14 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Boneshatter Juggernaut3.23

Life: 4,237124%
ES: 303
Mana: 36
Resistances: 79%/78%/78%/80%
Armour: 51,023
DPS: 6,004,707
Speed: 4.93
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Solaris, Soul of Tukohama


Despot AxeRoyal BurgonetThe Fourth VowTanu AhiVaal GreavesTurquoise AmuletAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Quicksilver FlaskGranite FlaskJade FlaskSulphur FlaskDivine Life Flask
Murderous Eye JewelNatural AffinityWatcher's EyeGlorious VanityStormshroud


Divergent Boneshatter
Awakened Brutality
Close Combat
Awakened Melee Physical Damage
Ancestral Protector
Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Culling Strike
Multiple Totems
War Banner
Blood Rage
Phantasmal Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Ancestral Cry
Cast when Damage Taken
Vaal Molten Shell
Check Notes for Accuracy and Precision Info

Tree Preview

Call to ArmsCall to Arms
Elemental EquilibriumElemental Equilibrium
Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Precise TechniquePrecise Technique
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • 20% increased Armour per second you've been stationary, up to a maximum of 100%
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
Axe MasteryAxe Mastery
  • Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed
  • Attacks with Axes or Swords grant 1 Rage on Hit, no more than once every second
Fortify MasteryFortify Mastery
  • Melee Hits Fortify
  • -3 to maximum Fortification
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 25% of Damage taken Recouped as Life if Leech was removed by Filling Unreserved Life Recently
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 10% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage
Protection MasteryProtection Mastery
  • Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • Buffs from Active Ancestor Totems Linger for 3 seconds
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • 10% increased Armour per Red Socket on Main Hand Weapon
  • 10% increased Evasion Rating per Green Socket on Main Hand Weapon



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If anything is missing from this section or you want to discuss the build feel free to join my Discord and look for the Dedicated Thread in the ducks-builds section

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 - Cheap Early Endgame PoB 

 - Midgame Spell Suppression PoB 

 - Endgame 4th Vow PoB <- You are here (shoutout to tripolarbear (or whoever he got it from) for the 4th vow idea)

NOTE: I do not have a SUPER crazy investment PoB as I did not have the time due to health issues etc before league start. I suggest going to poe.ninja for the last week
of Crucible and look at top end Juggernaut PoBs and trying to put something together from there. It involves auras, Ashes of the Stars and stacking duration to get super high
trauma stacks. That will not be covered in these PoBs.

Configuration is set to match the PoB you are opening, I've looked around and most Boneshatter PoBs are inflating their actual damage pretty
significantly early on. It is unrealistic early on to hit much more than 20~ stacks of trauma while fighting and dodging boss abilities without berserk and level 19 gems is the highest 
you will get reasonably by Eater / Exarch. You need pretty significant defenses to be able to stand still and stack trauma against pinnacle bosses. This starts happening at around
the Endgame PoB.

Things To Remember / Frequently Asked Questions / Concerns 

WARNING: You NEED maxed out Chaos res for this setup to work properly. If you do not, you will die and it will feel terrible.

We use Divine Flesh + 4th Vow to make a large portion of our Elemental Damage taken go towards Chaos, and then allow our Armour to affect Chaos, giving us
significant defenses against

If your damage is lacking it is almost assuredly your Axe PDPS -> Links -> Totem Use. Crafting an Axe is VERY important for this builds damage. There is a section
dedicated to Axe crafting in the Gear section below. After that focus on getting main links and off links. Ancestor totems are a HUGE part of the damage of this build. 
You need to make sure that you are placing them before fighting difficult enemies. This build struggles with single target but has excellent clear. Totems make the 
single target not atrocious.

Berserk should be used frequently while mapping as your rage should top off quite consistently. Warlord's mark on CwDT is good for topping rage consistently.
Use Vulnerability for bosses.

Frostblink will interrupt duration stationary mechanics but you will technically stay stationary while using it, you can also use it in the middle of using other abilities.
It is VERY good for avoiding abilities of bosses.

Ancestral Cry (or any warcry) can be put on left click when you Call to Arms.

Keep the level of your Cast When Damage Taken low to make sure you are maintaining rage with Warlord's Mark while clearing. We don't use Molten Shell for
the implicit armour, we use it for the % of our armour shield, so it being a low level doesn't matter too much.

Keeping your accuracy above maximum life is important. You can do this through the tree, accuracy on gear, or using Precision Linked to Arrogance. If you are
going to use Precision then you should remove things like Totem cull/maim but this will heavily reduce your single target.

List of Important Stats / Items 

Enough Accuracy to be above your total Maximum Life, this build uses Precise Technique.
- Nodes on the Tree, stats on gear, Abyss Jewels, Precision Linked to Arrogance (remove maim/cull/frostblink/etc)

A way to generate Endurance charges, you can use Inexorable OR the Stun mastery but Inexorable is much more reliable IMO.

75(more for max res+) All Elemental Resistance (A little more doesn't hurt for ele weakness maps or altar mods)
- Nodes on the Tree, stats on gear, jewels, flasks, endurance charges

80+ Chaos Resistance NO MATTER WHAT.

Enough Armour to hit 90% Phys damage reduction while stationary, this is typically able to be covered by only a good chestpiece

Enough Dexterity and Intelligence to use your gear / skills
- Nodes on the Tree, stats on rings / gloves / boots / amulet, jewels

Enough Mana Reservation Efficiency to use all of your auras
- Nodes on the Tree, Eldritch helmet enchant, Jewels, Mana Mastery, Tattoos

Enough -mana cost to be able to cast your abilities as well as any small source of mana leech.
- Crafted on Rings, you can also take the life mastery for 30% of cost goes to life if you really are struggling early, and the small mana leech node near duelist.

Properly rolled and enchanted flasks, they are VERY important for mapping survival.
- Check the Trade website or roll with alterations / augments on 20% qual ilvl 84 base flasks 



	NOTE: This gearing section is VERY DIFFERENT depending on which level of investment you're at PoB wise Cheap, Mid, Expensive)


		Mid Crafted Rare 	       - At this point we are being more strict with the Fractured mod and rolls from our Essences, we should also be using much higher tier Essences of Contempt.
										    	You should also consider going for the hybrid phys% fractured and using Contempt Essences until you land a good Attack Speed roll and then craft Impale/Phys%.

		Expensive Crafted Rare  - This is where you start considering your actual endgame weapon and meta mods. Ideally we are grabbing a high ilvl despot axe with a high tier hybrid phys% acc
												fracture, using Deaf. Contempt until we land a high % phys roll -> prefix cant be changed -> scour -> multimod -> attack speed + %double damage.

												However there is a good chance this won't work for you or you won't be able to find a hybrid fracture so can go for a veiled prefix.

												Obtain high ilvl despot axe, use essences of contempt until you land %hybrid phys and no other prefix, if you hit another prefix you can attempt to annul.

												Craft Prefixes cannot be changed -> aisling slam, if it hits prefix and you unveil %phys then you can proceed, if not then you have to restart.

												Craft Prefixes cannot be changed -> scour -> multi-mod -> attack speed + %double damage (while focused works too)

		Rare	- Grab a Fractured Resist Helmet and get a lab enchant of some kind on it (+1 trauma for big damage and death).
					  If you buy a helmet base with the enchant this becomes harder to hit the suffixes but not impossible, you just have to hit triple ele with no fractured mod.

					  Use Resist Essences until you land 3 total high tier resists.
					  Use Eldritch currency to get Life or Life + Armour in prefixes
					  Craft %phys taken as ele.
					  Craft Elritch Mods

			Eldritch Implicits - Physical Damage Recouped as Life (Important!), Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency or Physical Damage taken as Fire
			Enchants 		  - +1 Trauma is ideal, followed by Berserk effect / Duration.

	Body Armour:
		The Fourth Vow - Allows us to get giga tanky to chaos/elemental damage and provides okay armour. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MAXED CHAOS RES + Timeless Jewel
									to get the full effectiveness.


		Tanu Ahi - Extremely powerful on this build as we are constantly damaging ourselves and leeching, make sure to keep Blood Rage going to make the proc chance higher.
						 Onslaught will most likely be up constantly and Adrenaline should be like 75%+ uptime while fighting.

						 At the high end get a good corruption or two.


		Rare	- Grab Fractured Chaos Resist boots and use high tier Essences of Torment until you hit a big resist roll.
					  Use Eldritch currency to get movement speed or life, craft the other, potentially slam afterwards for fun.
					  Craft Eldritch Mods.

			Eldritch Implicits - Chance to Avoid Being Shocked (Important!), Any you find useful

			Enchant - Attack Speed on Kill


		Rare	- Fractured Accuracy on a Dex/Int Base + Dex or Int Essences until you hit a big resist roll -> craft life + slam if you want.

					  Alternatively Fractured Int or Dex + Opposite Essence until you hit Accuracy -> craft life + slam if you want.

			Anoint - Harvester of Foes is ideal if you have Impale, Wrecking Ball Otherwise. You can also just check which node is best for you in PoB.


		Rare	- These will be hard to craft so I suggest buying rings with Accuracy + res and finishing the prefixes yourself or buying them finished and crafting -mana.

					  Grab Fractured Resist or Accuracy Amethyst Ring.
					  Harvest Attack Reforge or Elemental Reforge until you get the other suffixes you need.
					  Suffixes cannot be changed -> Veiled Chaos -> block mana, unveil for life or -non channeling cost, craft other.


		Rare	- Abyss Base -> Chaos Res Essence until you get solid resist suffixes and then potentially Hunter Slam -> Crafted life or normal slam.


		Enchant all utility flasks with Use on Reaching Full Charges when possible, you only have to press them every once in a while for bosses or hard mobs.

		We use (4) Utility Flasks and (1) Life Flask

		Non-negotiable flasks					    - Granite
		Other Flasks in Order of Importance - Jade(If using Iron Reflexes), Amethyst (Until Chaos Res hits 50~), Quicksilver, Sulphur, Basalt.

		All Utility Flasks should use the Gained Charges on being Hit Prefix, +3 ideally but +2 or +1 is okay early, you need ilvl80 base to hit +3 on hit and ilvl84 to hit max on most suffixes. 

		Suffixes can go on any of the flasks, you should look for in order of importance, %Armour, %Evasion (If using Iron Reflexes), %Reduced Effect of Curse, %Attack Speed, %Movement Speed.

		Your life Flask should be an Instant flask, ideally one that is Instant while on low life. Use an anti-bleed / corrupting blood suffix until you can become immune to those effects
		through a jewel corruption or masteries.


		Watcher's Eye 				- +2 Impale if you have 100% Impale chance, otherwise grab from other mods listed below or defensive ones you need that fit your auras.

												  Good 2nd or 3rd Mods are: 
												  Pride - Intimidate(Replace Node on Tree) / Phys Damage
												  Precision - AS / Attack Damage
												  Determination - Phys Dmg / Armour / Reduced Phys Dmg Taken

		Forbidden Flesh / Flame - These can be GIGA expensive, and realistically not many are worth that aren't going to be INSANELY expensive.

												  Tukohama could be interesting as it is 10% more damage and would remove need for the Tribal Fury wheel. Needs testing.
												  Tawhoa needs testing to see if it got updated at all, if not probably stay away.
												  Tasalio and Valako could be interesting but need building around and will most likely be expensive.

												  None of the Juggernaut ones are worth IMO.

												  Aspect of Carnage is insane damage, but giga expensive and will make you die.

		Timeless Jewels 			  - Not much useful here, can grab Lethal Pride for double damage if you randomly have one laying around or go for the Vaal one in the later PoB.

		Impossible Escape		   - Imbalanced Guard is the only choice here, it is INSANELY expensive.

		Natural Affinity				  - Very solid for the juggernaut as we avoid the downside almost completely thanks to Unstoppable. We also stand still a lot so win/win.

		Rare								 - Grab Life% and then ANY other 2 damage modifiers, they are all extremely similar. Attack Speed tends to be best.

		Abyss							   - Accuracy, Life are good here.




		Make sure that once you have Precise Technique that you are keeping track of your Accuracy and keeping it higher than your Max Life. Grab nodes on the tree or Accuracy on your
		gear. If you have to run Precision but it is not ideal.

		Boneshatter does more damage the more you use it, but it also does more damage to YOU. Make sure you are properly managing your defenses and recovery to deal with this mechanic.

		Place both of your Ancestor Totems down before fighting bosses and keep them up when they die, stand still and beat the boss in the face until it falls over. Use frostblink to dodge abilities.


		For Auras you will want War Banner, Blood & Sand, Flesh & Stone, until you swap to Boneshatter where you will swap to War Banner and Determination. Pride once you can fit it.

		As for running Auras on your life, only do so if you feel extremely confident in not dying, as typically this will be a bad move since your life total will be small.

	General Tips:

		Make sure that if you are dying you check your Life, Resistances, Flasks, and Links. Update these frequently and keep on top of things.

		Use the bench in your hideout frequently to craft resistances or life on rare pieces.

		Use essences you find on gear as you level.

		Check vendors occasionally for links you need.

		Remember to grab your gems as you level and level up gems for endgame in your offhands.

	Skill Swapping:

		Start with Ground Slam or your favorite early Marauder Skill. Suffer until 12 and enter Merveil's Cavern to grab Sunder from town. This ability will feel MUCH better and carry you until
		you feel comfortable swapping to Boneshatter.

		You can effectively swap to Boneshatter ONLY if you have this set of criteria checked off:
			Untiring Ascendancy Allocated
			Tribal Fury and Attack Mastery Allocated
			Inexorable Allocated

		It is VERY important that you do not try to swap until you have these things and are ready, or Boneshatter will shatter YOU instead of the enemy.


Thanks for reading, if you try the build and enjoy it be sure to let me know! If you have any improvement ideas feel free to talk about them in the designated channel on my discord for this build.

Follow me on all of my Socials

	BigDucks on YouTube - For Video guides about Path of Exile and other ARPGs
	BigDucks on Twitch - Livestreams of me testing all of the stuff for my guides
	Big_Ducks on Twitter - Roast my terrible takes, mostly me complaining about stuff
	bigducks on Patreon - Special Perks and early access to PoBs
