2 years ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 96 Artillery Ballista Ascendant3.19

Life: 5,894119%
ES: 387
Mana: 68
Str: 1,964
eHP: 69,020
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/19%
Supp: 100%
Block: 39%
Armour: 20,007
DPS: 27,331,240
Speed: 3.08
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Covered in Ash, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All


Thicket BowThe Poised PrismCrown of EyesThe Iron FortressKaom's SpiritSlink BootsSeaglass AmuletAmethyst RingTopaz RingChain Belt
Quicksilver FlaskEternal Life FlaskEternal Life FlaskGranite FlaskVessel of Vinktar
Large Cluster JewelRain of SplintersReplica Conqueror's EfficiencySplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityWatcher's EyeLethal PrideViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Divergent Artillery Ballista
Awakened Elemental Focus
Awakened Fire Penetration
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Purity of Elements
Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Enduring Cry
Ensnaring Arrow
Flame Dash
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Arcanist Brand
Divergent Purifying Flame
Vaal Haste

Tree Preview

Ancestral BondAncestral Bond
Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Iron WillIron Will
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Fire MasteryFire Mastery
  • 1% increased Fire Damage per 20 Strength
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 25% increased Effect of your Marks
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • Skills that would Summon a Totem have 30% chance to Summon two Totems instead


Crafting and gearing guide:

Bow - buy a thicket bow with the implicit. You can bless the implicit up to the highest values easily, so don't worry about the values. Blessed orb is good.

Many essences provide the approximate same DPS. I used deafening essence of Anger. You are looking for some combination of T1 or T2 attack speed AND 2-3 of the following: 

More arrows, fire pen, %physical damage, Adds # to # physical damage. accuracy rating, an open prefix or suffix. Double damage and attacks pen elements are both really good so you want an open prefix suffix. 
A better bow would be multimod it looking for attack speed and % physical damage and then crafting on double damage and ele pen. Note that Ngamahus Flame can be better with high phys damage. 2 additional arrows might also be superior here.

Quiver - this is a 1 alch item. The +1 arrows corrupt is expensive. You dont need it.

Helmet - In a total miracle I found one with the fire pen which is good. I think sniper's mark curse effect is similarly good. This isn't that expensive.

Chest - Find a decent strength roll and get one uncorrupted if you can so you can Harvest enchant. I got mine cheap (1.2 divine) but they usually run around 2-3 divines for a good uncorrupted.

Amulet - If you search for rare amulets with exactly 15% increased strength that are not corrupted you can usually have one for ~150C. Then just spam essence of strenght til you hit T3 or better all attributes. You need the attributes. Other good mods here
are ele damage with attacks, fire damage, etc... A good spot for a mana cost reduction which you need 2.

Rings - Chaos res/strength/ele damage with attacks/resists - you also need 1-2 mana cost reductions. Easier to buy

Gloves - Kaoms spirit is awesome. These make the build go. Get asap. Attack speed corrupt isn't pricey. +1 frenzy is technically better.

Belt - see amulet - same thing here. Cyclopean coil is a good alterantive.

boots - 1C without the enchant and around 1 div with it. I got the T2 enchant cheaply. Its only like 1% less than T1. 

Gems - a surprisingly signfiicant source of cost as it uses lots of woke gems - expect to spend 8-10D here. IMHO woke area of effect is best.

Jewels - Get a good Timeless jewel using the PoB finder. There are massive differences. Look for % str, str, and double damage. 

Flasks - do whatever you like, no wrong answers here.