6 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 93 Crit Flicker Strike Slayer3.25

Life: 3,05786%
ES: 21
Mana: 95
Pool: 3,078
Resistances: 75%/64%/67%/49%
Evade: 48%
Armour: 7,302
Evasion: 7,436
DPS: 1,469,986
Speed: 9.56
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 41.67%
Crit Multi: 415%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All


Jewelled FoilSpiny Round ShieldKnight HelmFarrul's FurChimerascale GauntletsRalakesh's ImpatienceYoke of SufferingThe TamingThe TamingArn's Anguish
Eternal Life FlaskSilver FlaskPrismatic TinctureJade FlaskGranite Flask
The InterrogationLarge Cluster JewelThe Light of MeaningLethal PrideAncestral VisionMurderous Eye Jewel


Flicker Strike
Increased Critical Damage
Ice Bite
Blood Rage
Mark On Hit
Assassin's Mark
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Cast on Death
Enduring Cry
Urgent Orders
Summon Skitterbots
Flesh and Stone
Aspect of the Cat

Tree Preview

Versatile CombatantVersatile Combatant
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
Bleeding MasteryBleeding Mastery
  • 80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
Block MasteryBlock Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Spell Damage per 5% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • 20% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while holding a Shield
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky