 3rd blue socket on Rolling Magma is Added Lightning     
         Use Herald of Ice if green socket on Rolling Magma is Added Cold
         If using a second herald instead of Skitterbots, you will ALWAYS drop it for Skitterbots once you swap to Pyroclast Mines at 28            

	Whenever you have free sockets:
		Add left-click steelskin (R) whenever you have free red socket available. If you can manage an additional red link and an alch, can CWDT steel skin instead.

     Minus Res Route Instead of Inversion:
         If you opt for minus res, you will want WoC somewhere on build. Best place would be linked to Arcanist Brand. You would also need to fit combustion either on main skill or something like tornado to applies an ignite to
         get the minus res

---Notable Pathing---

(1) Shadow Elemental Damage Start (5pts - Lvl 6)
(2) Trickery (1pt - Lvl 7)
(3) Elemental Focus (2pts - Lvl 8 w/ Dweller Pt)
(4) Blood Siphon (2pts - Lvl 10)
(5) Cold Hearted Calculation (2 pts - Lvl 12)
(6) Coordination (2pt - Lvl 13 w/ Fairgraves Pt)
(7) Attack/Cast Speed Small Nodes next to Coordination (2pts - Lvl 15) [Will spec 3rd later, we dont do so now to allow for Inversion Mastery on Oversoul at 21. I didn't do this in actual run, but I should have]
(8) Snowforged via Small Fire Notable (6 pts - Lvl 20 w/ Way Foward Pt) 
(9) Inversion Elemental Mastery with Hits on Snowforged (1pt - Lvl 21) 
(10) Written in Blood (4pts - Lvl 24 w/ Busts Pt)
(11) Saboteur via Throw Speed Node (2pts - Lvl 26)
(12) Remaining Atttack/Cast Speed Small Node Next to Coordination (1pt - Lvl 27)
(13) Blastwaves (4pts - Lvl 30 w/ Piety Kill Pt)
(14) Inc Dmg Taken on Enemies Per Mine Mastery on Blastwaves (1pt - Lvl 30 w/ Respec of Small Elemental Node between Elemental Focus and Cold Hearted Calculation)
(15) Ballistics (6pts - Lvl 35 w/ Deshret Pt)
(16) Heart of Oak (2pts - Lvl 37)

*** Note Depending On How You Are Feeling Sustain Wise, you can swap ordering of Charisma/Replenshing***
(17/18) Charisma (3pts - Lvl 39 w/ Miasmeter Pt)
(17/18) Replenshing Remedies via Mana Charge Small Node (3pts - Lvl 41 w/ Torments Pt)

(19) Explosive Elements (6pts - Lvl 45 w/ Tukohama and Abberath Skill Pts)
(20) Enemies Deal Reduced Dmg Per Mine Mastery on Explosive Elements Cluster (1pt - Lvl 45 Ryslatha Pt)
(21) Volatile Mines (2pts - Lvl 47)
(22) Ghost Shrounds (2pts - Lvl 48 w/ Ralakesh Pt) [Ensure you have grace on before speccing shrouds/and or you have some lvl ES to make it worth, like >150 ES, elsewise skip until you do]
(23) Blood Drinker (4pts - Lvl 50 w/ Gruthkul and Kishara's Star Pts) 
(24) 50 Life Mastery on Blood Drinker (1pt - Lvl 51)
(25) Finesse (2pts - Lvl 51 w/ 2 Respecs of Attack/Cast Speed Small Notables next to Coordination)
(26) Revenge of the Hunted (4pts - Lvl 53 w/ Tolman and Gemling Legion Skill Pts)
(27) Devasting Devices via Crit Nodes and not detonation speed node (3pts - Lvl 55 w/ Yugul Pt)
(28) Sucessive Detonations via Multiplier Small Node (3pts - Lvl 57 w/ Shakari Pt)
(29) Mine Mastery of Choice, Went With Increase Aura Effect on Successive Detonations (1pt - Lvl 58)
(30) Assassination (2pts - Lvl 58 w/ Garukhan Pt and Respec of Last Attack/Cast Speed Next to Coordination)
(31) Remaining Evasion Life Nodes in Revenge of Hunted Cluster (2pts - Lvl 59 w/ Vilenta Pt)
(32) Remaining Life Node in Blood Drinker Cluster (1pt - Lvl 60)

       1 Respec of Small Elemental Notable between Elemental Focus and Coldhearted Calculation (Used around Lvl 30, see (14) above)
       3 Respecs of Attack/Cast Speed Small Notables (2 used around Lvl 51, see (25) above; 1 respec used at around lvl 58, see (30) above)

---Notes on Gear---
Try to get a Leather Belt after Dweller and/or in subsequent A1 returns to help deal with early HP issues for Shadow as our second life cluster into until A3. 

Doing den for second quicksilver for flame dash will be a net time gain if your not using whirling blades swap tech. Drop second quicksilver eventually for A5 Jade Flask once you're whirling. If you elect not whirl during run,
keep 2nd QS and drop one of your life flasks so your setup would be 1 Life, 1 Mana, 2 QS, 1 Jade. Otherwise, with the whirling blade setups your flask setup through run will look like this 2 Life, 1 Mana, 1 Jade, 1 QS. You can also
elect to drop the QS for a Stibnite Flask from A7 reward. I typically do not do this as I like having mobility of QS for minor adjustments in single target scenarios. Alternatively, you could drop 1 life flask to fit the Stibnite in. I prefer 2 Life Flasks
through campaign though by and large, especially on characters without good acccess to leech or regen mechanics, which mines sabo lacks unless you take the regen ascendancy which we do not in this run.

Take Rare Jade Amulet from Act 3 Quest - The Ribbon Spool - to help with dex requirements as we don't starting pathing towards dex nodes until later and we have quite a few dex nodes
Take Citrine Amulet in A7 if you end up doing the Gruest Necklace quest. Otherwise, can essence/alch a Citrine if your str situation is bleak for things like steelskin and have available essence/alch. I typically just keep amulet from A3 quest
unless its gigabad or I need a specific res that I cannot craft on the rare amulet because its got full suffixes.

Keep the dagger from starting on beach and from killing Hillock in weapon swap as we will use these for whirling and flat crafts at 24.

Get 2 goat's horns and equip them as soon as possible (most runs 7) until you swap to whirling at 24 with daggers and flat fire crafts.

---Gem Acquisition---
Please note that due to currency contraints from run to run, you may not be able to always buy the gems as listed here exactly when they are listed. Likewise, due to color/link constraints, you might not be able to
fit the gem into your gear when you buy it or use it period if proper colors/links do not become available at some point.

    Templar Mule Hillock Reward:
		Take Rolling Magma (B) Can sell this and burning arrow for scrap or keep one of them for a topaz ring recipe for later
        Mule over Momentum Support (G)
        Sell glacial hammer for wisdom scrap or keep it for Ruby Ring recipe later along with iron ring
        Mule over both default sceptre and hillock sceptre and use those as starter weapons on shadow until you get two goat's horns

	Main Character Hillock Reward:
		Take Whatever. I typically take a Blue gem for a sapphire ring recipe along with iron ring which I will typically try to due before returning to Merveil's Caverns after Fairgraves Skill Pt turn in 

	Hailrake/Submerged Open Reward:
		Take Swift Assembly (G) from Hailrake Quest Reward via Nessa
        Check vendor for goat's horns and priortize those over buying either Flame Wall or Sniper's Mark, which you can safely delay until after Dweller if needed
		Buy  Flame Wall (B) and Sniper's Mark (G) from Nessa with preference towards Flame Wall. If can't afford both, buy Sniper's Mark after Dweller unless you don't have an open blue socket for Flamewall
        Optional: Buy Arcane Surge (B) and link it to your movement skill. Depending on sockets/colors/wisdom currency, this step is often skipped. Nice to have, but not a must.
		Take Bear Trap (G) from First Submerged Quest Reward via Tarkleigh
        Take Frostblink (B) from Second Submerged Quest Reward via Tarkleigh

	Lower Prison Enter Reward:
		Take Added Lightning (B) / Added Cold (G) / Faster Attacks (G) depending on situation. Always take Added Cold if your main links are a B-B-G for Rolling Magma. Take Faster Attacks (G) if you prefer Combustion (B) over Added Lightning (B)
         for Rolling Magma 3rd blue link. Take Added Lightning if either don't have spare transmute for Combustion OR you prefer having better initial hit damage for clear compared to Combustion and Ignite Clearing
         Optional: Buy Faster Attacks (G) depending on your scenario above and if you have spare transmute. Typically, I will not due this here and instead wait until either I do my whirling blades swap at 24 OR I return to A1 for Way Forward
         Turn in AND I have a lot of transmutes

	Brutus Kill Reward:
		Take Flame Dash (B)
        Optional: Buy Whirling Blades (G), if you have extra transmute. Otherwise, buy it either when you return to A1 for Way Forward Pt OR when you can swap to whirling at 24 once you have flat fire to spell crafts on daggers

	Merveil's Caverns Enter Reward:
		Take whatever, can use it in a ring recipe, sell it for scrap, or just leave it unclaimed.
        Optional: Buy Whirling Blades (G), if you have extra transmute and don't have already. Otherwise, buy it either when you return to A1 for Way Forward Pt OR when you can swap to whirling at 24 once you have flat fire to 
        spell crafts on daggers

	Fidelitas/Baleful Gem Reward: 
		Take Herald of Ash (R)
		Buy ONE OF: Skitter Bots (B) or Herald of Thunder (B) / Herald of Ice (G). Take Ice if your Rolling Magma setup has added cold. Take Thunder if your Rolling Magma setup has added lightning. Take Skitter if your
        Rolling Magma setup has Combustion.
        Optional: Buy Bloodrage for extra cast speed and frenzies while clearing with Rolling Magma. Drop gem from later if you don't want to refresh it every 7s or so once you start using Pyroclast as Pyroclast will not generate frenzies from
        blood rage nor refresh its buff

	Weaver Kill Reward:
		Take Trap and Mine Damage (G)
	Way Forward Skill Point Act 1 Retrun:
       Buy Steelskin (R) and use it when have open red socket available.
       Optional: Buy Whirling Blades (G), if you have extra transmute and don't have already. Otherwise, buy when you can swap to whirling at 24 once you have flat fire to 
       spell crafts on daggers
       Optional: Buy Faster Attacks (G), only do so IF you have Whirling Blades already, don't already have faster AND your transmute economy is extremely strong, ie won't have any problems affording 8 transmutes for double flat craft.
       Optional: Buy Momentum (G) as a 1 wisdom stopgap to link to Whirling Blades for some increased attack speed if it looks like your transmute economy is going to be uber doomed. Replace with Faster Attacks once transmute economy
       is healthy 

	Clarissa/Tolman Quest:
        Optional: Take Assassin's Mark (B) if you plan on swapping Sniper's for Assasins Mark once you have crit investment later in run (like A8 and beyond)
		Optional: Take Flammability (B) if you plan on doing negative res route via curse, combustion, and exposure instead of inversion route via Sniper's Mark. I highly prefer inversion route and mark of choice as for single target scenarios,
        it is less skill management to use inversion and marks than trying to refresh curse and apply exposure allowing for better output of mines especially when considering other skills you want to weave in like Tornado, Bear Trap, and Flame Wall

    Level 24 Weapon Swap to Daggers Once You Have Flat Fire Crafts:
        If you do not have whirling blades yet, go buy it now.
        If you cannot afford to do both crafts and do not have whirling blades yet, priortize getting 1 craft and whirling
        Buy faster attacks (g) if don't have it already and  you have sufficient transmutes for both crafts AND you have whirling already. If you don't have enough transmutes, buy momentum support (G) instead

	Gravicius Quest:
		Take Pyroclast Mines (B)

        Take Charged Mines (B)
         Optional: If you have red socket on links to Charged Mines, buy Fire Pen, Inspiration, or Cruelty. Take Fire Pen if you can meet its strength requirements, you will not be able to by default with this build unless you took Amber Amulet, have
         a heavy belt, or have attribute suffixies somewhere on gear. Take Inspiration if you cannot meet Fire Pen strength requirements and do not expect to be able to for a long time (typically this is what happens in most of runs I did where
         I needed a red gem. Take Cruelty only if (a) you have omega cursed links that include a second red socket for Pyroclast AND you cannot meet str reqs for Fire Pen OR (b) you cannot afford a chance for Fire Pen/Inspiration

    Open Mines Quest:
		Take Tornado (G)

	Open Belly Quest:
        Take Minefield Support (B)
        Buy Arcanist Brand (B) for semi-automation of tornado and flame wall if you can afford with an alch. Typically, I will keep any early alchs for this purpose or return later when I have one.		

        Return to A3 and buy Grace. If you are res prison, buy Purity of Elements if multiple resistances are below 75 and you have already done all the resistance crafting you can to fix res. If you are in res prison for only a single
        element, buy that specific Purity instead. You might need to buy from Library depending on specific purity (for example Shadow doesn't get Purity of Fire from A3 town).
        Use Purity of Elements over Grace (G) until you fix your res, you have until before Temple of Decay/Cruel Lab to do so. At that point (temple of decay/cruel lab) you need grace otherwise you are in for clapping. If you are in a SUPER
        res desperate situation and are doomed without Purity of Elements, you can drop skitterbots and use arctic armour instead until you get the Born in Shadows Ascendancy from Cruel Lab. After lab, drop arctic armour for skitterbots again

		I like using steelskin if I have an open red socket. Will not always happen. As result, I will usually either keep one in inventory OR have it leveling in weapon swap for when I do have free red socket.
        It can be quite easy to forget this step though. If you're really swimming in red sockets and have a spare alch, steelskin + CWDT is great. However, priortize getting Arcanist Brand first before you even consider CWDT

---Bandit Choice---
Alira. Alira solves way too many issues for this build via elemental resistances and mana sustain for the mana hungry mines. Additionally, mines build will end up scaling crit anyways so the crit multi will be very valuable. Usually, I also say you 
can Kill All if you want on most other builds, but that is not the case for this one. Not taking Alira would be a mistake. It does took much for the build which you cannot replicant with any 2 passive point combination that is reasonably accessible
to the Shadow side of tree with the pathing you want to take for Sabo Mines.

Major: Brine King is a good option to prevent stun lock scenarios and its an easy to just click and forget.

Minor:  Gruthkul or Tukohama for reduced damage taken on preference. Because we have Replenshing Remedies we don't need Ryslatha for sustain. Can Ryslatha if you want giga Life Flask charge generation

Muling templar is highly recommended for the extra currency, chance a good links for the run, and to get Rolling Magma from quest reward and  Ele Support as default gem which will save Shadow 2 wisdoms. You do not, however, need to 
mule as this run can be done perfectly fine without it, you will just be more inconsistent with how the run starts due to lack of extra currency and lack of extra shot at gear/links. Consequently, a mule is strongly recommened as 
it will improve run consistency and QoL at early points of run on average against a non-mule run.

You are going to want to use two goat horn's as soon as possible for the added flat fire damage to spells (Lvl 7 due to attribute requirements solved by speccing Trickery). You will use the goat's horns as your primary weapons and flame dash as 
your primarily movement skill until you fully swap to whirling blades at 24 once you get the flat fire to spells craft from Solaris 1. If you want, you can use the weapon swap tech to whirling between packs and swap back to goat's horns and flamedash
for clear and single target scenarios, but this is not necessarily easy to get use to/apply and definitely requires more involvement in a lot of different ways such as proper gem socketing to realize its full potential, it will be faster, but it brings with it
a lot more annoyance/less QoL. Ultimately, I elected to not use weapon swap tech for the speed leveling run to have broadest applicability.

You will need daggers for whirling blades. To solve this issue right off bat, keep the daggers you get from Default Zombie and from Hillock as you can use these beautifully given good links/socket color combination and good APS. 
Just put them in weapon swap and leave them there until its time to craft. More specifically, you will use the default G-G dagger as your Whirling-Faster attacks dagger and you can use the 1R 1B 1G dagger from Hillock as your slot for
Herald of Ash/Steelskin (depending on point in campaign), Skitter Bots, and Grace or Sniper's Mark respectively.

---Movement Skills---
You will use frost blink into flame dash at level 10. At 24, you will swap to whirling blades with daggers once you get the flat fire to spells crafts in Solaris 1. You will keep the default daggers shadow gets from the Zombie and from Hillock and put them
in your weapon swap and then once you get craft and are 24, make them your primaries with the flat crafts on them. At this point you will whirling blades. You will also need a traversal skill for gaps/different terrain elevations such as ledges/cliffs,
you can use either Flame Dash (B) or Frostblink (B). I prefer Flame Dash (B). While frostblink will get you out of the whirling blades animation stutter slightly faster, Flame Dash can do so as well especially if you are not spamming Flame Dash as its
first cast if you haven't used it recently is instant. Flame Dash (B) also traverses longer gaps.

---Inversion Mastery / Minus Res Flexibility---
The inversion mastery solves a lot of campaign related issues for this build. Moreover, it pairs well with the penetration mines get from Explosive Elements passive notable and Explosive Expert ascendancy node. As a result, we can skip
minus res sources such as exposure from WoC, flammability, and combustion which frees up socket and rotation pressure. Once you are past campaign, my though process would shift to head towards the minus res route given that you will
want to obtain Whispers of Doom for a second curse for damage along with your mark of choice, which at face value would mean the minus res route will likely start outcompeting the inversion route fairly significant. This is just my suspicion, but
I have not fully thought it out, planned it, PoB'd it, which means I cannot confidently assert that this would be the better choice, but based on experience with a lot of various builds it seems like it will be. 

If you end up going minus res route without also electing to get Whispers of Doom, you will use Flammability instead of a mark, use WoC in an arcanist brand or spell totem, and have to fit combustion somewhere on damaging links to
get the minus fire res while target is ignited.

---Early Transmute Management---
This run is extremely heavy on transmutes. The double flat fire to spell craft requires 8. You need 1 more for whirling blades. You need 1 more for faster attacks. You need more for res crafts. Long and short of it, lots of transmutes required. 
Good news, however, is that you only really need 2 alterations before flat crafts, 1 for either Skitterbots or Secondary Herald and 1 for blood rage. You can buy skitterbots later, if you elect for a secondary herald because you're using flat 
added instead of combustion when you swap to Pyroclast. So that means, once you have those two alterations, you can sell all rares unidentified for transmutes.
You also need to factor in resistance crafts to the equation which further burdens transmute economy. This is somewhat mitigate through using res rings and Alira, but typically I will always craft a resistance on each ring depending on what I need
before entering A3. As a result, his build will likely require 12 transmute by 24. At a minimum, however, you can get away with 9, 8 for flat fire crafts, 1 for whirling blades (link to momentum instead for 1 wisdom as a faster attacks stopgap), and 
just relying on the base res from rings and Alira, but this is spooky. I would invest at least one addition transmute to cover your lowest res on amulet or belt. 

---Library, Lily, Both or None---
I would do Library everytime. Charged Mines is a massive support to get for Pyroclast as it improves damage through various mines local to the gem and globally via charges. This also provides QoL for movement via frenzy. Additionally,
Library gets you access to red gems which can be important if you have poor RNG on your 4L color rng as shadow gets no good red gems for mines in campaign without Library or Lily. You can delay until Lily if you want, but I found through
testing that it results in slower times overall as not having charged mines impacted my clear and single target ability too significantly versus other options.